Cop turns off camera before beating up female

lol, like u can punch yourself in the face while cuffed...its imposible to get those kind of injuries running into stuff unless u run into a fist :P..
just retarded.
Yeah id soooo punch myself in the head over and over til i left a pool of blood.....i hope this guy gets his ass beat now that he aint a cop. He might end up dead......who knows if that woman has a husband......Big bubba's comin ta getcha boy!!
Thats twinkle toed, cock sucker, muther fucker, degenrate, derlecit needs to have every inch of his night stick rammed up his anal cavity, I mean rammed till it lifts him off the air a few inches... I worked as a security guard for years...This is called "creative report writing"...It's done all the time.... it would go something like this.. I officer cum bubble, an officer with the such and such police dpeartment arrested ms blankety blank on suspicion of driving under the influence, she was taken into custody and was being held in a detention room. While in our custody Ms blank appeared to be intoxicated and unruly, attempting to get up several times. Ms. Blank resisted and was subsequently handcuffed for her safety and that of myself. My blank was becoming increasingly hostile, attempting to get up several times after being told to remain seated. I went back to writing my report when I heard a loud noise, as I looked up I saw that ms blank was laying on the floor in a pool of her own blood. Ms Blanks injuries were self induced, due to her falling while being handcuffed.....This is the kind of creatibe report writing I was referring to.. Dont mind the grammatical errors, was writing a fast one...You get my point though...I hope this cocksucker burns in hell....
Good thing there was a camera?.... there is no reason on earth to turn off a CCTV (closed circuit television) unless your gonna hide something!!!!!.. NOT ONE FUCKEN REASON ON EARTH!!!! NO REASON TO SHUT THAT CAMERA!!!! MOTHERFUCKERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
she will be scared for the rest of her life and never have the same quality of life again.
Oh, im sure there will be some lawsuits in the mix, now that this made news....she'll mend, and this guy who did this will never police again....hell not even rentacop.
I hate the word hate cause its such hateful word, but I hate this guy and everything he and anyone that supports him stands for....
She will never "mend" dont forget shit like that ever....for the rest of her life, she is matter what the outcome she will never be the same...
I hate the word hate cause its such hateful word, but I hate this guy and everything he and anyone that supports him stands for....
Agreed. you don't hit women unless in selfdefense.....and even then, you should be only defending yourself.....not assaulting the woman....this guy is a dirty fuck. At best her actions should have put her in a cell. Not an asswhipping.