Come here if u hate cfls

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New Member
lol - That's just fcked up .. What's with all these crazy weed annihilating btches I'm hearing about ??

But still look tasty Greenday ... :D


Well-Known Member
good for you, if i had the money to invest in exhaust and carbon scrubbers and all the other shit and a whole room to grow in instead of just a little closet id be all over that


but for those of us that dont have a grand to drop on there grow, they will have to suffice untill then, so quit hating


Well-Known Member
good for you, if i had the money to invest in exhaust and carbon scrubbers and all the other shit and a whole room to grow in instead of just a little closet id be all over that


but for those of us that dont have a grand to drop on there grow, they will have to suffice untill then, so quit hating

a grand? i spent a lot less than that. you can get a 400w HPS hood/light/ballast for under 150$'s. High Tech Garden Supply



Well-Known Member
i know i know, im talking for your operations that will give you pounds

i can only fit 4 small plants or 2 big plants in the room i have to work with

but im planning on getting the 400watter forsure i think the 600 would be just a little to much

a grand? i spent a lot less than that. you can get a 400w HPS hood/light/ballast for under 150$'s. High Tech Garden Supply



Well-Known Member
jop holy fucking shit :

I just am smoking right, and am pulling.. and joint start burning.. lol !

sry, just wanted to share that with ya guys.... pretty weird, from no where fire came...


Well-Known Member
I have to agree. All my CFLs are in a grocery bag right now waiting for some space to veg.


Well-Known Member
why cant u guys get over CFL's? if you dont like em, or dont want to use then ok, dont, whats the point of coming on here bitching about them or people who use them, this is a site for growing marijuana, and obvisouly whatever light people use works so leave it at that, your supposed to be helping peiople out instead of talkin shit or putting them down, people have there pwn prefrences wether its useing them because they like to or because they cant use anything thing else, most eople on here dont have the room or set up for those better lights, so on that note, hopefully it gets through some those hard headed people


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1527245]why cant u guys get over CFL's? if you dont like em, or dont want to use then ok, dont, whats the point of coming on here bitching about them or people who use them, this is a site for growing marijuana, and obvisouly whatever light people use works so leave it at that, your supposed to be helping peiople out instead of talkin shit or putting them down, people have there pwn prefrences wether its useing them because they like to or because they cant use anything thing else, most eople on here dont have the room or set up for those better lights, so on that note, hopefully it gets through some those hard headed people[/quote]

yeah true dude...... :joint:

puff puff... i say that cfl's are the bee's knees for veggin if ya dont have a mh..



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