Cotton Candy in Coco/Soil Garage Grow (Lots of Pics)

Hi everyone! We're back! If you dont know who we are let me introduce ourselves. We are your friendly west coast growing couple with a great love for efficient growing, genetics and trying out something new. We were previously working on building a few types of vertical systems the cheap and easy way :-P It worked really well for us before and we were able to yield 5.6 lbs from 2,000 watts without co2 feeding 3 part GH and a bloom booster. This year we hope to surprise ourselves with something outstanding but for now we are working a flat garden to get up the funds to start experimenting again.

This is our garage grow and I would love as much feedback and advice as we can take. We consider ourselves to be pretty good at what we do but we know there is always something to learn from this awesome community.

So let me start from the beginning. We have a basic 2 car garage, 20x20x8ft. We have sealed the garage door using foam insulation panels from the depot. We have covered it with panda plastic and although completely light proof does nothing for noise so we are building up a real wall before starting our next round. The floor is a smooth concrete so we are leaving it bare. The outside wall is also covered in insulation foam because we realized there was none in there to begin with.

We are setting up (3) 4x8 trays with (6) 1000w hps lights with 96 Cotton Candy plants in coco/soil mix. We have enclosed the 10x20 room within the garage with panda plastic. The tables are built with 2x4s, a piece of plywood and gutters to catch the water. I will explain that in more detail if anyone is interested in building the cheapo tables. We have also made mufflers from 5 gallon buckets, they are working awesome.


The most important thing to start is awesome genetics and BOMB clones. :)



more to come
Subscribed. I like that 5 gallon paint bucket muffler thing, could you explain that in more detail please?? how you made it and how it works?
It works really well considering the cost in comparison to buying it retail. Total cost $35

Items: 5 gallon bucket w/lid $5, hardware cloth mesh $5, Pink insulation $20, duct tape $5
(you'll have enough insulation, tape and hardware cloth to make like 3 total)

I cut out a hole on top and bottom of bucket for your size fan/ducting. I cut the mesh to stick out on both sides, one side more than the other. One side should just be long enough to tape to your fan and the other can be longer so you can get the ducting on there well. Use the wire the mesh came with to sew the mesh into a tube. Not up the whole length just enough to keep it together. Stick your mesh tube in the bucket without the lid on, you should have done it so that its pretty snug. Now you rip pieces of the pink insulation and stuff in between the mesh and the bucket, stuff stuff stuff until you know it will be tight with the lid on. Snap on the lid and you should still have the mesh sticking out on both sides. Get creative and tape around the mesh until it looks like a flange and doesnt cut you. Attach to your fan and ducting and tadaa cheapo muffler will reduce up too 30% noise.

Subscribed. I like that 5 gallon paint bucket muffler thing, could you explain that in more detail please?? how you made it and how it works?
:leaf: Some more pictures of veg









Believe it or not these plants have NEVER been topped, bent or otherwise. Just natural multiple spears.




You guys should know that were 3 weeks into flower so this log is going to move along pretty fast for a few posts bongsmilie
Day 1 of flower, we are amazed at how strong the cotton candy is. To start flower we hit them with a small dose of bush master, 1 ml... no burn. Next day we hit them with another 2ml, no burn. 2 days later they were still growing daily so we hit them with the remaining 2ml. If you know anything about BM, 5ml per gallon is the max and is kind of rare, most strains begin to burn with 2-3ml per gallon. Sadly even with that they continued to stretch and we had to cut the tables down a bit... but thats yet to come.









These girls are just the picture perfect idea of bushy... what a perfect indica. :clap:
By day 12 of flower we realized these girls got out of control, we cut down the number of plants on the 2 big tables to 27 each.











Flower day 19
I want to get all the pictures up first and tomorrow ill go over more details of the grow like equipment and nutrients. For now check out the POWER OF SNOW STORM!!









SUB'd Love seing local soCal legal grows. LAdies look super healthy and seem to be moving along greatly. PM with which collectives will be holding your cuts as i would love to give them a go.
I was reading your Arena grow thread sorry to hear about the catastrophic loss mate :-|

looks like you move on well though from what i can see!
definitely sub'd to see how this turns out and god damn that
is a lot of light in that garage you will have a jungle in no time.
We have had a great many set backs but life is good and we are moving forward. :weed:

I was reading your Arena grow thread sorry to hear about the catastrophic loss mate :-|

looks like you move on well though from what i can see!
definitely sub'd to see how this turns out and god damn that
is a lot of light in that garage you will have a jungle in no time.
This looks very good. Very incredible to see that kind of frostiness at 19 days into flowering. You believe it to be from the Snowstorm product?
I really think so, after a lot of research I have heard great things about Purple maxx and Snowstorm producing so many crystals they look like their piling on top of each other. I have even heard finding some with double heads. I was very intrigued and after seeing a friend run all 3 products (snowstorm, gravity and bush master) I felt very inclined to give it a try. We dont have much to compare too sadly as we have changed our nutrient line up so much that I cant really say which product is doing so well, but I can say that none of them are doing anything bad.

