Coronavirus? What's the big deal?

It affects older people more often: While older people tended to have more serious diseases, this hospital saw patients as young as 22 and as old as 92. The median age was 56.

This is what happens when you get the coronavirus
The Wuhan doctors, led by Zhiyong Peng at the critical care department at Zhognan Hospital of Wuhan University, say about 40% of the people they treated actually caught the infection at their hospital, including 40 health-care professionals and 17 patients who were already there for surgeries or other reasons.

They said 4.3% of the patients died and about 34% got better and left the hospital, while the rest were still being treated. Outside of China, the death rate appears to be much lower, but in Wuhan doctors are clearly struggling. The city has been under a lockdown quarantine since last month.

Early symptoms: The most common symptom of the coronavirus is a fever, which nearly everyone gets, followed by fatigue and dry cough. A few people also experienced diarrhea or nausea a day or two before any other symptoms.

Getting to the hospital: It took about seven days from first symptoms for people to check into the hospital, by which time many were having trouble breathing, say the Wuhan doctors. It wasn’t clear if their patients waited to seek help or were among those initially turned away in overcrowded conditions.

Confirming infection: The test for the virus is a throat swab, which is analyzed with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to identify its telltale genetic material.

CAT scan Wuhan coronavirus
A scan of the lungs of a patient infected by the Wuhan coronavirus shows a characteristic "ground glass" appearance.

Chest scans: Some patients put through a CAT scanner showed spots of shadows in their lungs, what doctors call a “ground glass” appearance.

Getting to the ICU: The Chinese team said a quarter of their patients ended up in the intensive care unit, mostly because of acute respiratory distress syndrome, or “ARDS.” That’s when the lungs fill with fluid and lose the ability to carry oxygen. That can affect other organs, like the kidneys, and cause death. The chance of ending up in the ICU was higher for people who were already weak.

It affects older people more often: While older people tended to have more serious diseases, this hospital saw patients as young as 22 and as old as 92. The median age was 56.
Yeah.. little bit of hostility. You can call people a lot of things but "Trumptard" is even worse than any racial or homophobic slur. The thread was started with good intentions but it didn't take long for it to deteriorate to the point you Dolts (not directed at anyone) started pissing on each other. If you don't like one set of statistics look around a you can find one that you do like.
61000 Americans on an average die annually from the flu. That translates into 5000 a month. How many people worldwide have died of Coronavirus? About 400 so stop scrapping yourselves in fear. Nothing worse than a bad cold or easy flu. You Trumpaphytes keep drinking the koolaid. Boy this is boring and a waste of time. Good thing I'm retired and have lots of time. Oh Christ I'm screwed if I get it.
I'd say ole Cheeto Jesus is gonna be in for the time of his life in about 2 months when this thing gets really bad and the house oversight committees want witnesses and documents, they and the vulnerable old fossils in the senate will want answers this time, so will the public. Fun and games time are over for Donald, Mitch McConnell is 78 years old and while he might not give a fuck about his country, he cares bigly for his own ass, we all do. This ain't the Ukraine, this is where the rubber meets the road baby, with hundreds of thousands of Americans sick, the hospitals overwhelmed and people dying en masse. Donald will order witnesses not to appear and documents to be withheld, let's see how that works out for him with this issue.
Remember that Italy is about 3-4 weeks ahead of us. This is exactly what will be happening at every large hospital before long. Forget about the smaller urban hospitals; they don't have the staff or resources to do this kind of juggling. They will just turn people away to die at home.

Translated account from an Italian surgeon.
The cases multiply, up to a rate of 15-20 hospitalizations a day all for the same reason. The results of the swabs now come one after the other: positive, positive, positive. Suddenly the emergency room is collapsing. Emergency provisions are issued: help is needed in the emergency room. A quick meeting to learn how the to use to emergency room EHR and a few minutes later I'm already downstairs, next to the warriors on the war front. The screen of the PC with the chief complaint is always the same: fever and respiratory difficulty, fever and cough, respiratory insufficiency etc ... Exams, radiology always with the same sentence: bilateral interstitial pneumonia. All needs to be hospitalized.

