• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

cops IN MY HOUSE!!!


Yesterday morning something happened which chilled me to the bone. It was 10:30 am, we had just gotten up and my wife stepped into the kitchen to wash the previous night's dishes... I heard her gasp, then "Dear...um...COPS!"
It was actually just one police officer, but he was most definitely in our home- in what we call the "sun-room" which is also the entry room so he wasnt very far in our house- but my wife watched as he quietly poked around the sunroom, then exited and this time I watched as he circled the house, like he was trying to get a good look through a window, smell something, etc. He didnt seem overly concerned about being noticed, except that he went to the trouble of parking his squadcar around the corner and he must have had his radio turned off, because I didnt hear any of the usual chatter. And he certainly did not announce himself,m knock, anything.

We are pretty freaked out by the whole thing. I have followed all of the guidelines, done everything by the book, but the new law which just went into effect Jan1st requires that you carry a state issued Patient registration card- and my card hasnt been issued yet so I am suddenly in a legal grey area...
I know this is my first post here, but I could use some guidance! I have six little plants- less than 5 inches tall- but they are my hope for the future and I will be devastated if I have to scrap them. And even if I did- what is to stop the cops from raiding us in the middle of the night, roughing up my pregnant wife, taking my medicine, etc? Normally I would say that was paranoia but they were already sneaking around in my house...

The Knuck

Active Member
i'd say you are in a good position if they comeback, they entered your home without permission, can you proove they were in your sun room?

if so, anything they find will have been obtained illegally, if your legal and he comes back, call the cops on him, and get a pic of him also.


Active Member
Hay I bet he was looking for someone else.
Once I was smoking pot right there and two cocked guns poked inside my door and two cops walked in and I said
"Hello, dont shoot"

Turns out they were chasing a burger that had darted in my bushes.

They asked if a burglar had just walked in my door and I said no and they said
"Excuse us and please call immediatey if see you the guy

Perhaps he was after a purp that wondered into your property or jumped the bushes or fence?


Well-Known Member
I feel ya dude, and your wife. But that is kinda werid. They usually knock Or let there presents be known. Maybe he was looking for someone else. In my area cops are so use to pot they r pretty cool, But not every single one, so you have to be on your toes with your rights. Medical Patients have to be smart! I have A card I keep with me @ at times (AmericansForSafeAccess.org) Phone#888-929-4367. It's Great to have it say's right on it. Don't consent to a search Home or car. Do NOT let officer into your home without a search warrant. Check the address, the date (relatively recent) & judge signature. If lawenforcement knocks on your door, step outsideand close the door behind u while u fing out why they are there.Don't leave the door wide open. If they do enter your home, without a search warrant say, "I do not consent to a Search" If cops say r u hiding something? You say "I believe in my constitutional right to privacy, and do not consent to a search. Note: This probably will not stop an officer from searching you, but can help get any evidence thrown out of court. Same with your vechile. Check out the web site it might up. I live in north cal. and got pulled over for speeding my boyfriend had just smoked a reffer. Hwy patrol, was cool...I was scared shitless...I never had a traffic violation in my life. The cop Asked if we been drinking and then asked why i was going over the speed limit. I told him I thought I was going with the follow,He said I was the follow LOL...Then He said he smelled mj...he asked if there was any in truck. I said no & MY BF said yes @ the same time! I had forgotten a part of a joint was in the ashtray. He said okay is that it and he told us to throw it out the window & told me this is my luckly night & didnt give me a speeding ticket...So they can be cool. If you try and cooperate but dont consent. In my area 6 plants can be in the front planter boxes!No one cares! lol Congrads! new babies are great! Tell wife no worries, not good for her!


well- they didnt find ANYTHING. And no- my wife didnt invite him in- there was a glass door between them the whole time and she thinks he couldnt actually see her through it. The only thing in that part of the house even grow related are some shoplights leaning in the corner.

But I do know a bit about how law enforcement works, because I have family who are police.

This sounds like what they call a "sneak and peek" operation- before the Patriot act it would have been illegal - now it is "normal" for the DEA to break in while you are away, search your house, document any incriminating evidence and then decide if it is worthwhile to get a retroactive warrant. :sad:

I am tempted to call my local PD and demand to know why one of their officers was in my house...


Well-Known Member
well- they didnt find ANYTHING. And no- my wife didnt invite him in- there was a glass door between them the whole time and she thinks he couldnt actually see her through it. The only thing in that part of the house even grow related are some shoplights leaning in the corner.

But I do know a bit about how law enforcement works, because I have family who are police.

This sounds like what they call a "sneak and peek" operation- before the Patriot act it would have been illegal - now it is "normal" for the DEA to break in while you are away, search your house, document any incriminating evidence and then decide if it is worthwhile to get a retroactive warrant. :sad:

I am tempted to call my local PD and demand to know why one of their officers was in my house...
I would so it's at least documented that this happened. Make sure you record the conversation also.


