Cops illegally entered my home

it is simple sir

arm your wife with a a shot gun .........load in some of the good rounds armor piercing
1 u get a copy of the rules and post them on the door to the room
2 u copy her medical card and post that on the door
3 u call up and double check with the head of the local cops and have a letter from him posted on the door
4 u stay in complete compliance if it said 24 plants u run 18 at the most (cops can not count)

the cops show up again with out a warrant you or your wife shoots them dead .........they were robbing u and u have the right to use deadly force to protect items worth more then 300 dollars

no warrant no entry ...........i have cops walk into my house before woke me out of my bed to talk to then had my shotgun pulled on them given them 10 secs to leave my home or i open fire ....then i called 911 on them i do not know what happen but they showed up here talk to me sawl my gun is legal and left ...........never talked to the cop again ......he wanted something on one of my buddies thinks he set something on fire maybe he did maybe he did not but cops have no right to just enter a house because i refused to pick up phone when i see police on the caller ID (if i do not know i do not pick up what machine is for)

oh just to make it all on the up and up put up some video cameras this will record what happends if u set it so it uploads the file to the net that will make sure they can not take them and destroy them ......this will get u faces names and badge numbers for the law suit
We the people have decided to obey the commands of the almighty police that can do no harm.

I ran into a cop on the back roads one time. I was asked to get out of the car.

He commanded me to do something and I said no. Told me its an order. I said fuck you I'm not a dog.

We have our eyes locked on each other squared off face to face.

I can see it in his eyes. This son bitch is about to kill me. My hand is now on my knife, his hand on his gun.

Only thing that saved me his partner knew me. He broke it up and let me go.

On the other hand I went fishing with a retired cop that was cool as hell.

We all are entitled to our own dignity and sanctuary.

That "cop" took that from your wife. Get a laywer or give that prick the knuckle sandwich he needs. Metaphorical or literal.
did your wife give u details? such as his name or badge number? body description? hard to make a case with out, unless the case is ur wife chopped them while u were at work and sold them to support her pill habit....... naw j/k... cops r dicks, arrested a guy for no good reason cops says" its for a judge to figure out if u broke the law."
how many innocent citizens have been killed because a traffic stop. fuck the police fuck there supporters ur spineless if u gotta hide behind da faggit ass cops. i smile.inside a lil when i read about cops getting hurt or killed

I dont agree with Theexpress on many issues but on the cop issue , fuck them bitches , i too smile when i see on tv where the asshole cops family is crying their eyes out over a lost loved one .

In the 70's i respected police & gave them credit for what they stood for which was helping the public , now they stand for nothing except for helping theirselves .

Ive had my face stomped by cops for asking why my brother was being arrested & was told to shut the fuck up or i'd be going to jail , how dare i speak out & ask again why my bro was being arrested , knee to the face while sitting on the curb , several punches to the ribs & the mandatory boot on the neck is what i got for asking a question , that is 1 of atleast 50 plus violent confrontations ive had with cops .

Fuck those little $50k a year peons , they have resorted to nazi tactics twords the public since the 80's & have lost my respect , i hate rap music but RAN OUT TO BUY ICE T COP KILLER when it 1st came out & still love the entire song .

Fuck a cop , their all dirty bastards who are nothing better than a crip or a blood except they are allowedto legally murder people under the guise they were in fear for their lives .

Anybody who's ever been thru the system a few times understands the blood lust many of us have twords cops , i hate all cops .
I dont agree with Theexpress on many issues but on the cop issue , fuck them bitches , i too smile when i see on tv where the asshole cops family is crying their eyes out over a lost loved one .

In the 70's i respected police & gave them credit for what they stood for which was helping the public , now they stand for nothing except for helping theirselves .

Ive had my face stomped by cops for asking why my brother was being arrested & was told to shut the fuck up or i'd be going to jail , how dare i speak out & ask again why my bro was being arrested , knee to the face while sitting on the curb , several punches to the ribs & the mandatory boot on the neck is what i got for asking a question , that is 1 of atleast 50 plus violent confrontations ive had with cops .

Fuck those little $50k a year peons , they have resorted to nazi tactics twords the public since the 80's & have lost my respect , i hate rap music but RAN OUT TO BUY ICE T COP KILLER when it 1st came out & still love the entire song .

Fuck a cop , their all dirty bastards who are nothing better than a crip or a blood except they are allowedto legally murder people under the guise they were in fear for their lives .

Anybody who's ever been thru the system a few times understands the blood lust many of us have twords cops , i hate all cops .
you should agree with me more im frequently rigjt lol
Fuck a cop , their all dirty bastards who are nothing better than a crip or a blood except they are allowedto legally murder people under the guise they were in fear for their lives .

Anybody who's ever been thru the system a few times understands the blood lust many of us have twords cops , i hate all cops .

I too had positive experiences with cops in the 70s/80s. But they have turned into nazi pigs the past 20 years. Fuck 'em all.

I got a speeding ticket a couple weeks ago for driving 64mph in a 50mph zone. I was otherwise within the law and was very cooperative with the officer. He yelled at me, and was very rude and gung-ho. Very disrespectful. He shined his flashlight all around inside my car, looking for anything he could use to justify escalating the situation. Looking for an excuse to search my car, I guess.

