complete GOP meltdown

did you even watch the presidents speech last night? or read my comments?

fair share from welfare families..oh no, no, noooooooooooooo.

the fair share only applies to those who's income is greater that $500k.

do you make more than $500k/year? no? then it doesn't apply to you or rest of 99%.

do you realize what they pay with loopholes and offshoring? lots of money out there not being counted and therefore not do you feel about that?

the uber wealthy are cheating america.

and dude..i'm a girl.

That the newest proposal,...have you forgotten the other share the wealth and insurance plans already in effect ?

Boy, girl, heshe..... unless you are the star of the nicest cunt thread,`s hard to tell.
US National Debt from 200 to 2008 under Bush

2000: 5.6 trillion
01: 5.8
02: 6.2
03: 6.7
04: 7.3
05: 7.9
06: 8.5
07: 9.0

Same Debt.....under Obama

08: 10.0
09: 11.9
2010: 13.5
11: 14.7
12: 16.0
13: 16.7
14: 17.8

Obama has done exactly what Rep. Bush did during his term....nothing but almost double the National debt our kids and future kids will have to pay for.

Was this not mentioned last night, .....or, did they talk about it?

"More people have health insurance,....true, just ask Paco, Iesha, Yum-yum, and Abdul Mohamad....They didn`t have it when they came here, now they do....Thanks Obama, I wanted to pay for them all along. You know,..... the bumbles bounce thingy ?
US National Debt from 200 to 2008 under Bush

2000: 5.6 trillion
01: 5.8
02: 6.2
03: 6.7
04: 7.3
05: 7.9
06: 8.5
07: 9.0

Same Debt.....under Obama

08: 10.0
09: 11.9
2010: 13.5
11: 14.7
12: 16.0
13: 16.7
14: 17.8

Obama has done exactly what Rep. Bush did during his term....nothing but almost double the National debt our kids and future kids will have to pay for.

Was this not mentioned last night, .....or, did they talk about it?

"More people have health insurance,....true, just ask Paco, Iesha, Yum-yum, and Abdul Mohamad....They didn`t have it when they came here, now they do....Thanks Obama, I wanted to pay for them all along. You know,..... the bumbles bounce thingy ?

I think you just wanna argue skewed facts like a typical republican cheerleader fanboi. It's kinda disgusting to watch a 99%er suckin up like that. But hey. Whateva makes ya feel good.

Best of luck to ya.
Obama has got jack shit to do with oil / gas prices. It's not a sign of anything at all, other than the world oil producers are playing chicken with each other.
I think you just wanna argue skewed facts like a typical republican cheerleader fanboi. It's kinda disgusting to watch a 99%er suckin up like that. But hey. Whateva makes ya feel good.

Best of luck to ya.

Bohner looks like he spends way to much time in the tanning booth. Must see Boehner vids.

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Last night Obama told America that he intends to show the world our objections towards Putin and his land grab in Crimea and Ukraine. What he failed to mention is that he took the one thing away from Iraq that will stop ISIS from coming to fruition, so now ISIS is free to continue it`s land grab by way of mass murdering and sheer terrorizing. Putin deserves a slap on the wrist,...let`s get him, ISIS needs to be publicly murdered slowly, Obama will let that one slide.

Show the world Obama,....but don`t expect them to believe your intentions .
He took it away? the Iraqi government told us to leave. We did
He took it away? the Iraqi government told us to leave. We did

We went to Iraq the second time because Sadam was killing his own people, and gaining land from them to control as his own. He was allegedly building WMD. Congress and the American people stood behind this.

Now ISIS is killing their own and gaining land faster and more often than Sadam ever could dream of. That`s OK with Congress now though. No biggie.

Democrats at work for you !i
We went to Iraq the second time because Sadam was killing his own people, and gaining land from them to control as his own. He was allegedly building WMD. Congress and the American people stood behind this.

Now ISIS is killing their own and gaining land faster and more often than Sadam ever could dream of. That`s OK with Congress now though. No biggie.

Democrats at work for you !i
We did?
Did we find anything?
We went to Iraq the second time because Sadam was killing his own people, and gaining land from them to control as his own. He was allegedly building WMD. Congress and the American people stood behind this.

Ya. Our government lied to us again. So transparently, and yet no war crimes brought forth. Fed the Military Industrial Complex, though. That's important, otherwise the 1% will not actually control 50% of everything next year.
We did?
Did we find anything?

Very little chem. Weapons. Nothing Major. We announced it so they moved it. Later showed up in Syria, Putin has them now.
We also found that Putin got more clout over their than the US.

We also found out our tanks tear up their cobblestone streets, so that`s out.
We also found them hiding in sacred cemeteries, can`t go in, so that`s out.
We also found out that ...I could go on but I wannba point out what we didn`t find,.....A way to win against them without shooting. When McCrystal took over, Obama had him change the ROE`s to the enemies favor. He did, said it was a bad idea, fired,...Fired the next guy that said fight correct or don`t fight. I think Obama`s on his fifth General and that one has teachers and instructors to lead into battle.....Good for Obama. ........No ?
Ya. Our government lied to us again.

Goverments tell such mean lies too (propaganda), during the 1st gulf war, i clearly remember all of the media channels here clearly stated that
Iraq solders went into hospitals in Kuwait and took babies from incubators and stamped on them to death
how twisted is that , obviously this was never substantiated
Ya. Our government lied to us again. So transparently, and yet no war crimes brought forth. Fed the Military Industrial Complex, though. That's important, otherwise the 1% will not actually control 50% of everything next year.

You are right on about the rich getting richer from Military spending contracts. But I have to disagree about the war crimes, Sadam was tried and killed for them.
We went to Iraq the second time because Sadam was killing his own people, and gaining land from them to control as his own. He was allegedly building WMD. Congress and the American people stood behind this.
oh please. You really believe that. Is this something you were told ? Did you serve in the military to see any of this ?