Active Member
That cop sounded like he was snooping around. What I'm wondering is why would he be snooping around your house?

They have no right to enter your house without a warrant. What I would have done is go to a window where you could get his attention and asked him if there was something you could him with. Never open your door to them but feel free to call them out on their snooping by chatting through a CLOSED window. You might need to yell to get their attention. "Sewwwwwwwey, here piggy piggy!" =)


Just to be clear, I am not actually breaking any state laws... I am allowed to have six plants. But last week Maine changed the law so that you have to register, and unfortunately police in certain areas are taking the opportunity to bust patients and growers during the time after they have sent in their registration aplication form(which tells the cops exactly where to go, and what they will find) but before their registration has actually been granted.


Well-Known Member
Secure the premises better, first off. NO ONE should be able to enter any part of your house as easily as he did. Report it to the local police station exactly what you/she saw- and explain you want an explanation before you call your lawyer..........


Well-Known Member
Analgesia, it sounds like you have at least applied for your card. So, you should have received a copy of the certification from your doctor, which should suffice until you get your physical card. Make a copy for your wallet, and put a copy on the wall of your grow room. That's what I did. I just got my card recently too. Cool as shit...even has a MJ leaf on it :)


Active Member
Now as I read it, I actually agree with the "sneak peak" term. It would been nice iif you would confronted him he would have oinked his ass off your property.
I confirmed with local law enforcement, you need the certification sheet/letter from your physician and that is valid for one year from the date on the form. However if you want to use a dispensary or care provider, you now need a state issued card. Next time you see them light up a fatty and remind them they are not Federal officers.


Active Member
I was pulled over in scarborough, in scarborough downs carrying a small amount of a very pungent medicine. the officer asked if I had anything "he should know about?" I said no, to which he replied, we'll I smell the strong hint of marijua" I quickl;y interuppted with" acctually officer (reach to glove, grab my patient apps) and continue to explain that I am a caregiver delivering medicine. he came back 7 minutes later and said, if you didnt have this paperwork, it would have been a bad day for you! I said yes sir! thank you for being understanding and I went on my way!! not all cops are dicks. thank you officer beeler! you were very respectful and understanding.

Maine Brookies

Active Member
Awesome, Phil. The good guys win one for a change! However, if i were in your position my first question would have been "What exactly does a hint smell like, officer?"


Active Member
You know there is a legal action flow chart out there somewhere.. goes something like this:

1, See a cop, meet them outside your property (car, home, boat, airplane) after securing it behind you.
A, They ask you to go back inside, you ask if you are being detained inside (imprisoned)
a1, They say no, you stay outside (or ask them to leave)
B, They say anything else, you ask are you being charged with anything.
b1, they say no, you go about your business (or ask them to leave)
b2, they say yes, you ask for a lawyer to be present and shut the hell up.

2, See a cop, secure yourself inside your property (car, home, boat, airplane) and speak clearly through a door/window, Ask them if you are being charged with anything.
A, they say no, you ask may I be excused (or ask them to leave)
a1, they say no, you ask for a lawyer to be present and shut the hell up
a2, they say yes, you go about your business (or ask them to leave)
B, they say yes, you ask for a lawyer to be present and shut the hell up.

Once you request a lawyer present there is very little that law-enforcement can do without falling under sever scrutiny

So basically the only 5 things that should ever need to come out of your mouth are:
1, I would like to have a lawyer present on my behalf.
2, Am I being charged with anything?
3, Am I being held for anything?
4, May I go now?
5, Please leave my property.

Over 90 percent of all convictions came as consequence of some kind of self incrimination (including allowing/agreeing to an unnecessary search). You are not even required to give an officer your name unless you are being charged in which case you only ask for a lawyer and wait for their prescance before offering your name under their advisement)

Also cops have no authority to offer deals or even leniency. (if they do, the D.A. wont be bound to honor them).

Don't ever be afraid to call 911 and tell them that someone dressed like an officer is trespassing on your property!!! (or driving erratically and flashing their lights at you on the road). Because if anything inappropriate goes down you want as many records as possible on your side.


Active Member
Never been convicted of anything in my life.. Most charges where while I served (overseas) during active duty in the military..
Actually worked for my local serifs department for a while during my reserve time... (only time I saw the inside of a police car or jail)... I have also stood by friends while they went tough situations allowing me to see how the system works.from both sides.

I just believe that the system can work if it works equally for everyone...


Well-Known Member
Overall, I don't think that the advice Guile has put forth for dealing with a cop visit is bad advice. However, I think it assumes that the cops are there for you. What if they are just in the area, canvassing for another crime or some other reason? If they knocked on your door and you acted like that from the get go, you would most certainly draw suspicion where there may have been none before.