Congress Finally Demanding Obama provide his "License to kill"


New Member
As I am sure you all know by now Obama is straight up killing people without trial and has appointed one dude to be the judge, jury, and executioneer of who shall live or die via drone strikes. Congress has finally decided to "address" this matter.

[ Mother Jones: ] Congress is finally standing up to President Barack Obama on targeted killing. Almost a year after three American citizens were killed in US drone strikes, legislators are pushing the administration to explain why it believes it's legal to kill American terror suspects overseas.

Congress is considering two measures that would compel the Obama administration to show members of Congress what Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) calls Obama's "license to kill": internal memos outlining the legal justification for killing Americans overseas without charge or trial. Legislators have been asking administration officials to release the documents for nearly a year, raising the issue multiple times in hearings and letters. But the new proposals, including one from Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) first flagged by blogger Marcy Wheeler and another in a separate intelligence bill, aren't requests—they would mandate disclosure. That shift shows both Republicans and Democrats are growing impatient with the lack of transparency on targeted killings.
After radical American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, alleged American Al Qaeda propagandist Samir Khan, and Awlaki's 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman, were killed by drone strikes in Yemen in September and October of last year, Republican and Democratic members of Congress sent letters asking the Obama administration to explain the legal justification for targeted killing of American citizens. "We got a license to kill Americans, and we don't know the legal basis for the license to kill Americans…because our letters haven't been answered," Grassley complained during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing last week.
The New York Times has confirmed the existence of a secret memo from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC)—the branch of the government that tells the president whether what he wants to do is legal—outlining the legal basis for the targeted killing program. But the Obama administration has yet to acknowledge that any such memo exists, despite defending the targeted killing policy in speeches and public appearances, and is currently fighting an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit that seeks to force the government to reveal the legal justification for targeted killing. Now Congress seems to be moving towards the ACLU's position.
What US citizens?

Are you talking about the ones attacking the USA and hiding out in another country?

Any of them. Doesn't matter USA is not a dictatorship.

There can be no exception to moral and ethical standards philosophy has established and that includes any government.
Any of them. Doesn't matter USA is not a dictatorship.

Those werent US citizens

US citizens dont attack the USA while hiding out in foreign countries

So to do nothing would make us their Bitch

Do you really want the usa to be someones bitch?

I'm starting to think maybe you do
The Executive branch is not charged with evaluating a citizen's guilt or innocence and due process does involve at least two different branches of government. I smell distinct whiffs of old Bush shit still sticking to the walls of the oval office.
I will write my congressman tonight and tell him to get the heck off the deal. I am not a Obama supported but the killings of the terorist is just the way it is and I support it 100 percent. Those people would blow you and me up before they have their morning coffee. Bunch of sick people out there that need to go. If it were up to me I would load everyone up at gitmo in a remote controled 747 and crash it into meca. Than go eat some pizza.
Those werent US citizens

US citizens dont attack the USA while hiding out in foreign countries

So to do nothing would make us their Bitch

Do you really want the usa to be someones bitch?

I'm starting to think maybe you do

No, I excpet them to uphold moral and ethical standards that they police and even established. It is only rational and moral.
I will write my congressman tonight and tell him to get the heck off the deal. I am not a Obama supported but the killings of the terorist is just the way it is and I support it 100 percent. Those people would blow you and me up before they have their morning coffee. Bunch of sick people out there that need to go. If it were up to me I would load everyone up at gitmo in a remote controled 747 and crash it into meca. Than go eat some pizza.

The problem is that in this country we assertain the facts about a person through a series of steps. We do not simply presume or let a single government body presume that a person is a criminal. We do not know if an American citizen is a terrorist until we perform some of those steps. Being a terrorist doing terrorist things is in one way or another a crime and we presume that people are NOT criminals unless we can prove that they are.

How did this government determine that the folks they killed are indeed terrorists? As I have said before, I marvel at a group who professes never ever to trust their government but are usually the first to believe that same government when they call someone a terrorist or a criminal. "they deserve to be shot, they are terrorits", "how do you know?" "well the government said they are".

Bad idea.
Yeah give government full license to kill anyone they label as terrorist. This power wont be abused I am sure of it!
The problem is that in this country we assertain the facts about a person through a series of steps. We do not simply presume or let a single government body presume that a person is a criminal. We do not know if an American citizen is a terrorist until we perform some of those steps. Being a terrorist doing terrorist things is in one way or another a crime and we presume that people are NOT criminals unless we can prove that they are.

How did this government determine that the folks they killed are indeed terrorists? As I have said before, I marvel at a group who professes never ever to trust their government but are usually the first to believe that same government when they call someone a terrorist or a criminal. "they deserve to be shot, they are terrorits", "how do you know?" "well the government said they are".

Bad idea.

Mostly thru their online postings , videos emails telephone calls

And their own parents saying they support their childrens terroristic activities
Mostly thru their online postings , videos emails telephone calls

And their own parents saying they support their childrens terroristic activities

Did you hear that on FOX news? Its called the right to trial and its something we established hundreds of years ago you fucking nazi. The president is not a dictator. You like Obama and hate Mitt Romney right? You want Mitt Romney to have this power?
I am sorry we can argue all day long on whats wrong with the country but I am sure Americans will reject with a large majority if this is put to a vote. Once we give the government a way to kill someone without repercussions its over boys.
I am sorry we can argue all day long on whats wrong with the country but I am sure Americans will reject with a large majority if this is put to a vote. Once we give the government a way to kill someone without repercussions its over boys.

Wrong. Make the voting public fearful of "others" and they will vote for the folks that have them feel safe and encourage them to do what they think is necessary.
Mostly thru their online postings , videos emails telephone calls

And their own parents saying they support their childrens terroristic activities

Ches - there is a problem with your reasoning here. In this country, except for very specific extenuating situations, it is the people, not the executive, not the legislative and not even the judiciary that determine the guilt of a person accused of a major crime. We all believe that this is a very good and important thing and we jealously retain that responsibility for ourselves
Wrong. Make the voting public fearful of "others" and they will vote for the folks that have them feel safe and encourage them to do what they think is necessary.

I agree fear mongering is the most powerful political tool there is, you can fuck some in the ass and then shoot them if they ask why, very impressive power. Regardless don't make this about Bush everyone here can't stand the guy, it wasn't ok for him and it isnt ok for Obama
Well, that power is safe when MY party has it, but when yours does, that can be dangerous.

ahaha gooluck to cheeses when the republicans get in office and round up his "commy" ass for execution lol....CheesusRice your friendly fascist! :) A TYRANT YOU CAN TRUST!
I agree fear mongering is the most powerful political tool there is, you can fuck some in the ass and then shoot them if they ask why, very impressive power. Regardless don't make this about Bush everyone here can't stand the guy, it wasn't ok for him and it isnt ok for Obama

When someone forges new tools for abuse and leaves them for their sucessor, I blame the sucessor for using them and the predecessor for creating them.