Going to Trial + Jail NEED to do Eairly harvest What should i do?


New Member
Got trial on august 28th and im sure im looking at atleast a month in jail, in which i wont be able to water or do anything to my plants, my intentions are to harvest it a couple days before i go to court, quick dry it and just smoke it all by myself saving a nice blunt before court. Im not worried about the ammount of bud i get, or the potentcy as long as a couple bowls will get me high. Im just wondering, will 35 days or so of 12/12 be enough for their to be any potency in the bud? Any feedback and opinions is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Got trial on august 28th and im sure im looking at atleast a month in jail, in which i wont be able to water or do anything to my plants, my intentions are to harvest it a couple days before i go to court, quick dry it and just smoke it all by myself saving a nice blunt before court. Im not worried about the ammount of bud i get, or the potentcy as long as a couple bowls will get me high. Im just wondering, will 35 days or so of 12/12 be enough for their to be any potency in the bud? Any feedback and opinions is greatly appreciated.
yeah i think it should give you something... what'd you do??


Active Member
Since time is of the essence and yield isnt that important, I would try 14(darkness)/10(light) . To help finish them off quicker.

Not everyone will agree im sure , but 10/10 mate for not letting the fukers get to ya.


New Member
yeah i think it should give you something... what'd you do??
Numerous battery charges and possession charges, also violates probation. kanx, i am considering doing the 14/10, would this just get the plant flowering faster, and after its flowering i assume i should stick to 14/10 and not switch back to 12/12?


Active Member
Numerous battery charges and possession charges, also violates probation. kanx, i am considering doing the 14/10, would this just get the plant flowering faster, and after its flowering i assume i should stick to 14/10 and not switch back to 12/12?
Well brother I hope all you do is a month, sounds like you got your hands full, good luck with that, and I hope you get stoned as possible before ya go to court!


14/10 will NOT make it flower quicker. 10/14 would. 10 hours of light 14 hrs dark. the more dark allows the plant to build more phytochrome(flowering hormone that builds up over dark hours to make the plant flower)

Gary Busey

New Member
I hate jail so damn much... Well then again, who does like it?

It's been a while for me, last time in was in the 90s.

At least you only have 30 days. It'll go by quick, get a good book and catch up on some sleep.


Well-Known Member
Not sure how much you got going, but I'd look for someone to buy the plants and just buy some weed, or someone to harvest them for you and give you a cut when you get out. Hell, if your only getting a month (I know, it's hard to know) put the plants outside somewhere and come back to them when you get out.


Well-Known Member
If I knew for a fact that I was going to do some time in jail? I'd make sure I did whatever I had to do, in order to find myself a few hits of some LSD man. I mean shit, if your going.. you might as well make the best of it, right? - Right. ;)

LSD is VERY easy to sneak in into the jail.. believe it or not. What you do is, and I mean this, I'm being serious.. what you do is, go to some store where they sell fake finger nails, like the ones that chicks use.. the 'glue on' ones. Then once you have them, simply cut the fake fingernails down to where they fit over the top of your natural fingernails. Make sure its as much of a perfect fit as possible... and make sure it looks as natural as possible.

Now that you have one or two of the fake fingernails cut out to as perfect of a fitment as possible.. its time to put the hit/hits of acid under the fake fingernail. Once you do this.. then simply put a VERY small bead of fingernail glue around the edge, on the OUTSIDE of the fake fingernail that your putting on. If you were to put the glue on the underside of the fake fingernail.. the glue is going to probably ruin the LSD.. so again, make sure you run a very small bead of glue around the outside of the fake fingernail.

Trust me, this DOES work. I've done it a few times myself.. 2 times to be exact. Both times I made it through and into population inside the jail without the guards ever even having even a bit of a clue.. that I just entered the jail system with LSD under my fake fingernails. ;)

Take your time at it though.. maybe do a few practice runs. That's what I did anyhow..

good luck man!



Well-Known Member
If I knew for a fact that I was going to do some time in jail? I'd make sure I did whatever I had to do, in order to find myself a few hits of some LSD man. I mean shit, if your going.. you might as well make the best of it, right? - Right. ;)

LSD is VERY easy to sneak in into the jail.. believe it or not. What you do is, and I mean this, I'm being serious.. what you do is, go to some store where they sell fake finger nails, like the ones that chicks use.. the 'glue on' ones. Then once you have them, simply cut the fake fingernails down to where they fit over the top of your natural fingernails. Make sure its as much of a perfect fit as possible... and make sure it looks as natural as possible.

