Computer Case.


Active Member
Hi, this is my first time trying to grow weed and i'm really looking foward to it. First, of all I wanted to know if this is enough space for weed and if it is efficient or not. Some feedback and advices wud b great Thz :mrgreen:

Side view case opened

From front view, where the hard drive is placed.

Front view

Another side of view case closed and my foot o_O


Well-Known Member
first off, that aluminum foil will not help. it'll burn the leafs if anything... take that out and replace it with some mylar or that stuff used for wrapping presents. okay... that space is small but i've seen grows out of pc cases, just start from seed with 12/12. you'll get a low yield... but it works.


Well-Known Member
first off, that aluminum foil will not help. it'll burn the leafs if anything... take that out and replace it with some mylar or that stuff used for wrapping presents. okay... that space is small but i've seen grows out of pc cases, just start from seed with 12/12. you'll get a low yield... but it works.
he wont burn his plant homie...I promise...he doesnt have close to enough light to burn them anyway...check it burn


Well-Known Member
true, but better safe then sorry... but the present wrap is more reflective anyway... but yeah. that light probably wont be enough either, and if i were you i would strip all the metal out of the pc box, for more room. just use bolt cutters or something.


Active Member
:) thz for the tips guys! i was trying to make more space in the pc case but i don have the rite tool for it ( i was trying to cut it with knife for 2 hrs ... did't work).


Active Member
oh one more thing guys, uhm my fan is very loud :S ne ideas to fix that problem, mabe cover it with something?


Well-Known Member
im interested in knowing who is gonna wreck themselves....:shock:

btw...123tim...start showering with your hose makes your plants grow big and strong:hump: lol


Well-Known Member
yo that looks like a good start but you need to do some work,\\

1. you need more lights, i curently have 3 40w cfl's in a pc case, that should be good,
2. More room: try to cut the metal out or use a different pc case, i happened to be lucky cause the case i found has NOTHING on the inside,
3. More ventilation, get an intake and outtake fan or you WILL have heat troubles.
that fan may be too big and hurt your plants, try using pc fans for exhaust and intake
4. Find the SHORTEST but WIDEST growing container you can fit, meaning, use a low or short container that is wider so you can maximize height and width

i know you want to jump into growing, so did i but in a case like this (no pun intended) you really need to work out stuff ahead of time,

hope i helped

good luck!!!!


Well-Known Member
you can pm me if you have other questions , i have been using pc cases for a while now, they CAN work but it won't be easy


Active Member
well i tried to do the wiring and stuff with power supply and all that things and almost started a fire lol so i got scared and i bought a fan. and thz for the advice :P