Collodial Silver, Can i still use the not sprayed parts ?

I'm more interested in why your reversal didn't work. Where did you get the CS?

If it's a big plant I wouldn't be too worried about the parts that were not sprayed. I prefer to spray entire plants while they're small myself and then pollinate another small plant. I usually use two clones when making feminized seeds so I can reverse one and pollinate the other. That way there is no concern regarding any chemical residue as the plant you reverse is tossed in its entirety after the pollen is collected.
shit that reminds me of the father of a friend who looked like this dude in the picture ... he had cancer and stuff so i guess the silver didnt make it worse.

I think i start a new plant and spray it from like the first week just to see if i get it to work ...
am i right in my assumption that once the plant decided to make buds there is no more chance for pollen sacks to form ?
bought my cs off of amazon ... 100ppm

edit: I just read that the plant can be made to produce pollen sacks even 4 weeks after the begin of flowering ... maybe im not too late ... i think i still keep spraying it ... even more ... got a lot of cs so i dont mind to waste some.
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update: im pretty sure its an absolute fail :D ... so far i spotted like 2 little pollen sacks in the middle of a bud ... mor like a herm and not like the videos ive seen on that topic... I think my mistake was that i only sprayed once a day in the beginning (bad tutorial).