Cost-Breakdown of COB-Based Fixtures


Well-Known Member

This is starting to look like something that will become useful as new brands/models get released, nice work here.

Maybe something to consider : I beleive for finished products, it would be more relevant to have a ppf / total dissipated watts (including driver / "from the plug" wattage).

IE : It is pointless in my view to have a highly efficient led setup when powered by say a 60% efficiency driver ...


One final note is that I noticed a discrepancy between what @alesh has posted in the past, a chart no less, and what he recently stated in the All Things Vero thread.

I'm not sure if things have been updated since that chart was established but any clarification would be greatly welcomed. Thanks.
It's not the same data => not measuring the same frequency range..


Well-Known Member
@AquariusPanta You should copy the table and the text together.
Good point. I had the chart opened in a different tab showing just the chart and nothing else; I missed the text included where you mentioned the chart being between 400~700nm. My bad, dude.

This is what happens if we strip anything outside of the 400-700nm range.
View attachment 3405137
That's an interesting point. The point of the thread and sheets are to provide anyone with a different perspective at what we're possibly buying. There's obviously way much more to the equation when making an investment but I figured some may like the sheets, plus I have fun crunching numbers and using Excel. Should I delete the thread? :wink:


Well-Known Member
I'm only going to offer my opinion on the matter. I think it's very uncouth for the owner of a business to post estimated figures about the competitions products in a public forum. I find this thread very distasteful. Had it been posted by say, supra, or any other member not directly tied to a business. My thoughts would be different.

That's my 0.02, take it or leave it.
That's business. I'd buy from him just for this. Crush your competition, it's how reality is. Otherwise what's the drive to ever be better in life?


Well-Known Member
That's cute. Almost everything is assumed in these calculations but are they very misleading? Naw.


How exciting! Keep us up to date, will ya? :eyesmoke:
Yea, being wrong isn't very misleading :roll:

Using every tactic you can come up with to further your brand and failing is what's really cute.

That's business. I'd buy from him just for this. Crush your competition, it's how reality is. Otherwise what's the drive to ever be better in life?
Not everyone equates business "success" or wealth as "better in life"


Well-Known Member
Sorry, misrepresenting the competition in a public forum using inaccurate information is kinda shitty business ethic.
Yes I questiond the innaccurate information too

I don't question him if all things are accurate and his company produces the best product. That's good business.

@HiloReign i agree however consider that these business are charging 7-800 for a light that's about 250-400 in parts. This isn't an ethical system where they're working free for good karma it's business.


Well-Known Member
@ HiloReign

I made a few slight mistakes with a few of the beginning calculations and corrected them. Still aren't happy are you?

List your intellectual and educational contributions to this forum again? Believe it or not, I was once just a dedicated member to this forum who enjoyed growing and following the many teachers who have graced us with their knowledge and presence. Now that I'm running a business on the side, some of you have a hard time with my position and actions here and that's unfortunate, because my aim is to ultimately inform everyone who is interested in this kind of technology and to be as transparent as can be with the reality of the market.


Based on your train of thought, I shouldn't post anything then relating to COBs because I run a business that sells fixtures and that would be unorthodox, right?

Inaccurate information? Show me the inaccuracy and I'll amend the sheets.


Well-Known Member
Yes I questiond the innaccurate information too

I don't question him if all things are accurate and his company produces the best product. That's good business.

@HiloReign i agree however consider that these business are charging 7-800 for a light that's about 250-400 in parts. This isn't an ethical system where they're working free for good karma it's business.
Krugman makes a terrible author of Econ 101 books, sadly enough.....


Well-Known Member
@ HiloReign

I made a few slight mistakes with a few of the beginning calculations and corrected them. Still aren't happy are you?

List your intellectual and educational contributions to this forum again? Believe it or not, I was once just a dedicated member to this forum who enjoyed growing and following the many teachers who have graced us with their knowledge and presence. Now that I'm running a business on the side, some of you have a hard time with my position and actions here and that's unfortunate, because my aim is to ultimately inform everyone who is interested in this kind of technology and to be as transparent as can be with the reality of the market.
If I needed a list of contributions to state my opinion I obviously wouldn't be here (or I'd be starting a business :lol:), but I'm also not the one starting threads of misinformation (about my competition) in a forum that's already confusing to most whom aren't regulars. Get your facts straight before you drop your "intellectual and educational" contributions and I'll be ecstatic.

I don't have a hard time striving for the same transparency you claim to want to provide, why do you think I'm giving you a hard time?

"Otherwise what's the drive to ever be better in life?"
I'm not talking about business so much as I'm talking about your "drive to be better in life" as equal to "crushing the competition". A business is run to make money, an ethical business sounds oxymoronic (especially in the US).
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