Cops used fake patient IDs to buy medical pot; was it entrapment? Read more: Cops us

I bet that is not going to happen. We have not hardly begun to waste money on this...... As bad as things are here, you would think they could be using that money to help people.
They use underage kids with correct and fake IDs to catch stores selling alcohol and tobacco all the time. This isn't anything new to law enforcement. To them, if you follow the law they will use others who do not have to follow laws to trap another.

i actually knew that would happen. thats why if regular people try to buy pot from me i say no, no exceptions. they tell me they cant sleep cause their back pain is too intense or they're dying of cancer and need to relieve symptoms, i still tell them no i dont give a shit, i do this for me, no one else. they call me an asshole i tell them im a smartasshole. they want pot, they can get equipment and do it them self or hire someone to. people that want pot from me not only have to have a medical card, but they also have to know me very well. i dont do it to help out strangers, i do it for myself and my close friends. anyone else that wants to do the same im more than happy to help them learn and get setup.
i actually knew that would happen. thats why if regular people try to buy pot from me i say no, no exceptions. they tell me they cant sleep cause their back pain is too intense or they're dying of cancer and need to relieve symptoms, i still tell them no i dont give a shit, i do this for me, no one else.

Your first mistake was letting people know you grow. And if you are gonna say it is legal, the people that will stick a gun in your face and jack your grow really dont give a fuck about that.
i actually knew that would happen. thats why if regular people try to buy pot from me i say no, no exceptions. they tell me they cant sleep cause their back pain is too intense or they're dying of cancer and need to relieve symptoms, i still tell them no i dont give a shit, i do this for me, no one else. they call me an asshole i tell them im a smartasshole. they want pot, they can get equipment and do it them self or hire someone to. people that want pot from me not only have to have a medical card, but they also have to know me very well. i dont do it to help out strangers, i do it for myself and my close friends. anyone else that wants to do the same im more than happy to help them learn and get setup.

This bust had nothing to do with helping strangers.
and you reiterating what it means to be an uncaring douche doesn't even begin to explain your point.

It has to do with people imitating other people to make a bust, plus using authority and intimidation to steal confidential info. They would've never got into the club without making fake cards on county computers. It basically falls back on Lansing for providing the security features for the card, and the ability for the people being harassed or Lansing to effectively prosecute the LEO for breaking state law by producing or forging fake cards with the express purpose to gain entance illegally and theft of patient-client info.
From what I hear though, there is some negligence on the part of Bryan Vaughn, the doorman, who let these idiots into the club. He said that there was no way he could check if they were legit, and he could've done so by calling down to Lansing, explaining his suspicions and checking their number on their card.

So you are saying that if I go out, and dress up as a cop, and pull you over tomorrow, that isn't against the law :confused:
I would say either way the falsified documents they would be charged with Forgery.

I know atleast in NYS they would not get away with it. The fruit of the poisonous tree would cause the case to be thrown out.

S 170.10 Forgery in the second degree.
A person is guilty of forgery in the second degree when, with intent
to defraud, deceive or injure another, he falsely makes, completes or
alters a written instrument which is or purports to be, or which is
calculated to become or to represent if completed:
1. A deed, will, codicil, contract, assignment, commercial instrument,
credit card, as that term is defined in subdivision seven of section
155.00, or other instrument which does or may evidence, create,
transfer, terminate or otherwise affect a legal right, interest,
obligation or status; or
2. A public record, or an instrument filed or required or authorized
by law to be filed in or with a public office or public servant; or
3. A written instrument officially issued or created by a public
office, public servant or governmental instrumentality; or
4. Part of an issue of tokens, public transportation transfers,
certificates or other articles manufactured and designed for use as
symbols of value usable in place of money for the purchase of property
or services; or
5. A prescription of a duly licensed physician or other person
authorized to issue the same for any drug or any instrument or device
used in the taking or administering of drugs for which a prescription is
required by law.
Forgery in the second degree is a class D felony.
I'm with balzac, i can't see how it's not going to get chucked straight out on it's face. They did not go upto the places (here is where i assume, the story is gone) and talked their way in wihtout any documentation, it's a clear cut case of forged documentation.
I dont think we have enough facts to go on here. Now I am not sure about the procedures in the state.

However, if the dispensary employees had no way to know the ID was fake then they are off the hook.

If they ignored some procedure they were supposed to do then I guess the dispensary could be prosecuted.
That's not true?
Then beat them in court. The state owns the documents they make. I am sure they can make what they call, "for training purposes" documents for the use of training of state officials. Don't put it past them. Every bar in my state has "training drivers licenses" that show how to check for fake IDs.
I agree the state is wrong, but it is going to cost $$ to fight it win or loose. Winners don't get their legal fees paid by the looser here. You can win and still be bankrupt.
Your first mistake was letting people know you grow. And if you are gonna say it is legal, the people that will stick a gun in your face and jack your grow really dont give a fuck about that.
dont think so i carry a 9mm glock and have a concealed weapons permit. my friends have guns too. we are all legal and law abiding citizens for the most part. the town we live is small and rarely has that kind of crime. not only that but my operation isnt even at my house. i have a 2nd house with everything under someone elses name. the place is used strictly for the operation with surveillance cameras i can view anytime. and a silent alarm to notify police if there is a break in. i have few trusted friends i let stay there whenever they feel like it and in return help guard. they dont allow anyone else over no exceptions. i've known them for 20+ years and they actually dont even smoke. they also have CWPs. i tell you what if someone tried robbing me i'd be happy to blow their brains out and tell their family im not sorry. i do appreciate the info though. i dont openly tell people i grow, only a select few people but when info gets out which is always does there is nothing i can do.
dont think so i carry a 9mm glock and have a concealed weapons permit. my friends have guns too. we are all legal and law abiding citizens for the most part...

I agree with you in principle, but technicality you will still be wrong. If something goes down, and your a legal CWP holder, and you "legally" defend yourself as dictated in state law...If the feds get involved and decide to lay federal charges for having a grow or possessing marijuana your marijuana license and CWP won't mean a thing. The feds will say you were committing a felony due to the marijuana AND you were in possession of a firearm (and or used one) in the commission of a felony.
Of course this is entrapment! But if the pigs do it, then it isn't entrapment. They do whatever they want, no matter how unethical.

Here in San Diego, the pigs have been doing this for many years. They call it Operation Green Rx, and they get a falsified Drivers License, and take it to a compassionate physician, and lie about a medical condition to get a valid recommendation. Then they use that legal recommendation to join collectives and buy meds. Of course, the super-vigilant collectives verify the doctors rec first, and it checks out. Then the same pig comes and raids the place and steals everything they want.

Pigs are lying sacks of shit that cannot be trusted.