

Well-Known Member
Hey FDD I saw a police scanner (actually a couple) on How easy is it to hook up oneof those things? Is at as easy as just scanning for channels or is there more involved?


Well-Known Member
Makes me wanna break out my CB Radio:-) There are some crazies out there on the road.



Well-Known Member
Most cops are corrupt because the legal system in most jurisdictions have built in corruptions. So the cop just goes along to get along. A case in point:

Three weeks ago my sister-in-law's sister was stabbed to death in her bed by an asshole ex-boyfriend. He has been charged with 2nd degree murder. He will plead a deal and be out is 6 years. Two years ago, a similar homicide occurred to a police sergeant here. His killer was charged with murder 1. The convicted killer has had one appeal already. He is fast-tracking to a US Supreme Court Appeal. It appears he will be executed in 5 years or less. The police killer has gotten much different treatment than the killer of my family member because he was important. Her killer will get off with much less because a plea deal will be cheaper and easier.

Now understand the circumstances of this event. The man was in the house when the police showed up. His knife and his prints on the knife, which was still in her back. He was covered in her blood. He admitted attacking her and stabbing her. She was defenseless. Why did the police not seek an arrest warrant for murder 1? Why would the prosecutors not seek a warrant for murder 1? Why would a judge, presented with these facts at the arraignment order a $300,000 cash bond to a flight risk suspect? Why would a judge give a arrest warrant for murder 2 considering the pile of evidence?

I could go on with other examples of stupid police shit, but this pretty much sums it up. Cops and the entire "justice system" is corrupt. So here are the facts ma'am, nothin but the facts; cops are only concerned with their 20-and-out pension deals.

By the way, for you wanna-be scanner buffs, many departments around here transmit to patrol cars on one frequency and accept calls from cars on another. So you need two radios to hear what is going on.


Well-Known Member
Mockingbird, you present a great case of how I view the justice system. Kill a 5 year old girl, get out in a few years. Kill a cop, you'll be dead by tuesday. I've gotten in many an argument about this. Someone once presented that if you kill a cop, you kill someone who was protecting the public, therefore you will be looked at different by the judicial system. That made a little sense to me, but I still see it as an injustice to every other person who is murdered. Saying that your sister-in-law's sister's life is less important than that of another human being. Interesting shit.


Well-Known Member
if you could get off in 5 for killing a cop we wouldn't have any cops. duh.

they had a family of ducks kickin' it in a water tower at one of our parks today. apparently there was some concern. the park people wanted them out and the ducks didn't ant to leave.


Well-Known Member
Dude, lol, ducks can FUCK you up.

When I worked at Magic Mountain, in the morning they test all the rides. A ride op was testing Dive Devil (this thing where you're laying in this thing that's connected to a very LONG cord, they pull you back and UP, and then let you go and it's like flying...)

Anyways, the ride op was testing Dive Devil, and on his first swing down, he hit a fucking duck in midflight, broke his arm. But he got off easy, the collision broke the ducks neck.


Well-Known Member
Dude, lol, ducks can FUCK you up.

When I worked at Magic Mountain, in the morning they test all the rides. A ride op was testing Dive Devil (this thing where you're laying in this thing that's connected to a very LONG cord, they pull you back and UP, and then let you go and it's like flying...)

Anyways, the ride op was testing Dive Devil, and on his first swing down, he hit a fucking duck in midflight, broke his arm. But he got off easy, the collision broke the ducks neck.
YouTube - Aflac Duck on Crack


Well-Known Member
Wow, what are the chances of that, reminds me of this YouTube - Randy Johnson Hits Bird . Did the duck die?
:shock: omg, I've ever seen that before! lol, and did the duck die?'s neck was broken, I don't think it had much of a chance hun. *pats hom3's back comfortingly* It's ok, he's in a better place...

OMG, lol, that shit was funny, but I know if I were the person filming, I would have FREAKED OUT. lol, seriously, instead of laughter you'd hear screams.

My brother was bitten by a goose once...when we were little my mom used to take us to this park to feed the ducks. And this big ass goose bit my brother. My dad grabbed it by it's neck and socked it in the face...lmao, that's probably one of the funniest moments I remember about my dad.


Well-Known Member
You should have seen all the people around us. They just STARED at him with looks of mingled horror and disgust. He said, "WHAT? It bit my kid!"

lol, but yeah, it's the image of him grabbing the goose by it's long ass neck that always cracks me up. I'd be too afraid to sock a goose in the face...I mean, the beak would probably hurt.


Well-Known Member
ive never had a cop serve or p[rotect me os fuck them i hope they all die
No doubt, I despise anyone who holds an occupation that five-year-olds aspire to be. Five-year-olds never have any good ideas. Let's smack daddy in the balls with the wiffle ball bat. Let's poke the dog in the ass with my finger. Let's see how many Legos I can eat. Let's rock out to Hannah Montana.


Well-Known Member
I can see hating the cops cuz the fuck with you, harrass you, never fucking help when you need them, but to hate them based on a five year old's opinion? lol, don't five year olds want to be firefighters too? And presidents? And doctors, and vets...