Collodial Silver, Can i still use the not sprayed parts ?


Well-Known Member
I tried to make seeds ... however the 2 plants i tried it on dont give a fuck and went normal buds and no pollen sacks what so ever.
I made sure to only spray certain parts of the plants and covered the rest. My question now is can i cut off the parts i sprayed the collodial silver on and still smoke the rest or does it get into the other parts too, as in foliar feeding?
Im spraying now for a little over 2 weeks ... and buds are forming, that means there wont be any pollen sacks later on right ?
You can eat silver...inhaling is inadvisable.
Edit, CS is systemic that's why we shouldn't smoke what wasn't sprayed...there's a chance youd be smoking silver
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I wouldn't advice on eating it either.
That's your choice and voice. I looked up what would be an answer i could support with science should the need arise. I can calmly ask you to look further into why eating silver in these amounts would be ok. I encourage you to seek out silver diet supplements and how they might equate in this scenario
Yeah chronic ingestion is bad. A plant can not assimilate a toxic amount of sprayed CS into the parts you will consume if eaten in end product...please think in molecular amounts, grams. nanograms!. Im sorry you must include these "quantities" if you wish to make empirical statements of health endangering levels.
I shouldnt have to show the amount in solution sprayed=>amount contaminating plant tissue being's fkn miniscule!
One person is claiming he will turn person is claiming you will straight up fkn die from it....what am i saying?
Fk you ignorant lose if im around...hey wanna know why they call us conservatives?

LoL. You're very emotional. In my first post I referred to you saying silver is ok to eat, which it really is not. The next post I didn't bother reading beyond the first sentence. I thought you were one of those silver is good for you types. Yeah, sure no problem eating the plant. Now smoke a bowl and conserve your energy. Being that angry can't be good for you.
Gimme a sec to calm down and ill try to put some numbers together for us...
Amount in solution=>amount assimilated into consumed plant material=>amount passing through intestinal wall to affect body=/=toxic reaction
Unlike other metals such as lead and mercury, silver is not toxic to humans and is not known to cause cancer, reproductive or neurological damage, or other chronic adverse effects
i know that isn't enough to get this sorted for some people. It's a scary topic, so lets unwind this so even texas conservative hating left wing liberal progressives can not attack.
Level the govt says ur not allowed to complain about
established separate threshold limit values for metallic silver (0.1 mg/m3) and soluble compounds of silver (0.01 mg/m3). On the other hand, the permissible exposure limit (PEL) recommended by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Mine Safety and Health Administration and the recommended exposure limit set by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is 0.01 mg/m3 for all forms of silver.
The adverse effects of chronic exposure to silver are a permanent bluish-gray discoloration of the skin (argyria) or eyes (argyrosis).
oh shit super scary, im happy a guy named horselover said something about becoming a much before i become a smurf?
After silver enters the body, it is absorbed, carried by the bloodstream and deposited in various tissues throughout the body. Areas of the body most likely to become pigmented include eyes, internal organs, and sun-exposed areas such as the face, ears, forearms, hands, and nails (Juberg and Hearne, 2001). Generalized argyria was most often reported following the ingestion or application of silver-containing medicines, but it has also been reported after occupational exposure among silver nitrate makers
Well if you wear silver jewelry you better not be trying to say you cant eat a miniscule amount safely....but you are.its cool i get it.
ok here's where it gets good, the part i knew was coming.. where i can rip horselover spine out and spit on his corpse...bitch
Ingested silver compounds are estimated to be absorbed by the body at a level of at most 10%, with only ∼2–4% being retained in tissues

oh shit ur argumentative stance is in deep fkn shit now....
So in closing...
Take the seeds from the flower on the branch or branches you sprayed then throw away the flower. That's too close to source for me to be comfortable saying it's ok. The rest of the branches not sprayed with CS (flower didnt get overspray) can be used for butter or edibles...i like butter...then make sugar cookies...invite me over if you make sugar cookies from butter made with CS sprayed plants...ill eat em...cuz i know it wont hurt me or turn me blue...cuz i paid attention in school
Some people doing this can only grow 4 plants...maybe less. And ur telling them to throw away 4 months or more of you, you arrogant uneducated inconsiderate fk. Yeah i tried the nice approach that failed.
Caveat: you cant do this every week...for years, thats dumb