• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Cops serve warrant by mistake! Thank GOD for the toilet.


Well-Known Member
lmao if i were you, id say this. I want my lawyer this is unacceptable, You guys came into my property without enough evidence and insulting me calling my name as Edward ? at least that will shit their pants.
they would just laugh. cops don't like to be threatened - they came to the wrong house and when they realized this they left peacefully. there are absolutely no grounds for a proceeding of misconduct or anything of the sort. trust me, threatening cops never works.

Yep, BudsLoyalty has clearly never met an American Law ENFORCEMENT Officer. American cops are basically an armed gang with unquestionable power. They steal, rape, and murder while thier fellows in blue help them cover it up. That's what they call the "thin blue line."

America is under siege... and the terroists (Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rice, etc) are using our own government against us.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the love. I was pissed but so relieved they weren't coming for me that it overshadowed by anger. I didn't answer the door cuz I figured they knew about the grow and telling me they were looking for Edward was just lie. Apparently they didn't have the warrant at first so I guess they came here thinking I would just open the door for them.

I had 4 girls about 2 weeks in flower all amost 2 ft. I did a lot of topping and prunings so these were beautiful. They were all great examples of topping. I was even gonna start a topping thread with one as my example but the cops are fucks!

I do see the need for cops! Just not at my house! There is nothing going on in my house that i feel is illegal. Soon, thanks to D-Barney Frank, it won't be illegal. So yes, I started germinating new seeds last night.

In order to flush them I had to very fast, rip them into tiny pieces and flush em' a little at a time. That sucked the most. After my girls loved me I had to literally rip there hearts out and flush em' down the toilet.

The funeral for this beautiful girls will be held today at 4:20p.m. Anyone interested in attending, please light up accordingly.

Thanks everyone for, believe it or not, making me feel better.
-That Dude


Well-Known Member
Also, I never answer the door! The cops wondered why I didn't just say it wasn't me. I said because I've done nothing wrong and it's my constitutional right not to open the door. Yes, they most definetly came in! The managed to destroy a small part of my door frame. I put a call into my local ACLU office to see if I have grounds for a law suit. But the officer tried to give me some bull shit about because this guy is on probation and he said it was his address, they didn't even need the warrant. But the was I see it, they had no right or probable cause to assume my name was Edward or that this scum bag even lived here! So maybe they should check there source of information or look into who owner the house before they get pissed and fuck up your stuff.

Oh, and this Edward guy the officer said is a career criminal so he's not underage. They crushed my cigs cuz he's a piece of shit. I did call them when I found out and told them I wanted 8 dollars as restitution but the cops totally denied any officer doing that. So watch out ya'll. For the new self-crushing cigerettes.

thanks againg ya'll


Well-Known Member
But the officer tried to give me some bull shit about because this guy is on probation and he said it was his address, they didn't even need the warrant. But the was I see it, they had no right or probable cause to assume my name was Edward or that this scum bag even lived here! So maybe they should check there source of information or look into who owner the house before they get pissed and fuck up your stuff.
You're absolutly correct. The cops DO have a right to enter someone on probations property without warrents, it's part of the parol/probation, but they do NOT have a right to bust into someone elses house just because the guy lied and said he lived there. Otherwise there would be no point for a warrent. Cops would just claim every house they broke into was the home of a supervised person.

As you have said they should have verfied this was his home first. And you DO NOT HAVE TO OPEN THE DOOR FOR POLICE! In fact NEVER OPEN THE DOOR FOR POLICE. Not even for a friendly little chat. If they want to come into your house go to the window and tell them you don't open the door for police.

Barry Cooper said:
Avoiding Knock and Talks (Tap and Rap). When the police knock on the door to ask you questions, there is no reason you ever need to open the door for them. You are in no way obligated to talk to them or comply with their instructions. I'll say it again, whether or not you have anything to hide, "NEVER OPEN YOUR DOOR FOR THE POLICE!" If the police have the authority to enter your home, make them kick the door down. If they aren't willing to do that then they have no choice but to go away.
So, you have a HUGE lawsuit and I would sue the shit out of them. In a case like this, if everything you say is true, then you're sure to win. And don't got to just one lawyer for advice. Most lawyers are just like cops, crooked assholes, but they are smarter.

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Hey ya'll. You won't believe this! While starting a new thread actually, I hear this loud bang! Guess Who? The boys in blue! Looking for some guy named Edward! So, I guess they didn't have a warrant at first cuz it took them a good 20 min. to come in. But in that 20 minutes I managed to flush my beautiful baby girls down the toilet! AHHHHH!!! They had just started flower about 2 weeks ago and now this!!! But, I still wasn't opening the door. So They finally come in and I told them my name was Rob and showed my I.D. So they immediately apoligized and explained that this Edward guy put my fucking address as his on his probation paper work; Then he descided to run I guess and they came looking for him.

So I destoyed my hard work for nothing! Someone feel my pain! I put a lot of work in my girls. FUCK THE POLICE! Dump Bastards.

Also, I went onto my portch and found my 2 packs of marlbaros were crushed and my ashtray dumped over. They must have been pissed knowing I was in the house and not being able to do shit. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS, they may just buy you enough time to ensure you don't do 5-10yrs in ass rape city!

Fuck the police!
-That Dude
You have my sympathies/condolences. I don't know what i would do if cops came to my door; I keep 3 clones of each strain as backup in case a hurricane or bad storm wipes me out - I grow outdoors.

