Controlled Environment Agriculture by Shrubs

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member what do u think happend with the purps??

"The purps really stuck me bad though, their yield was nowhere near where
it was in my first journal, I finished with about 3 oz of 7 purp plants".
Couple things.

The guy who I was getting my clones from, hadn't actually flowered any of his
genetics, his whole op was dedicated to clones and mothers.

I was receiving my genetics from him and flowering them, last time I did a grow with
around 8 different strains.

The purps was the best yeilder and was by far the best quality.

I wanted to grow that again, along with this amazing sour diesel cutting he had just received.

So I took some more clones from him, 7 Sour D, 7 Purps, a God's Gift and NYCD slipped in
on accident (weak sauce). I was supposed to get 8 purps and 8 Sour D.

After I had been vegging this next batch for a little while, I heard my buddy had a flower room
up in the mountains, so I went with him to check it out. It was weird, his Purps flowers were
doing things I had never seen before, abnormal floral growth was totally abundant, no nug mass
was really apparent, just stringy leafy material, it was strange. I asked if there were a ton of light
leaks or if they had any problems with the environment and they claimed everything was spot on.

That got me worried that maybe the genetics had gone bad. And when it happened to my Purps, I
think it was confirmed, the genetics just aren't producing anymore. Weak growth.

Also I did kind of OD the plants on nutes a week before flowering, but they were healthy a week later.
So that might have effected the overall yield negatively.


Well-Known Member
thats crazy i wonder if the elevation had anything to do with your buddys purps..oh and gods gift is some real nice smoke too.


Well-Known Member
great looking nugs there. that one nug looks so frosty, like its was dipped in liquid nitrogen. how did your weight compare to last round? sorry to hear about the purps. how big of a light do you use in bloom?

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
thats crazy i wonder if the elevation had anything to do with your buddys purps..oh and gods gift is some real nice smoke too.
That's what I originally wondered, but mine turned out like that as well,
and I'm only at 5200. Plus my last Purp was nothing like this. Thought
I would get the same as what I had before, my environment was much
better controlled this time.

great looking nugs there. that one nug looks so frosty, like its was dipped in liquid nitrogen. how did your weight compare to last round? sorry to hear about the purps. how big of a light do you use in bloom?
Last round I got about 8 oz, this round I got 14, so almost double.
Which is great when you think about it in that perspective.

But I'm runnin two 600's so I got about .33 Grams per watt. Not what I wanted.

I'm lookin to double that again next time.

I think better salt control will help with that, and better training with the Diesels.

The cola's off to the side were more filled out than the ones directly
under my hoods, so I'm gonna try and train them better next time.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Got a good lead on some clones for my next round.

We'll see what happens, on tuesday I am scheduled to pick up
some healthy rooted clones. ChemDawgs and Cindy 99's. Some Solid
ladies from a close friend.


Well-Known Member
The cola's off to the side were more filled out than the ones directly
under my hoods, so I'm gonna try and train them better next time.
I think buds really pack on the weight when the side of the colas are directly receiving light the whole way down the cola. definitely something Im thinking about for my future grows.

the macros are lookin tasty tho man :weed: what strain you likin the most so far smoke-wise?


Well-Known Member
loving the macro shots bro! hope you get double yield next time. good luck on the new clone strains. i hope you are enjoying your new harvest man, i know i am!

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Back in action yall.

I am currently converting to a fully perpetual cycle and it has been
a small journey to say the least. It the past couple months of absence
i have been nursing my Mother Sour Diesel plant and distributing clones.

I have not been able to use my flowering zone due to the high temperatures
and my lack of an Air Conditioner until now. I have my sights on a 12000 BTU
unit which will take care of all of my needs until a larger venture is sought.

I placed 8 Island Sweet Skunks which vegged for 2 weeks in to my flower
hut with one of my two 600's running yesterday on July 1st. I know I was supposed to
be growing strictly sour diesel but these past few months havent really allowed me
to organize that so well. Soon enough friends. After these 8 ladies have been flowering
for 4 weeks I will place 8 more in there, this will help keep the Humidity lower because of
there being a lot less foliage and I will be harvesting once a month rather than every other.

Until I am able to grab that 12,000 BTU AC I have a 6000 BTU unit in there which is keeping
temps at about 82F which is completely acceptable for now. When I hit 85 I will have to splurge
and get that larger unit.

A couple things to update you guys in the personal life of Shrubs which help
explain my absence from the horticultural scene.