I will warn anyone who wants to try these products that they are super strong and not every strain will take it like these cotton candies are. I have heard horror stories with gravity and bush master so test your plants and take it easy at first.

I am not using gravity because I have both experienced and read that it may leave a certain taste. I cant say this for sure but my friend was running about 4 strains and all of them had this distinct after taste that was the same with all the strains. It wasnt HORRIBLE, or chemical, just something there. Also a a bud hardner or bloom booster I think there are better things out there.

This looks very good. Very incredible to see that kind of frostiness at 19 days into flowering. You believe it to be from the Snowstorm product?
Some info on the nutrients we are using.

Base Nutrients : 3 part gh
Standard for Vegging and Lucas formula for flower. Seems pretty average considering that we go all out on the additives but I'm a big fan of 3 part GH. I'm a firm believer that you dont fix whats not broken and I learned on GH and I like it. We keep all our mothers on their new General Organics line and BOY what healthy looking girls they are :) If I ever got a bug to spend cash for no reason maybe I would try H&G​

Cal Mag Plus
Super important with coco and RO water, couldn't do without it. Sometimes I will sub in with Epson salt and adding lime to your soil mix always helps​

Liquid Karma
Fulvic/Humic acid with other additives. Really helps the plants absorb more water and nutes, an old favorite of mine that I really believe makes a difference in their overall health from start to finish.​

I think this is the most widely used enzyme but I maybe wrong. It is very popular and from what Ive read it will help increase yields as well as keep the plants happy and healthy. i have recently learned that we may need 2 enzyme additives that work together as some cant be mixed in the same bottle but work well if used together in feeding. I am looking into Cannazyme along with hygrozyme​

Silica Blast
Helps strengthen plant tissue so they can survive rough times, although i doubt they will have any hard times it never hurts to keep them strong.​

Roots Excelurator
1ml per gallon with every feeding during veg. Then every other feeding for flower. This stuff makes a HUGE difference with root development, health and size. I have never seen such beautiful white fluffy roots growing right up to the top of the pot. Although this could also be the beneficial colonies, still yet I wouldn't underestimate this stuff is awesome.​

Oregonism XL
Beneficial bacteria spores very similar to Great White. 1/2 tsp per gallon every other feeding during veg and every 10 days during flower. Beneficials protect the roots and happy roots means a happy plant.​

Honey ES & Organic Molasses
Carbs and sugars for flavor and to feed my beneficial colonies. Honey has more additives and higher PPMs so I use it every 10 days a couple of feedings after the beneficials. Molasses at 5ml the rest of the time​

Now on to the flowering additives

Bush Master
A part of the 3 Humboldts own products, its supposed to stop vertical growth and kick start your flowering. I have heard it compared to shooting powder. We've tested it at different MLs and we definitely believe it does what it says. Although we were gun shy and may have taken too long to add enough as our girls are totally out of control.​

Snowstorm Ultra
Another of the humbolts own products. I have heard great this about this and purple maxx making trichs pile on and some blow up and come out with 2 heads lol.... I am seeing this at work now and I know its a keeper. I have been feeding it at 5ml and Ill begin to foliar instead of feed once a week during the last 2 weeks of nutes. I was hoping to foliar with the purple maxx as its the same product with something added for color :clap:

MOAB Mother of all Blooms
I had always been very fond of Monster Bloom, Ive also tried Kool Bloom before. MOAB has some big fans out there, still not available everywhere but I did find it locally and decided to give it a try. I was most inspired by a casey jones grow on THC Farmer where the guy yielded 3.2 lbs from a 1000w flat and he credited the monster soda can sized nugs to MOAB. Deff worth giving it a try and its been doing great so far. Feeding the first 2 weeks and the last 2 weeks.​

I know it seems like a lot, but tell me those arent some of the healthiest plants you've ever seen. I think its worth the expense.

If there is anything else I would recommend its brewing your own compost teas, I dont have the set up for this yet so Ill be adding it on to the upcoming harvests.
Do you know the genetics on cotton candy? I'm growing Romulan, Mikado and ISS ATM. My ISS is like cotton candy in structure and taste. I'll sub for this.