Complete Newbie, First Grow with bagseed (Help is welcome!)


Active Member
everythings going fine.. except i'm a little concerned about one of my plants. the others are growing soo fast and one is just barely growing. the leaves dont look as stretched out as the rest.. they look fatter and more bunched together. i dont know if this is normal or not.. heres some pictures. the one im concerned about is in the back row, i think you can tell which one it is :)



Active Member
well its been a minute but i have a few updates. my plants where starting to turn yellow on the bottom leaves and i think they where stunted because of lack of nutrients.. but i fixed all that. i got some fox farm fert. and some nutrients. i put them in some way bigger pots and level my ph for the first time! before i re-did everything they where also having some leave curling issues cause it was getting too hot in there. i put in another exhaust fan to keep the air flowing and it seemed to help a ton. also i put panda paper all around it instead of the car shades i had before. it looks cleaner and more air tight now :)
heres some pics



Well-Known Member
and these where taken today. just watered yesterday. im still lsting a bit but not too much.
Hells Ya everything looks good, The LSTin looks really nice. If I were you i would keep that Lst goin tho, that what i did, and when I switched to flower shit really took off. Plus it gives you more time to veg in a smaller space so you get Big Girls haha!!

Anyways, Best of luck:joint:


Active Member
So heres some updated pictures i took today of the plants :) Ive been using the supercrop method lately and they absolutely love it! The lower branches have been growing like crazy and they plants look so much bigger.



Well-Known Member
So heres some updated pictures i took today of the plants :) Ive been using the supercrop method lately and they absolutely love it! The lower branches have been growing like crazy and they plants look so much bigger.
Hells yea!! Everything is lookin NICE! How long you plannin on vegin for? I just switched mine to 12/12 2 weeks ago on Sunday, They have grown like crazy:weed:!
4 of 6 are females:hump:.
Anyways, Best of luck!!:joint:


Active Member
Thanks :) I'm not sure when I'm gonna switch. I wanted to let the lower branches develop a bit more. Maybe give it another week? I dont know if thats too soon or not..


Well-Known Member
Thanks :) I'm not sure when I'm gonna switch. I wanted to let the lower branches develop a bit more. Maybe give it another week? I dont know if thats too soon or not..
They are about a month old right? You could probably switch whenever. I cant remember how tall you cabinet is atm, but remember they are gonna shoot up on you when you


Active Member
so im going to start flowering tonight. i was thinking id have the lights off at 6pm-6am and then lights on from 6am-6pm. only because my fans are mounted on the walls of the thing and im afraid light will be able to get through if they where off when the sun was up. the whole thing is in my living room now and i try to keep it as dark as possible, but when the sun comes up it tends to shine through a bit. so i was thinking of turning them off tonight at 6 and then turning them back on in 36 hours.. Hope im doing this right guys :neutral::neutral::neutral::neutral:


Well-Known Member
so im going to start flowering tonight. i was thinking id have the lights off at 6pm-6am and then lights on from 6am-6pm. only because my fans are mounted on the walls of the thing and im afraid light will be able to get through if they where off when the sun was up. the whole thing is in my living room now and i try to keep it as dark as possible, but when the sun comes up it tends to shine through a bit. so i was thinking of turning them off tonight at 6 and then turning them back on in 36 hours.. Hope im doing this right guys :neutral::neutral::neutral::neutral:
Yea thats about what i did, except my lights are on at night due to temp issues during the day. But yea make sure you take some pics to compare to when the lights come back on, , you'll be shocked at how much they shoot up after that 36hr. dark pd.


Active Member
so the lights have been back on since this morning. i took some pics, not too much of difference since before the dark period.. but they did grow i think. anxiously waiting for them to show gender.. ;-)
and im probably gonna get sine bloom nutes soon, whenever i can get over to the hydro store...



New Member
so the lights have been back on since this morning. i took some pics, not too much of difference since before the dark period.. but they did grow i think. anxiously waiting for them to show gender.. ;-)
and im probably gonna get sine bloom nutes soon, whenever i can get over to the hydro store...

Cant wait to see what you got..hopefully all girls!


Well-Known Member
The one in the back left corner looks like its starting to take off a bit!, you should throw some cfls in there with the 150hps since you got them, Thats what i did to help get light on the side of the plants and add a wider spectrum of light. . .Just a thought!!

Looks nice tho, Hopefully they grow up to be sexy ladies!!!