Cop turns off camera before beating up female

Yeah well, when i say mend, i never said she'd just go back to normal...i said she'd mend, it will eventually callase over, like anything dramatic in life, it will be there, never letting you forget, but it also makes you a stronger person. And off of that.....

Im trying to figure out how no one else hear this shit going on outside the room, and nothing was done until she was just on the floor. Kinda rediculous.....makes ya wonder if the entire department is that crooked.
She fell VERY HARD, What aload of shit. He punched the crap out of her!
Have a nice fat cheque love.
Kinda rediculous.....makes ya wonder if the entire department is that crooked.

Yeah I know. at 2:48 in the video I heard the attorney say it is actually in the fucking standard procedure somewhere to turn off the camera at one point. what the fuck?! either i'm misunderstanding that or its like they have loopholes through the legal system already set up
Yeah I know. at 2:48 in the video I heard the attorney say it is actually in the fucking standard procedure somewhere to turn off the camera at one point. what the fuck?! either i'm misunderstanding that or its like they have loopholes through the legal system already set up
I don't even know what to say about this video. I seriously had to step away and take some deep breaths. That wasn't enough so I had to smoke a fatty. I'm not a violent person but if I lived in Shreveport I think that cop would be having an "unfortunate accident" of his own. So cops are beating up women now? Really? This piece of shit didn't even get charged! He lost his job, big fucking deal! This woman is going to be traumatized as a result of this..................I'm still so fucking mad I still can't even get my thoughts together! Fuck!!!!!:cuss:
I always ask my self, why do people think Cop Killer's are bigger criminal's then other's?
I don't wish harm upon anyone, except those that inflict harm upon others...