Cops serve warrant by mistake! Thank GOD for the toilet.


Active Member
Did you cry while you where cutting up your babies and flushing them? I'm pretty sure I would have, i'm 4 weeks into flower and i'd slip into depression if that happened to me. You still handled it well, some are saying that you shouldn't have flushed it, i think that is ridiculous why risk jail or probation?


Well-Known Member
something I just realized.. a lot of us use these meds to deal with depression or anxiety disorder. for me, legal meds didn't work half as well and had some bad side effects. pot helps so much. cops come knocking on the door, and it's all over.. we freak out and cut our babies and we're shaking for the next few days. quick moral here, something illegal harms no one and helps us. something legal (cops) hurts us mentally, physically, and socially.


something I just realized.. a lot of us use these meds to deal with depression or anxiety disorder. for me, legal meds didn't work half as well and had some bad side effects. pot helps so much. cops come knocking on the door, and it's all over.. we freak out and cut our babies and we're shaking for the next few days. quick moral here, something illegal harms no one and helps us. something legal (cops) hurts us mentally, physically, and socially.
That's the hypocrisy of living in US; pharmaceutical corps. rake $$$ in hand over fist - not caring about anything but the bottom line - and those chronic pain/anxiety/depression US citizens who need weed for symptoms go to prison if they get caught with **natural meds** like pot.



Well-Known Member
One time the cops searched my car and didnt find anything. but they crushed up all my cigs one by one while i was in the squad car. they must have been pissed, kinda funny lol


Well-Known Member
I hated that they did that. The cop denied it but I told him he needs to get a deputy over my house with 8 bucks. Cigs aren't cheap! But of course they didn't. The ACLU had a rep call me and took all my info and typed down my story for thier investigators. They said I should get a call in the next couple weeks to explain any legal options I might have. So maybe they will owe me 8 dollars. Not to mention emotional distressed. I'm wicked paranoid now, every little noise and I look out the window.

Trust me, and money I get from the Sheriff's Office will be spent on weed! That should be ironic! Thanks again everyone for the post. Any thread about how crooked cops are is a thread I like to be a part of.

Peace & Love
-That Dude

Orchid Man

Well-Known Member
Yup... My dr has me on all sorts oh shit this for pain, this for nausea, this to bring my heart rate up, this to.... and weed does the job by itself...


Well-Known Member
Not to mention the fact that with increased state wide legalization of small quantities of marijuana, the DEA is still carrying out legal search and seizure under a still in effect federal marijuana law. Congress recently sent a letter to the head of the DEA signed by 45 representitives urging her to stop . She refused to answer the letter as yet! But with Barney franks new proposed legislation, marijuana lovers will finally no longer be labeled as criminals. Then these fucking cops are gonna look at all the useless money they spent on un-inforceable laws, and shit themselves. A noted plus would be the decrease in DEA budget due to the end of the War on Marijuana. Causing a severe lay-off of DEA field agents and support personnel. Along with all the other state and federal agencies that will no longer have, "Marijuana Budget Money" anymore. Can't f'in wait! Thank you Barney Frank!

P.s. I put my new seeds in soil ya'll. Starting all over with 16 new seedlings.


Well-Known Member
Damn man I feel you on having a grow destroyed, mine did in july. But not by me, but still good luck with the next grow!