Concerns about flowering


Active Member
I've got 18 clones and 3 seeded plants growing directly in the ground. I started my seeds in late may and put the clones in July 3rd, a bit more than a month later than the seedlings.
I live in Ottawa and harvest time is usually late September to early October. The seeded plants are alreay flowering while the clones only have a few pistils on some of the nodes. The clones are actually BIGGER than the seeded plants also.
I`m worried since I put my clones in more than a month late that they will flower late and I wont get a good harvest. Is this possible or are they just taking a bit longer?


Active Member
I will post pics soon, but I was ALSO wondering about the leafs on my plants... They seem to be lighter toward the center of the leaf then darker green towards the ends. There are some yellow leafs at the bottom that I`m not too concerned about... should i be?


Active Member
I have the same issue. My plants went outside on June 16 when they were about 4 or 5 inches tall from seed. They are over 2 feet now and are not flowering yet. Will it be too late in the season for them to fully produce? I am on Vancouver Island.


Well-Known Member
no, no matter when u planted them they will sense the days shortening and start flowering, are the clones a diff, strain than the seeded plants? neway if ur seeing preflowers youll see buds shortly, gotta be patient


Active Member
Mr. Marijuana is absolutely rite. I live near you btw.Your clones are gonna be (ok )if ther in preflower with the pistils on aug 12th, that leaves you a bit less than a week to finish preflower and subsequent to that 60 day's approx of flower time, till mid october. Know that being said, the strain is not the ealiest flowering strain ther is , so it won't reach it's full potential in growth cause your gonna have to pick them at the end of the 1st week of october like you siad ,when frost sets in. Next year try to clone a (very early) strain from Canadain breeders like Great White North. I like AAA seed co in Van,B.C they got all the good connects, they send you a pack of seeds of another strain from the same breeder too if you any problems with germination. Big fan


Well-Known Member
im growing from clone in lowermainland bc theyre an indoor strain never been done outdoor, and as of an hour ago they still arent any bud sites, but fair bit of pistol action and descent amount of new growth. im scared they wont make it either, lol. gotta run an earlier strain next year, like mid septemer or something.


Active Member
So i went to check on my lovely ladies and there are preflower sights... but I`ve noticed the flowering sites have a bunch of little leafs on there with no bud just a small preflower... Heres some pics of the grow.
Taken today -
Seeded plant (Unknown strain) There are some purple pistils on this guy... Last year I grew this strain and it got pollinated so Im hoping it turns out nicer this year.

Heres some different clone strains that I`ve topped and been Supercropping-

Does anybody know what could be causing this?

Random shots...

I`d say the bigger plants are around 3 feet tall and the others are maybe about 1.5-2.5 feet tall. Check out my grow album if you want to see how fast theyve been growing.

I`ve been supercropping the clones and was wondering when I should stop... Perhaps now because the plant is preflowering?


Well-Known Member
Some kind of insect. Even after spraying, I still get it. As long as it's just a few leaves here and there I wouldn't freak out about it.


Active Member
I think I am in a similar situation. My White Widow clones + 1 Strawberry Kush went in the ground on June 12. I am in the high desert of eastern WA. Not budding yet.:?
I may be building a little "home" around them later this month to try and let them go as long as they need. I will pick no bud before its time!



Well-Known Member
the bugs you speak of are called scale...i use neem oil to keep the bugs at bay it helps but is not 100% bug proof...pull off those yellow dead leafs you see on all plants they will only collect disease n pests n mildew


Well-Known Member
no..just eat leaf and stem i believe..but their are 2 different types of scale .armored and unarmored...good insecitcidal soap will help