Controlled Environment Agriculture by Shrubs


Well-Known Member
Looks like the Ogres and Slippers will be coming down Sunday, looked at the trichome glands
and viewed a 75% milky with very few clear and very few amber.... My kind of medicine. I'll
give the Chem Sour Diesels another week.
How many weeks u go on the CSD from 12/12? 10 weeks I think, but wanted to verify with someone with good experience :leaf:

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
How many weeks u go on the CSD from 12/12? 10 weeks I think, but wanted to verify with someone with good experience :leaf:
Today is week 8 day 6, the Ogres and Slippers, coming down tomorrow is a full 8 weeks. If the CSDs are indeed ready next sunday, that will be Week 9 day 7 so a full 9 weeks to finish for me. Only the trichomes can tell me for sure next friday/saturday.


Well-Known Member
Computer has been down. Pics will be uploaded soon.

I have been a resin covered mess for the past few days.
Sounds about like what I've been doing. Had to harvest 18 plants on my own over the last week, and also making hash. Fingers are just now unresinated.
Good work man.


Active Member

Ive been reading lots of good info on pre-harvest flushing and whether to do it or not, im in soil btw and have only flushed once in this cycle so far due to a nute problem, and id like to know your thoughts on thw subject you flush before chop? Or do you go plain water the last week or two? Or do you just feed till chop?

Thanks man,

X :)

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Sounds about like what I've been doing. Had to harvest 18 plants on my own over the last week, and also making hash. Fingers are just now unresinated.
Good work man.
Thats what I do for my personal meds. 18 plants under 1800 Watts at home.


Ive been reading lots of good info on pre-harvest flushing and whether to do it or not, im in soil btw and have only flushed once in this cycle so far due to a nute problem, and id like to know your thoughts on thw subject you flush before chop? Or do you go plain water the last week or two? Or do you just feed till chop?

Thanks man,

X :)
I can't quite tell if you're talking about leaching or flushing. Flushing is used at the end to
release heavy metals and other chemicals of the plant matter before harvest. Leaching is giving
the plants excess irrigation to allow a loss of water soluble salts within the soil to avoid these salts
from building up into the soil. Generally speaking if you're organic/all natural, you need not leach.

I flush for at least 7 days before I harvest, this time around it has been a 10 day flush. I have had to leach
a couple times here in there out of fear of a salt build up. Remember your goal is to feed your medium, your
plant will do it's own thing.


Active Member
I can't quite tell if you're talking about leaching or flushing.
Thanks for the clarification! I was trying to talk about flushing at the end right before harvest, like the last 7-10 days as you mentioned.

So you do flush? Interesting. I'm just trying to gather info because it seems the camp is very divided on whether a pre-harvest flush he last 1-2 weeks is beneficial or harmful to the plant and the resulting end product. I'm too inexperienced to know at this point since I haven't had time to grow several crops and compare the resulting end product. Thats why I ask questions to wonderful people like you! :)

So in your flush at the end, you just provide plain water every time you would have normally fed a nutrient fertilizer solution to the plants? Just plain water the last 7-10 days? Or do you add trace elements, sugars, whatever blah blah in minute amounts to this plain water?

Thanks for the answer Shrubs! :)

One Love.


Shrubs First

Well-Known Member

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Yo viv, with this current harvest. I flushed the Ogres and slippers with 4mL CannaBoost, 10mL hygrozyme all the way through. And with the CSDs i stopped the Boost and Zyme after 7 days of flush and now just RO water. No pH when its water only.

I do it a little differently everytime, with no significant changes in finished product as long as my drying technique is incorporated.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
When you cut a plant and hang to dry, the transport of fluids within the plant continues, but at a much slower rate. Stomata close soon after harvest, and drying is slowed since little water vapor escapes. The natural plant processes slowly come to an end as the plant dries. The outer cells are the first to dry, but fluid still moves from the internal cells to supply moisture to outer cells which are dry. When this process occurs properly, plants dry evenly throughout. Removing leaves and large stems upon harvest speeds up drying; however, moisture content within the "dried" buds, leaves and stems is uneven. If buds are dried too quickly, chlorophyll and other pigments, starch, nitrates are trapped within plant tissue, making it taste green, burn unevenly and taste bad.

When dried relatively slowly, over a period of seven days or longer, moisture evaporates evenly in to the air, yielding uniformly dried buds. Slowly dried buds taste sweet and smoke smooth. Taste and aroma improve when pigments breakdown. Slow even drying where moisture content is the same throughout stems, foliage and buds allows enough time for the pigments to degrade. Hanging entire plants to dry allows this process to take place over time.

I enjoy opening my jar and having the freshly trimmed buds literally stinging my nostrils. The aromas are extremely pure and pungent.

I try to end up having between 8%-10% moisture content in my finished buds.