complete GOP meltdown

They spared no life nor expense to find or fabricate anything.

They were watching and spying. There wasn't shit going across borders without us knowing. This Syria thing is simply another chapter in the nonesense. Next they'll find a grenade pin and scream eureka! We told you! WMD WMD!

It's all a shamefull piece of bullshit, and only a few in the US hold on to this bafoonery. The rest of the civilized world knows this was all bullshit. Colin Powell knew he was lied to and he quit. I respect him for that.
They spared no life nor expense to find or fabricate anything.

They were watching and spying. There wasn't shit going across borders without us knowing. This Syria thing is simply another chapter in the nonesense. Next they'll find a grenade pin and scream eureka! We told you! WMD WMD!

It's all a shamefull piece of bullshit, and only a few in the US hold on to this bafoonery. The rest of the civilized world knows this was all bullshit. Colin Powell knew he was lied to and he quit. I respect him for that.

So why would you expect to find them in Iraq with advanced notice ? Will I find your pot ? They didn`t find anything in Iraq either. Where did Assad get his or were those not there too ?
This gives me hope ^^ i have been searching for fairies at the bottom of my garden for 35 years now

There may be fairies at the bottom of the garden. There is no evidence for it, but you can't prove that there aren't any, so shouldn't we be agnostic with respect to fairies?

Richard Dawkins

Fear not,....Buck will be here soon...
Gas prices go up with demand of a good economy, prove otherwise schu, right now they are down.

Your analysis ignores the supply side of supply and demand. What's changed in the last few years is that the US is now producing nearly as much fossil fuel as Saudi Arabia- and our production is still growing rapidly, while theirs is not.

Supply went up, so cost comes down- and yes, Mr. Obama did indeed have plenty to do with that.
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Your analysis ignores the supply side of supply and demand. What's changed in the last few years is that the US it's now producing nearly as much fossil fuel as Saudi Arabia- and or production is still growing rapidly, where theirs isn't.

Supply went up, so cost comes down- and yes, Mr. Obama did indeed have plenty to do with that.

Why would you import what you already have ? The PPB went down because Saudi Arabia lowballed the lowball attempt. Never saw that coming.
Why would you import what you already have ? The PPB went down because Saudi Arabia lowballed the lowball attempt. Never saw that coming.

Long-standing US energy policy has held that we are better off buying everyone else's oil and using ours last. Since we could afford it, we have followed this policy as a matter of strategic necessity.

I find it hard to believe that no one saw this huge price drop coming, with its obvious geopolitical consequences. If you wanted a way to hurt Putin without starting a war, this is it.
Not sure if hurting Russia was a long term goal for Obama.

Fracking increased supply. We put the screws to Iran and took some barrels off the market. One might credit Obama for that.

Otherwise this seems to be largely supply and demand to me, with Russia and Opec playing chicken.
The way I see it, Saudi Arabia acted as not to provoke war. They did what no-one thought they would do.

You can`t piss them off. Without them, we are Middle East ...nothing. As far as US involvement, that hangs on the Democrats pissing the Saudi`s off. They know there is another half.
Saudis did what they said they would do after the last pissing contest of the 80s. Saudis unilaterally cut production, while Russia, Iran and Venez kept pumping. That hurt the Arabs and they said then they would not unilaterally act again.

This sure did put the nuts to Putin, though.
It`s deeper than that I think.

You wont hear it in our press but word around there (where it matters) is an attempt to shift or shrink the bank. That is not a pissing contest. The US has the life to loose so I also don`t think we are the player.
Not sure if hurting Russia was a long term goal for Obama.

Fracking increased supply. We put the screws to Iran and took some barrels off the market. One might credit Obama for that.

Otherwise this seems to be largely supply and demand to me, with Russia and Opec playing chicken.

Not an initial goal perhaps, but once the white house wonks ran the scenarios and discovered that cheap oil would hurt far more enemies than friends, I'm sure it became a much higher priority.

That it grew jobs, helped our economy and provided cleaner energy than any other fossil fuel sources, welllllll... bonus!

OPEC has much more to fear from Putin than the West, a fact that surely played into the decision.

Even now, Saudi ministers are making obviously propagandistic statements about how oil will be cheap for the foreseeable future. They can't know that, not can they control it, so why say it? To create more instability and to push the cheap oil leverage as far as possible against those it's affecting the most. Like Russia.