cooling question

ii dP ii

I'm running ~420w of CFL's right now in my closet with a 6" vortex 400cfm fan for exhaust. I'm ordering a 400w HPS/MH cooltube set up today.

do you think I will be fine with just the 6" fan hooked up to the cooltube and using that as the room exhaust too, or should I get a 4" fan for just exhaust?

closet is 2' deep x 6' wide x 8' tall. temps are running upper 70's to mid 80's at the top of the canopy right now with lights on.


Well-Known Member
That 6" fan should be fine.

I use a 250CFM fan with open reflector in a walk in closet that's 3.2x7x8ft.

I do live in the uk though and intake cool air from outside.

I run my lights at night. Currently my room runs at 24C/75F hi and 18C/65F lo.

It will ultimately depend upon your ambient intake air temp and where you are dumping your exhaust heat.

I intake from my soffits along my roof line and exhaust into my well ventilated attic area.

If you aren't dumping your exhaust air close to your room and ambient intake air is less than 70F you should be golden.


ii dP ii

awesome, yeah I'm in the northeast US. so it's getting colder right now, the room the closet is in has a window I keep open with a desk fan blowing outside air into the room. lights are on from 4pm to 4am so the coolest parts of the day right now. room temp is probably 65 at the most. also my exhaust dumps into my attic and the roof vent takes it out the top.

so what it sounds like to me is I should hopefully be pretty good here. *fingers crossed*


Well-Known Member
awesome, yeah I'm in the northeast US. so it's getting colder right now, the room the closet is in has a window I keep open with a desk fan blowing outside air into the room. lights are on from 4pm to 4am so the coolest parts of the day right now. room temp is probably 65 at the most. also my exhaust dumps into my attic and the roof vent takes it out the top.

so what it sounds like to me is I should hopefully be pretty good here. *fingers crossed*

Yes you should be good!

Good luck with the upgrade!

Let me know how you get on and whether you need any further help to iron out any issues.


ii dP ii

hey so I just got an idea, didn't need to start a new thread. do you think with a 400cfm 6" fan I could run a Y pipe off the fan and mount it near the top of my room have some flex duct coming off of one side to the cooltube and leave the other side open would that be enough power to both cool the light and exhaust the room? maybe I could put a damper on the open end somehow to make sure most of the suction goes to the light.



Well-Known Member
More work and less efficient than two fans.... more problems....
Get the hot out... don't take a chance...
Good Luck man...


Well-Known Member
You could just leave the cooltube open and it would have the same effect without the Y connector.

I take it smell isn't a concern?

Mount your cooltube, connect the fan to the cooltube with ducting and just leave the cooltube open to remove heat and exhaust your room.


ii dP ii

that's what I figured on doing at first, the Y pipe idea came in cause I was thinking that some heat might still collect at the top of my closet. but I guess with 400cfm pulling it out it doesn't matter where it draws air from.


Well-Known Member
those fans work best when they pull air away from your light and blow it outside. the air intake can be passive. a slightly smaller intake is ideal for a 'negative pressure' environment which makes it harder for parasites to establish themselves.