Thanks brother! I'm getting there, it's been a very long year and a slow process but things are starting to get a bit better. Or I'm just so optimistic that I at least feel as if things are getting better.
I grew up in boston/north shore. Now I live 10 minutes from boston. Actually I've never tried any dispensaries in mass. I never got a medical card, was always afraid to let the state have my name on a list for mmj. It's more so because I own firearms and don't want them to see my name on the ltc database and potentially cross reference it to the mmj database. I dont know if its true but I've been told that in some states, if you have a ltc then go get a mmj card it will disqualify you from having said ltc and they will take your firearms away. I'm not sure if that's the case in our state but I dont want to take that chance. I'm no crazy firarm nut, but I do like being a responsible firearm holder.
I have never been to a dispensary here is Ma. There is a person who I've been getting my stuff from for a very long time. Their op has always been clean, their buds have always been good and I've known them on a personal level for a very long time so I know they can be trusted! I go with him because it's a close friend and I know he does not put shit in his weed.
He hooks me up but I still make a donation even though I've been told not to worry about it. I'm not greedy and people need to eat.
I don't trust dispensaries to be honest. I've been to a few in wa state and oregon a few times. (I'm out there for work often) they are greedy, over priced and you have no fucking clue what is in the bud. Going to them out that way was because I dont know anyone out there and more so just for the experience. They test their products supposedly but I dont trust that shit. I had a feeling the first few times I got something out there that the lab results were fudged. Low and behold a few months later a lab tech admitted to screwing with the results for money.
Yes I know exactly what you mean, 60 bucks for an 8th of dirt from them, nuckin futs man.
A friend gave me a name of a club here. I checked them out after I went through this crazy sign up process. You buy a t shirt, hat or hoodie for whatever price but they are crazy expensive also. You pay 70 for a tshirt and the give you an 8th, then you have to scan in your i.d. wait for them to deliver it and they charge 50 dollars flat rate delivery on top of what other purchases you made. Dude they sell those stupid gold rolling papers for 30 bucks for 1 then still charge 50 for delivery. Maybe it's me but that seems like greed and not looking out for their patients financial interests. Everyone needs to make a living but when someone give you a pound for a g because you buy in bulk then turn around and sell a oz for 459 that is not being a caregiver that is being a fucking crook!
It's just crazy what people do in this market. I've been lucky to know someone that is very honest and kind but others not so much. Even with him I'm spending about a g a month on the pots. That's getting a steep discount. Especially when I smoke joints like most people smoke cigarettes. So I decided I'm going to grow my own. I've been in the house with nothing to do for a year. Friends have come and gone and now I'm able to kind of walk around. For me growing is about learning, saving money and keeping me busy so I dont jump out the window lol.. btw when I get back to 100% I'm taking you diving with me. I dont want to hear any if' and' or but' about it lol we are going and you're going to love it. We will start out slow. I'm not just going to toss you in the middle of the ocean lol. We will start in a pool and work up from there. You will be just fine.
Here's a link to my journal.