As much as the truth squad wants gb and myself to be the same person we aren't. I live in winnipeg. No clue where old gb calls home but I do think it's cute that you fûck nose are convinced we are one and the same.
And I've never even been there so. Keep up the gumshoe work. You seem to be on a good trail.He lives in the Georgian Bay Ont area
And I've never even been there so. Keep up the gumshoe work. You seem to be on a good trail.
Gb lives in my basement under the stairs. I feed him three times daily and he goes outside to do his business. He is my SonAs much as the truth squad wants gb and myself to be the same person we aren't. I live in winnipeg. No clue where old gb calls home but I do think it's cute that you fûck nose are convinced we are one and the same.
Weed diverted to the BM....eeeeek...shriek.....fuckin right on I say.
You pussies need to understand the BM is KING always has been. Where do you little dicks think most of what is smoked comes from...the fuckin BM that's where. The BM invented smokin weed and It's been basically the only friend a pot lover had....until recently it's expanding to newer avenues of access.....that's cool. But remember there isn't any pink and white stores on the corner where weed is bought.
It's been painstakingly moved from here to there all so any Canadian that wants weed can find it. And that's the way it should be and I like it. I like anarchy against the Gov. They fuck me...I fuck motto
And you can thank your lucky stars the BM does exist or you'd all be smokin your left hand on your D%^k
Weed diverted to anywhere from anyone...( even LP's ) works in my books. I'm not about pleasing all the new inductee's to this game with flowers and snapdragon's.
I have no issues with CC's or DG's or PPL's ....just don't bash the BM cause it invented this sport.
The BM is the opposite side of the GOV and have been way better to me as a patient than the GOV far.
It's the " Peoples Plant " and is therefore sold and distributed by the " People "...makes sense to me.
That's too bad...I was hoping more for " wild eyed stares "You're getting blank staresdad
everyone was my dad or they used to be
she loves my thingy all the time.She's here...she's probably ignoring us...and my sadness could not be more profound either ... sob
I saw her liking someones thingy