Companion planting with cannabis

Hey man, the "douche" shit, was unnecessary, at least I think so. Just remember back when you were a newb as far as growing pot was concerned. We all gotta start somewhere, right? Be nice to the ignorant, and treat each other as you would want to be treated. Simple shit
yea but I when I was a newb, I didn't post NON scientific videos that were factually incorrect
And ANYONE on this site will attest to my willingness to help "newbs"
I am nice to the ignorant, and treat EVERYONE with respect.
I didn't tell him to his face that he was a douche, I would have been more tactful than that.
I have probably 15 or so members that can attest to my patience and willingness to help
We've been eating nettle soup here in England since way back... I think Chinese may prefer their food with a face on it :D
It grows everyfookinwhere too, bonus.............goosegrass, horsetail, dandelions too, I've actually got two dandelions growing out of my front door step lol. Goosegrass is good for silica, not quite as good as horsetail, but there's a good quantity in there as well as loads of other good stuff.
There are plants you can sow that fix nitrogen from the air (eg clover) but DonBrennon is right about companion planting..
("Dynamic Accumulators" should be a name of a rock 'n' roll band...if it isn't already :-D)
I'm up for it, "The Dynamic Accumulators", sounds good, I can play guitar, bass or drums............just don't ask me to sing, pmsl
yea but I when I was a newb, I didn't post NON scientific videos that were factually incorrect
And ANYONE on this site will attest to my willingness to help "newbs"
I am nice to the ignorant, and treat EVERYONE with respect.
I didn't tell him to his face that he was a douche, I would have been more tactful than that.
I have probably 15 or so members that can attest to my patience and willingness to help
Oh, my mistake. I could of sworn you said "what a douche", but actually, those were the words YOU used. Also, you didn't say those words to his face? Good for you, as that makes all the difference in the world. The guy was just asking for opinions, and I know that personally I wouldn't like to be called a douche, by basically saying everything he was doing was wrong. There is giving advice, and then there is telling someone that you are a fuck up (douche?) That's my point.
Oh, my mistake. I could of sworn you said "what a douche", but actually, those were the words YOU used. Also, you didn't say those words to his face? Good for you, as that makes all the difference in the world. The guy was just asking for opinions, and I know that personally I wouldn't like to be called a douche, by basically saying everything he was doing was wrong. There is giving advice, and then there is telling someone that you are a fuck up (douche?) That's my point.
I get it now..
you are thinking I was calling the OP a douche?
that, I would agree with, would be quite the asshole thing to say..
I believe you are mistaken.
I was referring to the douche that made the video.
I think everyone understood that, but if not, I apologize.
besides the OP is yodaweed, me an him go back a little bit, it's not like HE thought I was calling him a douche
ummm... well... wait a sec..
@Yodaweed you didn't think I was calling you a douche didja?
Hi, i'm new to companion planting with cannabis, just ordered some stinging nettle, do I start the seeds in the container my plant is already growing in or should I start it separately , cut a clone , root prune, and then transplant? If it works out apparently this stinging nettle plant will feed my cannabis plant and I wont need to worry about any nutrients.

Also how many stinging nettle plants should I use on a 25 gallon living soil plant? I was thinking 2?

Personally, I wouldn't use accumulators as companion plants. Most of them are invasive and will cause problems.

Some of the cover crops/companion plants I use


Buckwheat and Crimson clover are my two favorites. Super hardy
Personally, I wouldn't use accumulators as companion plants. Most of them are invasive and will cause problems.

Some of the cover crops/companion plants I use


Buckwheat and Crimson clover are my two favorites. Super hardy
I use those too, the other cool thing about legumes is that almost ALL bugs love them more than cannabis, which may not mean much to most, but they work AWESOME as a "canary-in-the-gold-mine"
meaning your legumes will get mites WAY before the mites even get close to the cannabis..
don't ask how I know this...
anyways, so it's a good early indicator.
But honestly I grow the legumes just to keep the soilweb alive and happy.
I get it now..
you are thinking I was calling the OP a douche?
that, I would agree with, would be quite the asshole thing to say..
I believe you are mistaken.
I was referring to the douche that made the video.
I think everyone understood that, but if not, I apologize.
besides the OP is yodaweed, me an him go back a little bit, it's not like HE thought I was calling him a douche
ummm... well... wait a sec..
@Yodaweed you didn't think I was calling you a douche didja?
My mistake, sorry for the rant.
I use those too, the other cool thing about legumes is that almost ALL bugs love them more than cannabis, which may not mean much to most, but they work AWESOME as a "canary-in-the-gold-mine"
meaning your legumes will get mites WAY before the mites even get close to the cannabis..
don't ask how I know this...
anyways, so it's a good early indicator.
But honestly I grow the legumes just to keep the soilweb alive and happy.

This is very true. I love the vigor of legumes and you can get them at just about any feed store which is a plus!

They also attract good bugs very easily as well.
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Hi, i'm new to companion planting with cannabis, just ordered some stinging nettle, do I start the seeds in the container my plant is already growing in or should I start it separately , cut a clone , root prune, and then transplant? If it works out apparently this stinging nettle plant will feed my cannabis plant and I wont need to worry about any nutrients.

Also how many stinging nettle plants should I use on a 25 gallon living soil plant? I was thinking 2?

A litt bit of info on my two favorites

-Extremely rapid growth
-Attracts beneficial insects
-Increases phosphorus availability
-Excellent weed suppression
-Excellent top soil loosener

Crimson Clover
-tolerates most soil types
- produces nitrogen ranging to 50-150 lbs per acre
- builds soil and excellent weed suppression
-increases moisture holding capability
-attracts beneficial insects
never heard of using nettle for companion , only in fpe....but chec out the mixed batches BAS sells, def worth it, and i think you sow em right in the same container