Congress Finally Demanding Obama provide his "License to kill"

Does ANYTHING you ever say have ANY kind of non-circimstantial proof? Basically I'm trying to refine my ignore list.

HAHA proof? Nutjobs don't need proof! Its called the liberal okiedoke. First the copy and paste left leaning news article to try and form a debate. Then when you pick apart the news article they start rage posting copy and paste wiki snippets. After you again make them look like an ass, they go to the last plan personal attacks and meme spam. Wait for it, wait for it
When Bush tortures/kills terrorists, he is applauded When Obama kills terrorists, he's destroyed by the right. lol...
Get real, Bush had plenty of criticism. The ACLU is hardly "rightist", anyway. You're letting your biases distort your perception.
are you really that much of an idiot to refute his claim with copy-paste shit that has no relevance to refute his claim? LOL....

I saw that Chesus responded in an understandable way. He is convicting Lindh with Wikipeadiea. I don't agree that we should be able to or even inclined to convict a person by the use of "common knowlege" about that person. Conviction still requires a trial by a jury of one's peers.
Nice info, but irrelevant to the conversation.
Try a google with "George Bush drone strike american killed " & see what cha get.
As much as I loath to side with the ACLU, I must on this topic & to quote their legal director:
“The questions here is whether the government is justified in killing them without charging them with anything or trying them for anything,”

This "I don't agree with the ACLU" except for this time is a wonderous sentiment. Someone who is "against" the ACLU because they defend people that someone doesn't like is ok with their actions when they defend general civil rights. The point is that the ACLU commonly defends civil rights, they do so by defending unsavory people and ideologies. All civil liberties need to be defended even if, at times, nasty people or groups reap the benifit
Get real, Bush had plenty of criticism. The ACLU is hardly "rightist", anyway. You're letting your biases distort your perception.

The criticisms Bush encountered for torture or killing or imprisoning citizens came predominantly from the left. I recall that the right did indeed applaud Bush's actions on that front. They accepted and even embraced his unwarranted wire taps, his refusal to grant due process to suspected terrorists and his authorization of torture. Those methods are to this day lauded by factions of the right.
Never thought id see righties attacking the use if force against enemies of our country.

Terrorist sympathizers, maybe the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the right, someone call Michelle Bachman
This "I don't agree with the ACLU" except for this time is a wonderous sentiment. Someone who is "against" the ACLU because they defend people that someone doesn't like is ok with their actions when they defend general civil rights. The point is that the ACLU commonly defends civil rights, they do so by defending unsavory people and ideologies. All civil liberties need to be defended even if, at times, nasty people or groups reap the benifit

My principal beef with the ACLU is their unevenness of effort. Where were they when gun control forces made their Great Leap Forward? cn
I don't see anywhere in the constitution that says you forfeit your right to face your accusers. Did the person flee after he was arrested?
Heck, they weren't arrested - nor even formally charged.
I guess a "Conviction by media" is good enough for some because we all know information is never distorted to fit the circumstances or someones agenda.

Note: General comment - not directed @ anyone particular.
My principal beef with the ACLU is their unevenness of effort. Where were they when gun control forces made their Great Leap Forward? cn

Ah! so the ACLU is an unacceptable organization becauses it does not evenly fight for all civil rights for individuals. All or nothing? Gun rights are as important as first amendment rights. Could we say though that the ACLU doesn't really think much of 2nd amendment rights?

It is well known that the ACLU is far to the left and I will not dispute it, but when it gets down to it, the right only truely values property rights and gun rights. I know of no rightis organization that seeks to protect any rights other than the two I mentioned. If they are out there they havn't made much of a name for themselves.

Property rights by virtue of those that hold them most dear, protect themselves in this country and we do have the NRA to look after the 2nd amendment.

