Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated


Well-Known Member
the problem with conservatives who are too embarrassed to call themselves conservatives and so call themselves libertarians is simplified thinking like you see above.

i do not want to take from peter to pay paul, it's more like take from peter and paul to provide for basic services that both peter and paul rely on.

you can go on making strawboys all day long though, have fun in your imaginary world.
Peter is the guy who has $1 billion tucked away, paul is the guy who works 2 full time jobs to support his family of 12. You most certainly do support taking from peter to pay paul, denying that would be disingenuous.


Well-Known Member
What kind of interest bearing account you got a Million in that pays more than .5% interest? At that rate you are making $5000 a year on interest. You must be living the high life on that $5K a year.

You can't live off the interest of a Million , maybe 10 million, but certainly not a million.
You must be poor lol. I said it wasn't fair, I didn't say I don't avail myself.

My brokerage account yields a fine interest, not to mention the returns.


Well-Known Member
Peter is the guy who has $1 billion tucked away, paul is the guy who works 2 full time jobs to support his family of 12. You most certainly do support taking from peter to pay paul, denying that would be disingenuous.
yes, as someone who supports a progressive tax code, i feel that peter should pay the same or higher than paul, but it's not to pay paul. it's still, in the end, to provide services that they both rely on.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
You must be poor lol. I said it wasn't fair, I didn't say I don't avail myself.

My brokerage account yields a fine interest, not to mention the returns.
What is your return YOY on interest? And on returns? What are your primary holdings?

And did you really just say "you must be poor lol" you just discounted everything you've claimed to believe in. Cognitive dissonance must suck, eh?


Well-Known Member
What is your return YOY on interest? And on returns? What are your primary holdings?

And did you really just say "you must be poor lol" you just discounted everything you've claimed to believe in. Cognitive dissonance must suck, eh?
Let's just say I understand the debate from both sides.


Well-Known Member
What is your return YOY on interest? And on returns? What are your primary holdings?

And did you really just say "you must be poor lol" you just discounted everything you've claimed to believe in. Cognitive dissonance must suck, eh?
There is no cognitive dissonance, this system is set up for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. I'm not a billionaire, I'm not even a millionaire, but if I was a millionaire, I would never have to dip into principal or work for that matter. I have lived paycheck to paycheck. I'm smart enough to make it in this system, I am an exception.


Well-Known Member
There is no cognitive dissonance, this system is set up for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. I'm not a billionaire, I'm not even a millionaire, but if I was a millionaire, I would never have to dip into principal. I have lived paycheck to paycheck. I'm smart enough to make it in this system, I am an exception.
Ok, and many of the rich get richer through government contracts. So many, it's hard to count.

Of course, that isn't the primary problem. The primary problem is the monetary and banking systems.


Well-Known Member
I see, go ahead and take your shots at me. I decry inequality, but since I have money in my accounts, yet still eat rice and beans, I'm a hypocrite. Who has the entitlement mentality now?


Well-Known Member
You must be poor lol. I said it wasn't fair, I didn't say I don't avail myself.

My brokerage account yields a fine interest, not to mention the returns.
Earning dividends and capital gains on equities is not the same thing as earning interest on idle cash. Big difference between risk levels, a savings account at a bank has FDIC insurance so if something bad happens you don't lose your shirt.


Well-Known Member
I'm smart enough to make it in this system, I am an exception.
So why do you want to punish someone so much when they are smart enough to "get rich" in the same system?

It sounds to me like you want to punish "the exception".

I guess you're a martyr for eating rice and beans!

LOL! You and Bucky! Both have money, yet brag about being "poor", poooooor guys.:spew:


Well-Known Member
So why do you want to punish someone so much when they are smart enough to "get rich" in the same system?

It sounds to me like you want to punish "the exception".

I guess you're a martyr for eating rice and beans!

LOL! You and Bucky! Both have money, yet brag about being "poor", poooooor guys.:spew:
Does anyone actually pay you to think? I never said I was poor and I certainly never bragged about it. I probably have a lot more to lose than you do and yet I still have empathy for people who don't have shit. I don't mind taking your duckets though, not like you would use em wisely. What do you eat? KFC?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone actually pay you to think? I never said I was poor and I certainly never bragged about it. I probably have a lot more to lose than you do and yet I still have empathy for people who don't have shit. I don't mind taking your duckets though, not like you would use em wisely. What do you eat? KFC?
Race baiter!


Well-Known Member
Does anyone actually pay you to think? I never said I was poor and I certainly never bragged about it. I probably have a lot more to lose than you do and yet I still have empathy for people who don't have shit. I don't mind taking your duckets though, not like you would use em wisely. What do you eat? KFC?
That's a lot af ASSuming!:dunce:

Hmmmm....... Being as I'm 40 and RETIRED, I'd bet that I have more to lose than YOU!

Yes, KFC is yummy.