New Member
easy dude i had the same confussion when setting up my cool tube, light, and filter, the way i set it up was:
carben filter conected to the cooltube then the cooltube connected to the fan so the fan is sucking air from your grow room through your filter therefor reducing smell, but!! to make this work best you need an intake fan to bring cool fresh air into the grow room creating the full cycle of air exchainge, and have a powerfull enough fan to exchainge the air within the grow room many times an hour. doing this will decrease grow time increse yrild and resin production. if you can afford one get a controle for temp and hume so this controles everything for you
so first hing work out the area of the grow space, wxlxh then times that by 6 and you get you amount of air that needs to be exchainged an hour get a fan thats slightly more powerfull. hope this is what you where askin as quite stoned while typing this
peace .......................
Ok as for the question about noise, it is somewhat noisy underneath the attic entrance (ladder) not quite a problem thogh for me.
So I notice some slits in the vent that was causing it to get hot.. so i patched it up and that helped out alot! In the midst of doing so, I found a better idea that help out in many ways.
First thing, I need to completly convert ducting and have insulated ducting. This well help out with noise, and heat coming from ducting. This help keep both areas within desired range. I am then going to get a Y splitter and where the exhaust ducting is connectec from portable ac to the cool tube, I will attached it there and then attach 2 feet of regular ducting to the Y adapater. This help cycle air our from the grow room. Creating enough negative pressure and having enough space for positive pressure ( i.e. door cracked open) will help circulate the air.
You see when my ac turns off the fan is on, but with the y divider this help so when ac is off the fan will pull air from the grow room.
After sealing the holes from the venting the temps are back in range.
I think I need to go with complete INSULATE Ducting, get the Y splitter, and see where that takes me. My temps never been too high, it was the fact that i was working in there causing holes in my ducting.
My temps during day range from 70-82 degrees with lights on and lights off 65-75 degrees. Humidty is 30-40 percent.
I also have a large air purifer for rooms 12 x 12 in a 5 x 5 area. wall fan, and one osicllating fan. I have plenty of air movement from the grow.