Comey fucks Trump, hard.

Huh? Your fukin blind and deaf. Trump is a douche and how in the hell you can't see it? He brings it all on himself. You trumptards are something else. Comey has more integrity on that mole on his face than Trump could ever hope to have. Wow your lost.
Yeah, he may be a douche, but still doesn’t give Comey credence.
The Orange Clown (I love this Cheeto Jesus - my gal is still laughing since last night) is fukin GONE IN 2020!!! GONE!!!
thing is that perjury is an easy thing to prove if you know the facts.

there is no report that I have seen that Comey has been proven to have lied to Congress in any of his statements.

Unlike the countless other Trump appointees who didn't remember, got confused, didn't understand the questions, and or straight up ommitted facts from Security Clearance forms.

James Comey has never been shown to not be trustworthy as both a prosecutor or investigator.

it is the exact opposite - the guy apparantely keeps notes on what he eats, drinks, keeps notes on how particular rooms are set-up, who sits in what chair during meetings, is able to keep detailed minutes about conversations in his head, remembers minute details about cases he's worked on, and always remembers to jot things down when he leaves a room.... the guy is apparantely very clinical and detailed with all of that crap......his entire career he worked his way up to the most important positions in both law enforcement and the federal judiciary, earning the trust and goodwill of the highest levels of the executive, legislative and judiciary branches of government regardless of political affiliation...

you really believe this guy went into Congress in front of millions of TV viewers, lied under oath, and there are no news reports on the matter, there are no charges filed, no raids (he volunteered all of his notes without having to force the special counsel and other investigators to get supoenas or warrants)... this is the guy that lied under oath on TV...
Comey said there was no survalence of Trump Tower. Since proven a lie
they were tapping cell phones of manafort. who happened to reside at trump tower. by your logic, the DOJ was tapping burger king too when Manafort went to grab a burger
That would be true also if you said the Burger King building.
Your claim they were only tapping the cell phone is unproven, because all reports I’ve seen said “the office of”