Seems that the ACLU is providing an important service in filling the gap and protecting the 1st and the 4th and the 5th, 6th 7th, 8th and 9th. And the right reaps great rewards from the actions of that hated organization. I figure its pretty much ok that they ignore the 2nd, don't you?
Heck, they weren't arrested - nor even formally charged.
I guess a "Conviction by media" is good enough for some because we all know information is never distorted to fit the circumstances or someones agenda.

Note: General comment - not directed @ anyone particular.

many of us commonly talk over other poster's shoulders.
Ah! so the ACLU is an unacceptable organization becauses it does not evenly fight for all civil rights for individuals. All or nothing? Gun rights are as important as first amendment rights. Could we say though that the ACLU doesn't really think much of 2nd amendment rights?

It is well known that the ACLU is far to the left and I will not dispute it, but when it gets down to it, the right only truely values property rights and gun rights. I know of no rightis organization that seeks to protect any rights other than the two I mentioned. If they are out there they havn't made much of a name for themselves.

Property rights by virtue of those that hold them most dear, protect themselves in this country and we do have the NRA to look after the 2nd amendment.

Seems that the ACLU is providing an important service in filling the gap and protecting the 1st and the 4th and the 5th, 6th 7th, 8th and 9th. And the right reaps great rewards from the actions of that hated organization. I figure its pretty much ok that they ignore the 2nd, don't you?

I said it's a beef, not that it makes them unacceptable.
To me, the omission of gun rights from their activism is telling, because it does suggest that the ACLU is following a left-leaning program. It should be the American CLU, not an international(ist?) organization. And it should not wed itself to either partisan platform.
The NRA ia as naked an interest group as any we have here in the USA. While the fact that they champion something dear to me does stay any volleys I might fire at them (pardon the mangled metaphor) I find needing to support such a biased, doctrinaire group to protect a [string of frightful language] codified Constitutional right from some very successful attempts to moot it ... rather offensive. That isn't how politics should be done, in my unrealistic opinion. cn
I said it's a beef, not that it makes them unacceptable.
To me, the omission of gun rights from their activism is telling, because it does suggest that the ACLU is following a left-leaning program. It should be the American CLU, not an international(ist?) organization. And it should not wed itself to either partisan platform.
The NRA ia as naked an interest group as any we have here in the USA. While the fact that they champion something dear to me does stay any volleys I might fire at them (pardon the mangled metaphor) I find needing to support such a biased, doctrinaire group to protect a [string of frightful language] codified Constitutional right from some very successful attempts to moot it ... rather offensive. That isn't how politics should be done, in my unrealistic opinion. cn

Those who would attempt to disagree that the ACLU is not leftist in the extreme would be lying to themselves or us. What I think is disconcerting is that they are hated by the right when the right has gained from their work and the right has no alternative organization. What this tends to have me believe is that rights are not nearly so dear to conservatives as they are to liberals and that conservatives seem to be willing to let all of their liberties go in the interest of property, guns and law and order. Conservatives claim to want smaller less obtrusive government but at each turn they are willing to ceede more power to that body they so loath. They are unwilling to bolster individual rights if it might mean that an extra criminal is back on the streets. They are willing to grant the police ever more leeway, the courts ever more latitude, giving the individual ever less protection from government, complaining that the ACLU is "soft on crime" while at the very same time suggesting that the government is tyrannical in the extreme.

Doesn't make much sense to me. Maybe BeenThere can explain it to us.
I said it's a beef, not that it makes them unacceptable.
To me, the omission of gun rights from their activism is telling, because it does suggest that the ACLU is following a left-leaning program. It should be the American CLU, not an international(ist?) organization. And it should not wed itself to either partisan platform.
The NRA ia as naked an interest group as any we have here in the USA. While the fact that they champion something dear to me does stay any volleys I might fire at them (pardon the mangled metaphor) I find needing to support such a biased, doctrinaire group to protect a [string of frightful language] codified Constitutional right from some very successful attempts to moot it ... rather offensive. That isn't how politics should be done, in my unrealistic opinion. cn

The ACLU defended Rush Limbaugh

Any questions?