
My coffee maker finally died yesterday, an older Krupps grind and brew. I have already repaired it a couple times, the heating element hasn't worked for 2 years, I use it for the grinder, then I pour hot water over. The grinder stopped working, I think it's finally done..:cry: Had to dig out the bean grinder and French press, not something I want to do everyday, mainly cause it's only good for 2 cups. I'm lazy and want to make coffee 1 or twice a week.

Need some recommendations, prefer grind+brew, 10 cup minimum, 12 preferred.

RIP old friend
That's like the Hummer of coffee makers.
You're on the road of to coffee environmental consciousness (C.E.C) now. Grab a plastic or ceramic filter to do pour-overs and get a separate grinder.
Get a good carafe. I did a bunch of reading and ended up getting a Nissan-Thermos glass lined, vacuum carafe I had to order from Europe , I think it's different than just the Thermos brand, idk, couldn't find it in the states. Either way it keeps coffee steaming hot till the next morning and is still warm the second morning. I'm a blasphemer, I make a pot and it lasts me 3-4 days, I can't be bothered brewing coffee every morning, not to mention the sound of beans grinding annoys the F out of me first thing in the morning..
This older post of yours provides more insight.

Freshly roasted isn't something you're interested in and you wish to brew seldom as pissable. i don't understand why you'd want all that honking apparatus on your countertop.

I'd still consider a pour-over filter for directly over your glass lined carafe.

Heat thermos w hot water first. You can tuck away your filter, for the two times/week used, and not be looking at another partially functional all-in-one Krups monster truck 4 x 4 coffee maker. econo grinders r fine for your purposes
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This older post of yours provides more insight.

Freshly roasted isn't something you're interested in and you wish to brew seldom as pissable. i don't understand why you'd want all that honking apparatus on your countertop.

I'd still consider a pour-over filter for directly over your glass lined carafe.

Heat thermos w hot water first. You can tuck away your filter, for the two times/week used, and not be looking at another partially functional all-in-one Krups monster truck 4 x 4 coffee maker. econo grinders r fine for your purposes

Your right, I guess I'm a half assed coffee snob. I like fresh ground beans, I like it brewed with the right temperature, filtered water, but I don't mind having it sit for a couple days, I don't see any difference in the taste until day 3, assuming its stored right. After that it seems to gets a little bitter.

I made a single cup of coffee yesterday just by doing a pour over with a reusable filter basket I had, worked ok, I need to figure out the right amount of beans now. Brewing right into the carafe didn't even cross my mind. I'm definitely getting one of those filter cones, thanks.

I gave up on the French press, it lets to much sludge through, probably a combo of too fine a grind and a cheap press.

Today I dug out the old stovetop perk. I thought it would burn the coffee, but it actually made a pretty good cup, again, need to work on the amount of beans. I think it'll work for now.
Make sure to clean it well since it has that integrated metal mesh. Should make for a nice cup o java.

Better than nescafe anyways. Good choice neo

Cool. Yeah it's all instant Nescafe3-1 over there. And I try to not support Nestle let alone drink that shit. Yeah I bought it Monday for 4.99. Glad I did, just seen it's 9.99 today. Black Friday deals my ass. What a crock of shit.
I bought this thing for $4.99 to bring with me and make fresh coffee over in the far east since Nescafe is all they have. Mailed a couple bags of blue mountain to ourselves last month. What you coffee snobs think about that?! I've never done pour over but it's like totes the snob way to do it right?

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Thanks Neo, that is perfect for making qwizo and edibles. Too much lost in a paper filter. Now my inner quantitative chemist is pleased. Bless you
I bought this thing for $4.99 to bring with me and make fresh coffee over in the far east since Nescafe is all they have. Mailed a couple bags of blue mountain to ourselves last month. What you coffee snobs think about that?! I've never done pour over but it's like totes the snob way to do it right?

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You know Asians drink tea, right?

Spend all the money to fly halfway around the world to experience a different culture- but mail yourself food from home.

It just seems self defeating, I guess.
You know Asians drink tea, right?

Spend all the money to fly halfway around the world to experience a different culture- but mail yourself food from home.

It just seems self defeating, I guess.

Yeah I've been there 3 times before. Regardless tea is rather bland and I like coffee for breakfast. So does my wife. Hence why I mailed us coffee. We mainly mailed milk for our daughter, but were able to fit 2 bags of coffee in the flat rate box too. Not like I mailed oreos and McDonalds and am refusing to eat the local dishes. It's coffee. I get to experience the culture to a point more than most can handle.