Some already needs to be intubated, and goes to the ICU. For others, however, it is late. ICU is full, and when ICUs are full, more are created. Each ventilator is like gold: those in the operating rooms that have now suspended their non-urgent activity are used and the OR become a an ICU that did not exist before. I found it amazing, or at least I can speak for Humanitas Gavazzeni (where I work), how it was possible to put in place in such a short time a deployment and a reorganization of resources so finely designed to prepare for a disaster of this magnitude. And every reorganization of beds, wards, staff, work shifts and tasks is constantly reviewed day after day to try to give everything and even more.

Those wards that previously looked like ghosts are now saturated, ready to try to give their best for the sick, but exhausted. The staff is exhausted. I saw fatigue on faces that didn't know what it was despite the already grueling workloads they had. I have seen people still stop beyond the times they used to stop already, for overtime that was now habitual. I saw solidarity from all of us, who never failed to go to our internist colleagues to ask "what can I do for you now?" or "leave that admission to me, i will take care of it." Doctors who move beds and transfer patients, who administer therapies instead of nurses. Nurses with tears in their eyes because we are unable to save everyone and the vital signs of several patients at the same time reveal an already marked destiny. There are no more shifts, schedules.
Remember that Italy is about 3-4 weeks ahead of us. This is exactly what will be happening at every large hospital before long. Forget about the smaller urban hospitals; they don't have the staff or resources to do this kind of juggling. They will just turn people away to die at home.

Translated account from an Italian surgeon.
The cases multiply, up to a rate of 15-20 hospitalizations a day all for the same reason. The results of the swabs now come one after the other: positive, positive, positive. Suddenly the emergency room is collapsing. Emergency provisions are issued: help is needed in the emergency room. A quick meeting to learn how the to use to emergency room EHR and a few minutes later I'm already downstairs, next to the warriors on the war front. The screen of the PC with the chief complaint is always the same: fever and respiratory difficulty, fever and cough, respiratory insufficiency etc ... Exams, radiology always with the same sentence: bilateral interstitial pneumonia. All needs to be hospitalized.

Some already needs to be intubated, and goes to the ICU. For others, however, it is late. ICU is full, and when ICUs are full, more are created. Each ventilator is like gold: those in the operating rooms that have now suspended their non-urgent activity are used and the OR become a an ICU that did not exist before. I found it amazing, or at least I can speak for Humanitas Gavazzeni (where I work), how it was possible to put in place in such a short time a deployment and a reorganization of resources so finely designed to prepare for a disaster of this magnitude. And every reorganization of beds, wards, staff, work shifts and tasks is constantly reviewed day after day to try to give everything and even more.

Those wards that previously looked like ghosts are now saturated, ready to try to give their best for the sick, but exhausted. The staff is exhausted. I saw fatigue on faces that didn't know what it was despite the already grueling workloads they had. I have seen people still stop beyond the times they used to stop already, for overtime that was now habitual. I saw solidarity from all of us, who never failed to go to our internist colleagues to ask "what can I do for you now?" or "leave that admission to me, i will take care of it." Doctors who move beds and transfer patients, who administer therapies instead of nurses. Nurses with tears in their eyes because we are unable to save everyone and the vital signs of several patients at the same time reveal an already marked destiny. There are no more shifts, schedules.
Maybe start a new thread for this greg. The shape of things to come or something to give folks a preview of what is about to over take them. I just created a public health thread, it's time to warn and help.
Trump has been treating this epidemic as if it were a political problem and downplaying it.

Not only downplaying it, he literally is thinking of ways to artificially minimize it (from Politico):

On Friday, as coronavirus infections rapidly multiplied aboard a cruise ship marooned off the coast of California, health department officials and Vice President Mike Pence came up with a plan to evacuate thousands of passengers, avoiding the fate of a similar cruise ship, the Diamond Princess, which became a petri dish of coronavirus infections. Quickly removing passengers was the safest outcome, health officials and Pence reasoned.