1. I totaled my car
2. I replaced it with a bicycle!
3. attended Telluride Bluegrass Fest. (Holy shit)
4. Hiked the Black Canyon of the Gunnison
5. Smoked almost a QP in the last two months
6. Lookin at movin to the Pacific NW.
7. My buddies ScROG which I had shown you a couple times was completely wiped
out by PM. It was an enormous mess.
8. I finished Lost Season 6 hahah

Here's the ladies in the Veg hut a couple days before I placed them in to flowering.

Enjoy fellas and ladies! SOOO glad to be back!



New Member
Back in action yall.

I am currently converting to a fully perpetual cycle and it has been
a small journey to say the least. It the past couple months of absence
i have been nursing my Mother Sour Diesel plant and distributing clones.

I have not been able to use my flowering zone due to the high temperatures
and my lack of an Air Conditioner until now. I have my sights on a 12000 BTU
unit which will take care of all of my needs until a larger venture is sought.

I placed 8 Island Sweet Skunks which vegged for 2 weeks in to my flower
hut with one of my two 600's running yesterday on July 1st. I know I was supposed to
be growing strictly sour diesel but these past few months havent really allowed me
to organize that so well. Soon enough friends. After these 8 ladies have been flowering
for 4 weeks I will place 8 more in there, this will help keep the Humidity lower because of
there being a lot less foliage and I will be harvesting once a month rather than every other.

Until I am able to grab that 12,000 BTU AC I have a 6000 BTU unit in there which is keeping
temps at about 82F which is completely acceptable for now. When I hit 85 I will have to splurge
and get that larger unit.

A couple things to update you guys in the personal life of Shrubs which help
explain my absence from the horticultural scene.

1. I totaled my car
2. I replaced it with a bicycle!
3. attended Telluride Bluegrass Fest. (Holy shit)
4. Hiked the Black Canyon of the Gunnison
5. Smoked almost a QP in the last two months
6. Lookin at movin to the Pacific NW.
7. My buddies ScROG which I had shown you a couple times was completely wiped
out by PM. It was an enormous mess.
8. I finished Lost Season 6 hahah

Here's the ladies in the Veg hut a couple days before I placed them in to flowering.

Enjoy fellas and ladies! SOOO glad to be back!

Welcome back mr. were direly missed


"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Week 1 Day 3

Fed the flowering bunch tonight.

8 Gallons of Water for 8 plants = 1 Gallon per plant

50 mL Coco A
50 mL Coco B
20 mL CANNA PK 13/14
20 mL Rhizotonic
15 mL Hygrozyme
10 mL Mayan Microzyme
10 mL Humic Acid Concentrate
10 mL Fulvic Acid Concentrate
20 mL Humboldt Honey
50 mL Budswel Bat Guano

ppm 800 on a .7 ec scale, pH 6.0, temp 65 F
800 ppm

I also transplanted the veggies out of their 5 x 5's in to 3 gallon
Smart pots and fed them about the same concoction as up there
except much more diluted, it was at 400 ppms and a pH of 6.0


Well-Known Member
haha glad to have you back man and glad to hear the accident didnt bang you up too bad.
perpetual grows are definitely the way to go. how much do you think you'll be pulling off the 8 plants every harvest?


Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
haha glad to have you back man and glad to hear the accident didnt bang you up too bad.
perpetual grows are definitely the way to go. how much do you think you'll be pulling off the 8 plants every harvest?

Ya man, I got T-boned, but on the passenger side and I was by myself, so
no real harm.

I'm excited about being perpetual, but it's gonna be a ton of work.

I have no idea on the yield, I'm working with unpredictable strains, I haven't
grown these, nor has my compadre, but they are healthy and vigorous
"Island Sweet Skunks" as they claimed, so we'll see how legit they are
once grown because I've seen some beautiful large ISS nugs. I'm hoping
for 2 ounces per plant after 2 weeks of veg.


Active Member
Welcome back mr. were direly missed


"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:
Going to be following this one closely. I also ride a bike and it's great except when you have to move heavy equipment.

here are some oregon threads if the NW catches your eyes... Keep your fingers crossed and the dispensary measure might make the ballot and pass. Could be good place to set up shop.

hope all goes well.


Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Going to be following this one closely. I also ride a bike and it's great except when you have to move heavy equipment.

here are some oregon threads if the NW catches your eyes... Keep your fingers crossed and the dispensary measure might make the ballot and pass. Could be good place to set up shop.

hope all goes well.

Nice, glad to have you here MM.

I'll be doing a nice update tonight, stay tuned for pics and another feeding.