All that work.. :(



Well-Known Member
You're absolutly correct. The cops DO have a right to enter someone on probations property without warrents, it's part of the parol/probation, but they do NOT have a right to bust into someone elses house just because the guy lied and said he lived there.


So, you have a HUGE lawsuit and I would sue the shit out of them. In a case like this, if everything you say is true, then you're sure to win. And don't got to just one lawyer for advice. Most lawyers are just like cops, crooked assholes, but they are smarter.

NEVER under ANY circumstances lie to or hold out on your lawyer. He/she can't set up a defense for something that they don't know about. And one of the worst things is for your atty to be in court and get blindsided by the DA about something you SHOULD have been upfront about. They will throw you to the dogs for that.
As long as the grow wasn't brought into play, you're good not talking about it. But if it WAS, and was supressed, tell the thievin' bastard everything.
Yes Misshester, we share the same sentiments for both the cops and attorneys. Both are bottom feeders.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Can we see some pics of the babies before the tragedy?

Why were you so worried they had figured you out? Have you told anybody or been obvious? Is this your own home or do you rent/live w parents?



Well-Known Member
Hey ya'll. You won't believe this! While starting a new thread actually, I hear this loud bang! Guess Who? The boys in blue!

you did the right thing.. poor girls...

it sounds like the police did have a warrant to search your house for the guy. it was issued by mistake, but none-the-less, was a warrant. while they were waiting outside, you didn't know what they were there for, so you flushed for safety just in case.

last week, a big knocked on my door. he asked what my name was and I said "why?".. lol. no cause for suspicion. they were looking for some kid anyway. whatever.


Well-Known Member
This shit happens all the time in my city. People put fake addresses on their probation paperwork, the cops don't check it, and then they go kicking down random people's doors. You're lucky they didn't have a warrant!

Just last week they busted down a door a few miles down the road and pointed a gun at some teenage girl (the only person home at the time) and scared the fuck out of her. It was on the news.

That is why I don't grow at home. Outdoors only for me. With my luck the minute I was about to get a good harvest it would all come crashing down because of some stupid ass police mistake or false fire alarm or some shit like that.

Plus if they catch you growing in your home in my state they can take your home.... just fucking take it from you! And your cars too!
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New Member
I try to give police the benefit of the doubt because they are needed at times. But overall I very much dislike pigs. Seems they are always fucking with people who are doing nothing while Chester child molester and Peter Pedophile and Uninsured no drivers license having no green card having fucks are just ruining society. Also I left out the white collar criminal assfuck who is just trying to get more money by any means neccessary.

FUCK THE POLICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someones angry


Well-Known Member
Well, I know my rights and i will never ever ever help the police arrest me! If they have probable cause, let them blow my door up to get in and we'll settle the lawsuit later. I did call the American Civil Liberties Union to look into a possible lawsuit and possible ACLU representation. I don't play with fucking cops. I didn't argue, but he'll no how serious I am when he gets a summons to appear in court! Thanks everyone. My advice- NEVER COOPERATE!!! ANYTHING YOU SAY OR DO WILL WILL WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU.

Things you must say to police:

1.) I don't consent to any searchs!
2.) I choose not to answer any questions, without a lawyer, for fear of incriminating myself!

Am I free to go is a loop hole. If you don't ask the officer to leave. You are consenting to stay and chat! Most times, You can simply walk away. If he has nothing to detain you, HE CAN'T. Also, denying the officer permission to search IS NOT probable cause. DO NOT PLAY THERE GAMES. FUCK THIER THREATS, IF THEY CAN DO IT THE WILL, COOPERATION OR NOT!

Hope this helps some
-That Dude

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
If you are doing nothing illegal (outside of growing) and someone puts your address down. . .cops kick in your door, and for some reason your grow is visible from the front door (which would be retarded) absolutely nothing that they found would be admisable in court.
Illegal search and seizure. . . . . .thats why if a cop came to me casa i would politely step outside closing the door behind me and ask them if theres anything i can do to help them . . . . .If you act mature most cops are chill!

:peace: ~~TLB

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Things you must say to police:

1.) I don't consent to any searchs!
2.) I choose not to answer any questions, without a lawyer, for fear of incriminating myself!
I would never plead the 5th to a cop? Especially if i wasn't doing anything? That is a reason to be suspicious right there.
Just be chill and try and help the best you can.

Like i said step outside,"no i'm not ed, heres my licsence." "So what exactly is going on?"

That doesn't give them any reason to search or even doubt your situation. As soon as you try to act like you know more then them you start to look like a young punk in there eyes especially if you not cooperating for no reason.

:peace: ~~TLB

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Can we see some pics of the babies before the tragedy?

Why were you so worried they had figured you out? Have you told anybody or been obvious? Is this your own home or do you rent/live w parents?



Well-Known Member
Grim shit man.... but don't poke the bears (or LEO's in this case) or the next time they show up it will have the same address ....... only on a valid warrant.......

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
shit like this happen all tha time where im from mayne. i fuckin hate pigs always thinkin they can do what they want. in reality though they can. over here they always gettin away wit shootin people no matter if they criminal or not. shit the other day they tried searchin muh house wit out a warrant. fuck that all police are crooked.


Well-Known Member
That's why if the cops knock on your door, you go outside and lock the door behind you...

"shit! I just locked the keys in my house!" I've heard of that before. not a bad idea, as long as you have a backup plan to get back inside, and the cop has no reason to get a warrant.