I just sat there drinking a coke and eating peanuts, the whole time he was lecturing me. I think that made him even more mad. And when he was finished lecturing me, I asked how much the ticket would be. He said in a gung-ho voice "191 DOLLARS!" I replied: "That's all? Great, no problem. Thanks officer." He walked away red-faced and mad as hell. And I laughed my ass off (quietly). Fucking cop.
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Before I even bought grow equipment I bought an 8 camera security system that records audio and backs to a 2 tb hard drive and the cloud. If my home is entered illegally I'll know who did it, when they did it and, will be able to prove it was done illegally; at that point I can take legal/illegal action on the perpetrators.

It also helps to have 3 loud, large and, aggressive looking dogs in the home as well.

Damn right dogs help. Any mofo break in my crib has this bad ass bitch to deal with. 3 lbs of solid steel and raging savagery that no cocksucker wants a part of.

Needless to say, I've never had an illegal entry in my home.

Picture 109 (800x600).jpg
yeah smack dab on harvest day lol. and to update, gears are still rolling. we still havent been contacted what so ever by the fuzz. either it was a badged robbery, the idiot pig brought the evidence and story to his C.O. and he was probably "wtf, hide it!" or they took it the D.A. and he was like "wtf, hide it!".
the wife went to a local town meeting and told her story, some local report was there and and did a blurb on her and now maybe will do a story. either way, will be going after the department and since no details about name, badge number.. there will be a lineup to identify if she can't pick him out of their officer roster book.
and as far as updates... plants still grow :) finally mixed up the last of the 300 gallons of soil i needed to get prepped for the year.
and i'd like to add.. since everyone's sharing their views on our lil hitler storm troopers... i'll be the first to say that yes, cops can be very difficult to deal with. people that usually go into that line of work have a certain mentality which for the most part is border line full on fucking psychotic and they're always looking for an adrenaline rush because they're bigger addicts than the stoners they arrest. BUT until we take on all the responsibilities they deal with locally, they're needed. and they have difficult jobs where they may have been dealing with a wife beater 20 minutes before pulling me over for throwing batteries and spare change at some ass that tried to pass me so if he's acting a little pent up i try to keep that in mind.
i've had good experiences with the ast up until this, had good experiences with the palmer police too which is a rare thing i hear. the other states that i've lived in though have been consistently bad but yeah.. they're high risk morons. its like giving claw hammers to a bunch of chimps.
You have a very strong case and that cop very likely stole your crop and sold it. Embarrass the department, raise hell, make it public, make sure everyone in the valley hears about the cop thieves- AND have a discussion with the county sheriff about how one bad apple makes everyone else's job that much more dangerous. Flush the fucker out and as soon as they give him up, sue him and his department for at least ten million dollars- not that you'll get the cash, but they need to be on notice that violating a citizen's rights will result in a shit storm they will never get shelter from.

It worked like a charm right here in Larimer County, Colorado. Before the Tim Masters case, prosecutors simply ignored the AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION, thinking it didn't apply to them. Now, local police are extremely respectful of legal pot grows, including MINE;
Blown away by the amount of people advocating the killing of cops, or anyone for that matter. For shame guys n gals, grow up.

OP - good luck man, thanks for sharing the story. just let your lawyers tear their department up over it and let them buy you everything you need to get your crops back up and running :P
....Well this pig's he's really cool... so in his class we know he rides all alone... well this pig's steady eating donuts while some motherfucker's out robbing your home. - Most factual statement, Ever :joint:
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Blown away by the amount of people advocating the killing of cops, or anyone for that matter. For shame guys n gals, grow up.

OP - good luck man, thanks for sharing the story. just let your lawyers tear their department up over it and let them buy you everything you need to get your crops back up and running :P

THIS. Cop killaz be soooo '80s
Despite their blatant thievery, It's just not healthy for a person to just start killing them. The retribution /Mess would be HORRIFIC (much worse than shooting the cop, itself). Your life would officially be OVER, and you'd be Lucky to get to court unscathed. Cops are know to "gang-bang" a "cop-killer" until he feels like he's been beaten by a gorilla. I for one, value my life & freedom far too tmuch to give in to that "temptation" & grab my AR-15 to start "instilling peace & order" -the hard way. In the end, consequences in mind, it's better to stay in control of your temper, your life literally depends on it. Personally, I would employ a "tazer" (not a stun-gun) if I really needed to do it. It's non-lethal, so the DA can suck my dick, since there wouldn't be any "real" charges to embellish upon in court. I value my Freedom as number # 1. That being said, I still keep my AR-15 handy, but the (1-st line of defense is the tazer). Peace and stay safe-
People in this country that think cannabis is a dangerous drug that turns people into criminals and monsters are NOT going to change their mind if they open the paper (or click on the link) to discover "Weed Farmer Kills 4 Cops During Drug Bust!"

It sucks to be the victim of abuse of authority and the like. But, federal law and public opinion aren't on our side yet. Taking the high road is the ONLY way to really change that.