Confused about fertilizer


New Member
I just bought a bag of full spectrum fertilizer 18-5-15 (Actually 18-5-15-6-0.2-7.3)
I thought it was to disolve in water but it's granular, they told me it's not slow release but I don't know what to think.
The fertilizer looks like some different size coloured small stones, some of them look like quartz crystals and other orange, black.
What can I do? I am growing an autoflower outdors. I wanted to cut the nitrogen on the flowering stage, but know I don't know how to that if this is slow release. I was thinking in to leaving some soaking overnight in water and applying when disolved.

Hope you can help me.
read the bag. it will tell you. Try to mix it in water and see if its water soluble. did you already try that ? soaking it wont help if its not water soluble. if its instant food you want then make sure you buy pretty much anything without "slow release" or "Organic" on the label. If nothing else post the ingredients on here and we can help...
read the bag. it will tell you. Try to mix it in water and see if its water soluble. did you already try that ? soaking it wont help if its not water soluble. if its instant food you want then make sure you buy pretty much anything without "slow release" or "Organic" on the label. If nothing else post the ingredients on here and we can help...

Hi! Thanks for answering. I already read everything in the bag and it does not say anything. It doesn't even have the measurings I should use, it just says (sprinkle on top of your soil and water) so that seems to be slow releasing but they tell me it is not on the phone.
Well this is all I have.


Just scratch it in the surface a few inches it will mostly disolve in a week or 2 in the dirt. Its too strong of fertilizer for autoflowers though IMO. You be better off starting with bloom fertilizer only. Like 3-12-12 or similar dry fertilizer and a shot of fish emulsion. Dont keep fertilizing it, just do it once maybe 2X.
Its not slow release either, slow release is coated in polymers and usually green or some other color. Thats synthetic quick release fertilizer.
That food is fine but since it dont even have ingredients , i would use that up or buy more. If its water soluble then its probably instant release. Did you put it in water an see what happens ? I have no idea how much to tell you to use.... you cant go wrong with swedstevens ways.