But President Donald Trump had a different idea: Leave the infected passengers on board — which would help keep the number of U.S. coronavirus cases as low as possible.

“Do I want to bring all those people off? People would like me to do it,” Trump admitted at a press conference at the CDC later on Friday. “I would rather have them stay on, personally.”

“I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault,” Trump added, saying that he ultimately empowered Pence to decide whether to evacuate the passengers.
Uncle buck.. Lick my fuzzy little nuggets you Dullard. You throw around a lot of crap but say nothing of substance. You know nothing of my politics my friend and I'll bet your just another non voting blow hard. The only reason COVID frightens you is because your just another sheep sucking at the teat of the media. Smarten up and glean your info from more diverse sources. There have been 350 deaths world wide from COVID but in the US an average of 5000 a month die from the flu. Are you panicking over that as well? I spoke with an ER doctor who thought it was being over dramatized. Take that cruise you've always wanted to take. Lots of places to go that haven't had a single case.

UncleSuck the best way to prevent getting the Coronavirus is to pop a couple of fuzzy nuggets into your mouth so I'm thinking you're probably safe.
you eat poop and garbage
Ireland is forecasting at least 40% of their population will get the virus. That's on the low end of pprojections that range from 40-70% of the population will get sick. China may not see that, but they have instituted draconian isolation steps. Something the us is not preparing for. We aren't even acknowledging it is a crisis.

Coronavirus: HSE chief 'cannot dispute' forecast of 1.9m people falling ill in Ireland
Coronavirus: HSE chief ‘cannot dispute’ forecast of 1.9m people falling ill
Number of cases recorded across island rises to 26, with most linked to travel to Italy
The Irish Times
6am est
By Martin Wall

The health service cannot dispute cannot dispute reported projections that up to 1.9 million people could become sick as a result of contracting the coronavirus, the HSE chief executive has said.

However, Paul Reid said modelling work on how the Covid-19 outbreak could impact the country would not be completed until later in the week.

The Business Post reported on Sunday that health authorities were forecasting that about 40 per cent of the population could become sick as a result of the virus. Mr Reid said he could not dispute these figures, but said the work was not yet concluded and the evidence was changing day by day.

To date there have been 19 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the State, with the latest involving a man in the east of Ireland who had travelled from Italy. Much of northern Italy has been put in a state of quarantine as a result of the outbreak there. The measures, which are due to be in place for a month, are expected to affect some 16 million people. There have been seven confirmed cases in Northern Ireland to date.
Uncle buck.. Lick my fuzzy little nuggets you Dullard. You throw around a lot of crap but say nothing of substance. You know nothing of my politics my friend and I'll bet your just another non voting blow hard. The only reason COVID frightens you is because your just another sheep sucking at the teat of the media. Smarten up and glean your info from more diverse sources. Are you panicking over that as well? I spoke with an ER doctor who thought it was being over dramatized. Take that cruise you've always wanted to take. Lots of places to go that haven't had a single case.

UncleSuck the best way to prevent getting the Coronavirus is to pop a couple of fuzzy nuggets into your mouth so I'm thinking you're probably safe.
Baloney detection kit, commonly used fallacy of logic number 19; suppressed evidence, or half-truth
Also, fallacy of logic number 11; non sequitur — Latin for “It doesn’t follow” (e.g., Our nation will prevail because God is great).

Your claim: There have been 350 deaths world wide from COVID but in the US an average of 5000 a month die from the flu.

As of yesterday, 3300 people have died worldwide from Covid 19. You cited false or misleading evidence and then coupled it with an unrelated fact about the flu.

Your post most definitely is Baloney.
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Go home and die.

Someone just posted this was announced....

From Al Jazeera: Hospitals in Milan, Italy are full. People are being told to stay home.
Caught that news at the news break at the top of the hour.
Go home and die.

Someone just posted this was announced....

From Al Jazeera: Hospitals in Milan, Italy are full. People are being told to stay home.
Caught that news at the news break at the top of the hour.
What needs to be avoided with increased public health measures in north america