Now that you have one or two of the fake fingernails cut out to as perfect of a fitment as possible.. its time to put the hit/hits of acid under the fake fingernail. Once you do this.. then simply put a VERY small bead of fingernail glue around the edge, on the OUTSIDE of the fake fingernail that your putting on. If you were to put the glue on the underside of the fake fingernail.. the glue is going to probably ruin the LSD.. so again, make sure you run a very small bead of glue around the outside of the fake fingernail.

Trust me, this DOES work. I've done it a few times myself.. 2 times to be exact. Both times I made it through and into population inside the jail without the guards ever even having even a bit of a clue.. that I just entered the jail system with LSD under my fake fingernails. ;)

Take your time at it though.. maybe do a few practice runs. That's what I did anyhow..

good luck man!


Or you could just do the month, get out and move on with your life.


Active Member
yeah don't take drugs to jail thats a ass move and they is going to test you when you go in for processing recommending that you recieve drug and alcho class and probable probation with drug test any ways. put your babies out side and and when you get out then celibrate but don't add time by trying to make jail better with LSD theres nothing better than tripping your balls off surrounded by cops and 4 sure not being able to go anywhere. ask a friend to take care of them if your friends can't or you don't trust them get new friends i would suggest cleaning your system out and just riding your time out. 30 days isn't shit don't be a lame take it like a man do your time and get out and run with your freedom. I hope for all the best for you but be responsible for your actions and work harded on not being caught next time ;P


Active Member
If I knew for a fact that I was going to do some time in jail? I'd make sure I did whatever I had to do, in order to find myself a few hits of some LSD man. I mean shit, if your going.. you might as well make the best of it, right? - Right. ;)

LSD is VERY easy to sneak in into the jail.. believe it or not. What you do is, and I mean this, I'm being serious.. what you do is, go to some store where they sell fake finger nails, like the ones that chicks use.. the 'glue on' ones. Then once you have them, simply cut the fake fingernails down to where they fit over the top of your natural fingernails. Make sure its as much of a perfect fit as possible... and make sure it looks as natural as possible.

Now that you have one or two of the fake fingernails cut out to as perfect of a fitment as possible.. its time to put the hit/hits of acid under the fake fingernail. Once you do this.. then simply put a VERY small bead of fingernail glue around the edge, on the OUTSIDE of the fake fingernail that your putting on. If you were to put the glue on the underside of the fake fingernail.. the glue is going to probably ruin the LSD.. so again, make sure you run a very small bead of glue around the outside of the fake fingernail.

Trust me, this DOES work. I've done it a few times myself.. 2 times to be exact. Both times I made it through and into population inside the jail without the guards ever even having even a bit of a clue.. that I just entered the jail system with LSD under my fake fingernails. ;)

Take your time at it though.. maybe do a few practice runs. That's what I did anyhow..

good luck man!


Frying on acid in jail sounds like just about the worst thing I could imagine....how about fry on acid during a root canal? Any other suggestions for the worst possible environment one could dose in?




Active Member
Frying on acid in jail sounds like just about the worst thing I could imagine....how about fry on acid during a root canal? Any other suggestions for the worst possible environment one could dose in?


Seriously. lol

also, IF you were caught smuggling in something like that, I'm pretty sure that month would turn into a much longer time. Its usually a felony charge for something like that. bongsmilie


Active Member
Lsd in jail u nutta. trip rite out. just wrap that weed up plug it and the month u get in jail will fly by sell a few joints for toiletries n bakki n munch. get ya head in the tv and get stoned. thats what id do but then i never get bail so no time to plug up. gud luck.


Well-Known Member
Bro its only a month, how about letting the plant go, face the judge and the big house with a clear head, not doped out. Put it out in semi shaded area, good watering, heavy mulch. Give u something to look forward to, a nice plant thats ready to harvest, may be agood idea because after the month in jail is when you will need a smoke the most. Imagine getting out ,stressed out of your head with no smoke. :shock: