Colchicine doubling the chromosomes in Cannabis Plants

You refrenced a tetraploid with increased growth and as a taxon. You also suggest this abbreviation (a loose word) was easily replicated.

On other threads others referenced the same assumptions over an all red stemmed and leafed genetics and another about breeding herms genetics.

So between you and other members, a new subspecies red stemmed and leafed only herm strain that grows larger and quicker due to ploidy has been created and in forty years ive seen no such thing so really wtf are you dreaming?

You notice with cannabis that some really seek to talk the highest level of rubbish, taking an assumption here and an unknown variable there and stringing it together till it rewrites everything normal and we have some super bud amatuer genetic stupidity.

Your making up stuff as are many others, if anyone takes your info at face value and then combines it with other such rubbish creates a ridiculous plant no one has ever seen or breed and so you fall into mythology and so do your followers who know even less but talk a lot more.

I heard another myth of late - under 55% humidity destroys bud when drying and curing, literally oroduces the worst tasting and smelling dank ever.

Take a long hard look at yourselves, you feel great because others reinforce and massage your stupidity here.

I did nothing of that sort, and esp. not "genetically" as I've said before its a chromosal aberration
and if you do so you can use someones name like @2Hearts and then that person can also read this... but all you do is putting words in others people mouths which they never voiced, so I'm really not interested...
You refrenced a tetraploid with increased growth and as a taxon. You also suggest this abbreviation (a loose word) was easily replicated.

On other threads others referenced the same assumptions over an all red stemmed and leafed genetics and another about breeding herms genetics.

So between you and other members, a new subspecies red stemmed and leafed only herm strain that grows larger and quicker due to ploidy has been created and in forty years ive seen no such thing so really wtf are you dreaming?

You notice with cannabis that some really seek to talk the highest level of rubbish, taking an assumption here and an unknown variable there and stringing it together till it rewrites everything normal and we have some super bud amatuer genetic stupidity.

Your making up stuff as are many others, if anyone takes your info at face value and then combines it with other such rubbish creates a ridiculous plant no one has ever seen or breed and so you fall into mythology and so do your followers who know even less but talk a lot more.

I heard another myth of late - under 55% humidity destroys bud when drying and curing, literally oroduces the worst tasting and smelling dank ever.

Take a long hard look at yourselves, you feel great because others reinforce and massage your stupidity here.
you are projecting a hell a lot ideas n assumptions in me which I really do not possess. Even things or people I never heard of...
some stuff you give from you seems downright delusional, and some is irrelevant, not related at all yet you call me out for it.

bye bye
Why would you want to use it on cannabis?

Colchicine is a toxic chemical that is often used to induce polyploidy in plants.

It stays around in future generations as well.

Because the consequences of colchicine application are still apparent in the second generation of the plants, at least the third-generation polyploids should be considered in future comparisons.

Not only that but the results DO NOT get you better quality in any way!

Contrary to what the online idiot says about getting super high THC counts and bigger faster plants that yield twice as much?
Are lies that make TRUMP's look small.

They grow slower - a lot
THC counts are LOWER
The plants run smaller then others NOT Poly.

I also do not trust the original posters claims (polite statement).
Simply because it's so toxic to the plant, and it's seeds. Most of them will NOT germinate!
And plants that you might try to treat are usually killed also.

The few that DO survive/germinate. Do not reproduce worth a shit either!

Keep in mind that in the human world. A child with polyploidy??
IF born alive? Only lives minutes.
Cannabis isnt a pumpkin, polyploidy might work for a giant pumpkin or even hemp but where has anyone proved that in cannabis and why arent we seeing thirty years of it breeding larger buds if it is so prevelant?

All those adds in the back of HT in early 70's........LMFAO! Same idiots likely came up with the "Flushing" myth too!
Doc it's nice to see you're posting again and hopefully you've recovered well enough. "Stay active" it's what the medicinals tells one after surgery...

Do not reproduce worth a shit either!

Keep in mind that in the human world. A child with polyploidy??
IF born alive? Only lives minutes.
Actually there are 3 known human (triploid) chromosomal abberrations known where humans will live - the most popular is Trisomie 21/"Down-Syndrom". They are known to be infertile, because the process which splits the chromosomes apart - and combines the one half male with the other half female - suddenly finds 3 (or more) chromosomes and thus, fails at splitting.

The few that DO survive/germinate.
tbh there are much safer and successful ways (other chemical) to induce this... the proof is in the studies cited - most clones will live.
Because Colchizine is so dangerous for humans its a bad idea to have it in ones house...

Not only that but the results DO NOT get you better quality in any way!

Contrary to what the online idiot says about getting super high THC counts and bigger faster plants that yield twice as much?
Are lies that make TRUMP's look small.

They grow slower - a lot
THC counts are LOWER
The plants run smaller then others NOT Poly.
That's the current truth for Cannabis, but not other plants. This is also a field of research so...

Some stuff stuff gets bigger but the overall result suffers.... like when you have a fasciation growing - that many leaves on one stem block themselves from light.
I think the normal growth pattern of Cannabis is a very successful pattern when it comes to sunlight absorption. Especially sativa varieties allow the light to pass by individual colas and hit the inner of bushy plants. More leafmass with 30% greater area could stiffle this ability.
Cannabis just dosent want to form new species or enact genetic change. Some plants are like this some arent, you must look at how a species resists change at a genetic division level to see what i mean.

As much as ploidy is a great read why not flip the coin and read the plants that refuse to and how they do it. Cannabis follows other more conclusive evidence no one presents much but that is far more believable.

Meant to say Gout Treatment as in medication tablets rather than Grout Treatment in first post lol. sorry typo.

Its pretty safe to use and handle in that form actually.

Its medication you can take orally. For Gout and readily prescribed.
Handling it with gloves shouldn't be a problem as you can ingest the stuff, ofcourse we didn't use gloves 20 years ago, which is probably why im so fucked up.... lol jokes.

Basically we crushed these Tablets into a fine powder , mixed with water and soaked the seeds in it for 24 hours prior to germination.

At the Time I was told this was how all the Guinness World Records for the Largest Pumpkins and Veges were made.

As I figured no one here would know about this I thought I would just share.

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i appreciate you sharing, but you have to expect a mixed reception at best when you are talking about potentially toxic chemical applications to plants in an attemtp to mutate or add to their chromosomes. i mean think about it lol. i get it is safe in small doses or maybe more safe in some specific form, but look at all the uproar about things like gmo in the cannabis and other horticulture communities. gmo doesn't even use toxic chemicals or have any real negatives to the actual plant or consumers of the plant yet the mere suggestion you are messing with genes or chromosomes will always piss ppl off for right or wrong. in your case you have also added a questionable chemical to the equation so expect some backlash. though i personally appreciate the post as i love learning new things even ones i would never try.
to note in case i wasnt clear the danger of gmo is why they are genetically engineering plants not how or what effects the genetic alteritng itself has. the problem is they are altering them to be able to withstand more toxic chemicals and pesticides which in turn means more can be applied. it's the always concerning pesticides that are why we need to be concerned about farmers using gmo seeds. if you or i used gmo seeds and didnt take advantage of their strengths(applying more pesticides) then they really are no different than a naturally evolved plant
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