The last pirate - thanks for all your help, yeah i dont know much about digital ballasts either. i know that you can change the voltage on most ballasts, but this is why i am cautious about the lumatek. Most ballasts make it a point to advertise that they can be switched between 120/240/etc, however lumatek never mentions it on their website or on any of the resellers websites. Unfortunately for me, i cant open the ballast up because its not in my possession yet, figuring out whether its compatible with my houses wiring is what is keeping me from buying the ballast.
Bonz - thank you so much for going out of your way to help me out. that really clears things up for me. I haven't bought it yet, if i had i would probably have tinkered around with it until i either converted it or broke it haha...
on the contrary bonz, i am confident with my DIY skills

, i think you are confusing MrMicro's post with mine. I just dont want to buy the ballast and have it shipped here and than realize it can't be rewired. I have no problem with a little work to save a few bucks
and it is selling on an auction site with 1 day left the price is 27.50 with 15.00 shipping, it was part of a batch of 3 identical lumatek ballasts and the first two already sold for 90 dollars a piece. the cheapest i can find them elsewhere is 140.00 + shipping.
pro4204med - thanks for the advice, i would attempt something like you are talking about if i was doing a larger scale grow, or a for profit grow, however this is a small closet grow and i cannot justify the extra costs and time