

Well-Known Member
ok, they bust us. we all get it. but did you know they were human? i hooked up a police scanner last night. we had it kicking around here from years ago. i listened to it a few minutes last night. there was a 14 year old girl waiting in front of the movie theater for her ride. some dude with sunglasses on at night in an older model impala was driving back and forth honking at her and yelling shit. they pulled him over down the road. i didn't hear what happened but apparently there were 2 cars involved. now what if that was your daughter? :neutral:


Well-Known Member
cops are okay when they are serving and protecting...not harrassing
exactly.....i have no problem with cops, as long as they are not harassing people over stupid shit. but they have it in there heads that we are criminals (just like that guy they pulled over while you were listening). in their minds, we are no different than that guys harassing the young girl. in fact, personally I think they see us as worse than that creepy bastard at the movie theater.


Well-Known Member
well my best friend has no felonies, and turns 21 in september getting his right to carry license for firearms and thats what we'd do back in highschool we had to scare so many little football players for disrespecting females, we saw who the real men were when we chased them to their house and had there DADS scared... i hate these guys, lets keep chivalry alive guys. women are like pot plants and vice a versa. you give them TLC they'll return the favor (mind out of the gutter) Oh and on the cop subject: Highway Patrol = Always Dicks County Cops - If Your Honest(When Your Fucked) They let you off atleast dont put you in jail City cops- Just Don't Be White In The Ghetto! LOL hate getting my nuts slapped during pat downs.


Well-Known Member
I think for the most part cops are cool, but then there is a certain percentage of them that are just assholes who let the "power" go to their head. They give a bad name to the rest of them.


Well-Known Member
I think for the most part cops are cool, but then there is a certain percentage of them that are just assholes who let the "power" go to their head. They give a bad name to the rest of them.
Yeh man, its basically whoever calls them first in a dispute they gonna take their side, or so it seems on the show.. I've said many times I want to make homemade RPG's (Rocket Propelled Grenades) for those pesky porkers (the crooked ones)


Active Member
the problem with cops is they get off on the adrenaline rush of pulling someone over or busting into their private territory (ur house) and eventually it becomes more and more. I HATE COPS. LOL


Well-Known Member
I think for the most part cops are cool, but then there is a certain percentage of them that are just assholes who let the "power" go to their head. They give a bad name to the rest of them.
u said it , we need cops ,damn that was hard 2 say!


Well-Known Member
if it was my daughter(in avatar)me and two of my boys would take him 2 the woods and that would be the end of it 4 him!


Active Member
Yeah, there are some bad cops and asshole cops. Just like in any other profession. But it's really silly blaming cops for enforcing laws. That's their job, they don't make the laws.



Well-Known Member
they saved an infant baby. someone did CPR. she was alert and responsive and on the way to the hospital. :) i haven't heard any BAD shit yet. i only listen for a few minutes here and there.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't think any of us have problems with cops in general. Granted, we are breaking the law, but it's a stupid law, and there are other things they should be worrying about, like creepy dudes messing with teenage girls (unless I happen to be that creepy dude >.>).

Getting crack, pedos, arsonists, and murderers off the streets is what they should be doing, rather than giving us a hard time for smoking a little cannabis and opening a bag of chips.

But I gotta give props to cops of Seattle. They seem to have their priorities straight.

Crack and rapists = bad, need to be dealt with
Weed = stupid, needs to be left alone


Well-Known Member
if it was my daughter(in avatar)me and two of my boys would take him 2 the woods and that would be the end of it 4 him!
have a daughter that's 22..and I'd still put a mother F@$%&# through a wood chipper for her..............he he he that's just evil ain't it...:evil:


Well-Known Member
some cops are cool of course, and they are needed...its the ones that became cops just to fuck with people that I hate...


Well-Known Member
Yep if cops doing their job is a good thing but the problem is most of them just like to harass people at least in this town. its a novel thing when you see cops actually protecting and serving the public like they're supposed to. Peace