
I still don't know how some people live without coffee, haven't figured it out to this day
Quite well actually. I have drank the vile potion before. All total less than 2 pots over 50 years.
The only time I would consider coffee now is if no other energy source is available.

I don't like Red Bull either but would gladly accept one over java any day.
I'm just the opposite, I can't stand that stuff! I'll take a good cup of java any day even a cup'o Dunks, anything coffee

Actually I was thinking of an ex who got up every day went to a high-stress job everyday on time never missed a day and never drank coffee in her life!? ..and to this day I haven't figured out how she did it ? (& is probably still doing it) I can't get a leg out the bed unless it's to get coffee in the morning, I don't know how anyone can? But all power to you because I've seen it done!
Heading in for my second cup of expresso this morning, it's that Spanish stuff I forget which brand, one of those little vacuum packed bricks, at one point I had so many bricks I could have built a small coffee wall (it was on sale, so I stocked up) LOL :mrgreen:

One bag every three months... saves me thousands per year if I were to buy coffee from Starbucks or Dunkin every day...

Keep that shit frozen and grind it fresh.

That's slightly more expensive than what I can buy at the local markets, the equivalent here would be under $40 so you should have a look around and you might find a better deal that doesn't have a fancy bag.
That's slightly more expensive than what I can buy at the local markets, the equivalent here would be under $40 so you should have a look around and you might find a better deal that doesn't have a fancy bag.

Nothing at Hannaford or anywhere else I've seen is cheaper than that, at least nothing that is quality... if you like 5 pounds of Maxwell, go for it I guess.
I thought it looked pretty good too! I put the Brazilian dark roast my list..

Folgers does that to me! I don't know why but it's just not so great, I can't drink it :spew:
The thought of Maxwell brought a little sick up into my mouth...
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The thought of Maxwell brought a little sick up into my mouth...
I thought it looked pretty good too! I put the Brazilian dark roast my list..

Folgers does that to me! I don't know why but it's just not so great, I can't drink it :spew:

Yeah my ex girlfriend bought the stuff, pre-ground, because she was too lazy to grind beans...

Needless to say, I much preferred spending mornings at my place.
i drink a pot everydayhome-can.png i love this stuff & it's what i drink at home43502.jpg i use a cheap proctor silex , works exactly as expected.large-compliments-classicroast.jpgusually drink this in the shop,
not as good hills bros but it's on the house so i usually drink a pot of this a day too.