Compost pile of my own shit, use as fertalizer?

I got quite a laugh at the image of someone walking naked into the backyard smoking a cig and taking a dump in the corner by the fence. Just too funny.

But anyway I spent some time living in Korea and it was common place to fertilize the rice patties with human excrement. I'm not sure that means it is a good idea for growers, but its certainly not unheard of for agriculture.

Is this where the *brown* rice comes from???

I like to shit and piss outside, there is something relaxing about it, infact its the whole reason i fenced in my yard, before that i got arrested and i guess somebudys lil girl almost saw me pissing but dident, or thats what the cop said, cause usually im nakid while i smok my cig, and i like to smoke on my steamroller while im out there. any ideas on the fertalizer?

lets get past people thinking its gross, i infact think it smells really good with the mix of a nice cig and the ocasional rip of a steamroller, i set my chair right next to it, now the big question is would it help my plants to grow despite it being just sickening?

You are one sick dude. Just the thought that you actually SHIT in your yard creeps me out. Human urine is one thing (It's completely sterile), and high in ammoniac N, but human feces has untold numbers of pathogens, not the least of which is E. Coli.

They have a product on the market called Milorganite that is human waste from sewage treatment plants that is supposedly made safe, but you ain't EVER gonna see that in MY house. With all of the recent scares over E. Coli and you shit in your yard??? You got any neighbors?
yea.... all sorts of issues with this thread.

Im gonna get past the whole "you poo outside" half of the issue, and move straight onto using it for ferts. the reason bat poo is good - they eat bugs. Bird poo is good - they eat worms, rabbit poo is good - they eat alfalfa. Human poo is bad - you eat mcdonalds. dead bugs good, worms good, digested plants good, double qtr pounder with cheese, extra large mountain dew, and fries with ketchup/mustard/bbq sauce... as tasty as it may be, bad for plants.

Keep pooping outside, whatever lol. but dont use it on the plants.
yea.... all sorts of issues with this thread.

Im gonna get past the whole "you poo outside" half of the issue, and move straight onto using it for ferts. the reason bat poo is good - they eat bugs. Bird poo is good - they eat worms, rabbit poo is good - they eat alfalfa. Human poo is bad - you eat mcdonalds. dead bugs good, worms good, digested plants good, double qtr pounder with cheese, extra large mountain dew, and fries with ketchup/mustard/bbq sauce... as tasty as it may be, bad for plants.

Keep pooping outside, whatever lol. but dont use it on the plants.
you hit it right on the nose there ..... animals eat grass and insects that eat grass and other good stuff for plants. whereas human eat Ultimate Cheeseburgers with bacon. im getting fat just thinken of jack in the box
would appear that the OP is in jail....

Got trial on august 28th and im sure im looking at atleast a month in jail, in which i wont be able to water or do anything to my plants, my intentions are to harvest it a couple days before i go to court, quick dry it and just smoke it all by myself saving a nice blunt before court. Im not worried about the ammount of bud i get, or the potentcy as long as a couple bowls will get me high. Im just wondering, will 35 days or so of 12/12 be enough for their to be any potency in the bud? Any feedback and opinions is greatly appreciated.
Fishwhistle, I can assure you that if he tries THAT, his ass will be kicked into oblivion. (Probably plugged, too! :))
ok so totally didn't read all of this, but there are places where you can get human waste sludge fertilizer from treatment plants that remove the poo :D
A. and one, if you must shit outside I'm just glad you got the fence...
B. Your cannabis will not like the foreign contaminants in your foeces, that's why compost is treated in all sorts of ways and they don't just get an animal to shit in a bag and it's why they tend to use specific animals, some animals have more harmful shit than others and I can't advise that you test with your own.
C. I just don't get it, why shit outside while smoking naked and what does the steamroller have to do with it?
D. I'm not going to write down D, it's just too wierd that I'm getting curious about this whole subject.