Cola's budget bodhi blasphemy


Well-Known Member
After some serious thinking time and a lot of persuasion from fellow RIU folks wanting to see some stuff from me. (it's nice to know I'm missed)

Later on this evening I'm gonna be wetting some bodhi goji og beans.
will be potting into straight coco.
And they are going to be under no more than a chinese 90w blurple led.

Dont expect to see anything magnificent or happening fast. This is me searching for a good mother. And you're more than welcome to jump on for the ride.
Boiled up some water a few hours back and let it stand to room temp. Pulled 6 of 11 beans out and have them soaking in my boiler cupboard.

I've seen so many "no expense spared" grows I had to run a "straight up no expense" grow haha.

@Cannagetasmoke has kindly offered to send a 300w blurple led my way. So I'm gonna have a go with that after 5th true set of leaves show. Collecting it tonight though and gonna have a little smoke on his just cured c99. DSC_0054.JPG DSC_0056.JPG DSC_0055.JPG
Beans cracked overnight in a plastic cup. Placed in a tupperware tub between kitchen roll for another day or 2 now till we see tap roots. DSC_0057.JPG

Went to my mates last night to grab the 300w led too. Even brought some of the c99 and chocolate kush home with me for smoking
So stuck them in coco now they cracked. 5 visible splits. 1 I'm not too sure about but we can only wait and see. DSC_0061.JPG
Still not even decided what I'm gonna feed but probably gonna be Advanced nutrients sensi grow and Bloom ph perfect. It's tried and tested for me.

@xX_BHMC_Xx you were eager to see me get another one going. Welcome to my shambles thread brother
Gonna fly to Asda later and grab some carbonated water. Should contain enough macro nutrients to get them up and growing. Then I'll move on to the AN when I see necessary. Last time I based my coco. This time I literally just flushed the shit out of it
DSC_0063.JPG Sodium and bicarbonate are the lowest contents I could find in carbonated water locally without buying san pellegrino or perrier. And the rest in there looks alright. I reckon to counter the salt content do one carbonated feed. One tap feed
View attachment 4003824 Sodium and bicarbonate are the lowest contents I could find in carbonated water locally without buying san pellegrino or perrier. And the rest in there looks alright. I reckon to counter the salt content do one carbonated feed. One tap feed
Carbonated water... you just blew my mind. Never even thought about that, but it looks great for seedlings! Looking good so far brother!
Carbonated water... you just blew my mind. Never even thought about that, but it looks great for seedlings! Looking good so far brother!
Has a Naturally lower ph than tap or spring water. And a nice light load of macros. Worth a try and after all it says blasphemy in the title bro. If I get 4 of 6 up I'll be happy.

I grabbed an 8th of local grown kandy kush last night displaying a dominant trainwreck phenotype. And I know the guy has a mother. So the feelers are out for a cut of that too. So much to some down time. It's in my blood now. Can't escape it
4 have popped above ground. All still have the husks attached still. But I reckon a day or 2 and they will shed. At least we got some growth going on
Lol, I've seen people use carbonated water to kill snails in aquariums (causes ammonia spike due to rotting snails).
4 have popped above ground. All still have the husks attached still. But I reckon a day or 2 and they will shed. At least we got some growth going on
If they won't come off after a day I would first try and pull the husk off, else get the nail clipper out and nip it off so the leaves can open and the growtip can start going.