Could Kelp extracts be a waste of money?

Ooohhhhh. What's uncle douchebag saying? You know, it's actually kind of fun having the tools blocked.

Your the one tossing the names about from the safety of your computer, yet you think UB should be banned. You have 2 choices here at RIU. Believe the forum bs and myth and follow the masses down a dead end road. In which case everything is ok. Or actually try to share sound, tried and true, factual gardening advice. Which will eventually end with you burning on a stick after a witch hunt by a bunch of mommas boys mods. Just gotta love it............
I still think UB works for Dynagro, and ya its been proven over and over agian any nutrient that is not present is needed and sometimes people choose to use kelp extracts , just like you make the choose to take the the interchange to get home or the highway, you get to the same place

UB your a smart guy, the more you beat this dead horse, Snake oils, the more you just seem petty, if works for people bottom line. Doesnt mean their are not ways to not use it . . .. .

and making a broad ranging generalization that prodcuts do to ad campaigns that trick the buyer into thinking they are buying canabis specific products, are snake oils, is as dumb as trying to sell cannabis specific products(kushy kush) and well it doesnt matter fools will always be fooled either fooled by you or fooled by them

. . . . the good companies for the most part are all producing the same shit with different dilution rates and mix's. END OF STORY

your crusade to sell dyna gro and make everyone be like you is well a little pathetic, be yourself ill be myself and share your knowledge not dyna grow specific information
humans will do anything to justify there wallets. if we spend money we hustle ourselves into believing its the best. i used to spend all the dough on all these bottles of shyte. in fact i once spent $500 on advanced nutrients to grow 20 plants. results where great but at the expense of my wallet. took me about a year to realize i was getting hustled. i dont post much on here but i do read allot and if you sift through all the hating you actually can learn something. my last grow i bought a bottle of osmocote plus. i took two plants to do an experiment with. one plant had approximately 25 cents worth of osmocote amended into the soil. i did water a few times with some agave and maybe 5 bucks worth of kelp. the other plant i used a high dollar cannabis specific liquid nutrient called flair form. i spent a total of about $ 45 of nutrients of the flair form on the other plant. the osmocote plant produced 3 oz dry and the flair form produced 2.5 oz dry. i gave my patients the two different fertilized meds and they couldnt tell the difference. next round i am going to leave the kelp out and see if theres any difference. if pot was suddenly legal and could be grown by farmers do you really think a farmer would spend 45 bucks a plant to fertilize a few thousand acres of cannabis or a few bucks a plant if that ??? thank you uncle ben and others for teaching me that a fucking majical weed can be grown for far less then what we are led to believe
Nice job 711grower! Yep, some of the best grown plants are from growers who use cheap foods you can buy from Walmart or plant nurseries. There are several reasons for that, one being they understand plant culture and plant nutrition as opposed to noobs who are drawn into the hype.

Slow release products like Osmocote are great. I use a Plant Products brand 10 month 18-5-9 with micros. No fuss, cheap, and the plant gets a continous supply of nutrients.
Nice job 711grower! Yep, some of the best grown plants are from growers who use cheap foods you can buy from Walmart or plant nurseries. There are several reasons for that, one being they understand plant culture and plant nutrition as opposed to noobs who are drawn into the hype.

Slow release products like Osmocote are great. I use a Plant Products brand 10 month 18-5-9 with micros. No fuss, cheap, and the plant gets a continous supply of nutrients.

Yeah, fuck any Cannabis specific products, they are always a rip off. I'll grow with anything and have good success, but prefer organics. Believe it or not, it's just as cheap too. I do use a Kelp extract powder as well as a fermented manure/seaweed/bacteria product, but I bought them in bulk and they cost literally cents per application every few weeks. If you're growing with a high compost mix, which I have done a lot of, these types of products wont make too much of a difference, the soil is already quite complete and contains everything in abundance. However, I like to grow in pure coconut fibre (with up to 20% compost at times), which is extremely cheap (don't buy the cannabis-specific brands...), but also very lacking in everything. I put some Dynamic Lifter on top (3-2-2) and water in diluted/shaken up Dynamic Lifter + Kelp etc. for a couple weeks, then it's all dandy from then on. If I don't add Kelp to the teas, the plants can get deficient and not as vibrant looking from time to time. But that's just for me, not many people base their organic grows off Coconut fibre.
Seeing as all this kelp comes from the ocean, there is one concern I have. Does it absorb mercury? Seeing as mercury concentration has been a concern in some ocean fish, I thought I'd ask.
The use of kelp is only crucial to the vendor selling it and the noobs who are taken in by placebos.

So it's true what so many say, despite your cartoon sized green are a pretentious hump! What a ridiculous statement. I'm a newb at growing weed, not gardening. And I'm capable of observing and recording results accurately. I don't use overpriced cannabis specific products. I rinse a strip of dried kombu of its salt, steep it in hot water briefly, and add that to the watering. ALL flowering plants utilize the nutrients in kelp/seaweed, and it shows.
So it's true what so many say, despite your cartoon sized green are a pretentious hump! What a ridiculous statement. I'm a newb at growing weed, not gardening. And I'm capable of observing and recording results accurately. I don't use overpriced cannabis specific products. I rinse a strip of dried kombu of its salt, steep it in hot water briefly, and add that to the watering. ALL flowering plants utilize the nutrients in kelp/seaweed, and it shows.

Shows how, in your lab tests?
from my personal experiance Kelp also helps with Carotene and Terpene production. in plants Carotene is responsible for the Blue / Green / Red coloration of the plant leaves, it will turn the plants ALL KIDSW of colors (if the genetic expression is in the plant, of course).

THCV (The precursor to THC) and THC are Both terpenes. through out my 3 years of using kelp i have found that Kelp CAN help with THC production, but it has to be applied properly.

stop applying the Kelp for around a week (around 3 weeks before harvest) Then for the last 2 weeks Feed with a Kelp + Molasses mixture. the Kelp will feed the Plants and the Molasses will feed the soil. The plant will believe it is dieing from a week of No nutrients, then when the Kelp is introduced it will cause the plant to put all of its energy into one final Burst of life.

most of this can not be corroborated with further evidence. the information in THIS post is personal experience. just to make that clear....
I have actually found the same thing to be true! I had Blue dream plants in two gallon pots and nailed a run with perfect timing on the kelp and I had three foot plants with 3.5 ounces each at 16 per light... And a breeze to trim! The buds doubled in exactly the manner you speak of. Had about 8 gigantic fan leaves pet plant and nearly 0 trimming other than cutting the buds off.... Miss those days.