Coco Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
anyone know where i can get Canna Coco Coir to the east coast usa?? only place iv found is whose shipping is $35. i find that ridiculous. thats like buying another bag and a half. i can go to my local hydro shop and buy Roots Organic coco for $20 a bag but i hear so much good things about canna i gotta try it. anyone?


Well-Known Member
So I have a quick question that I'm sure you all can help out on. I just crafted a homemade hydro system that uses small net pots which are filled with coco. They are being fed from the top via a pump (sort of like a drip feed system but the net pots hang over a reservoir similar to DWC). Right now I have nothing inside the set up as I just finished it. However, I am unsure of feeding schedule for such a set up!!

I plan to put some seeds into the coco and letting them germ and run inside the system for a while. The water lines running to each pot don't necessarily "drip"

Top of system, lines run to each small net pot filled with coco, have foam inserts to cover the coco which I may or may not use:

Bottom of system (dark picture, hard to see anything):

Side view kinda:

Again sorry for the dark pictures.

So long story short. How long do I feed these things? I was gonna run the water 24/7 but then since I am using coco instead of hydroton I am worried in rotting the roots due to the coco holding too much water.

I also have another pump with outlets and two air stones that I am putting in to add oxygen and whatnot to the water. So question is, how long do I leave the water running? Any suggestions!?
it sounds like hydroton would be better for this set up. if you use coco in net pots, before the roots secure the coco some will be getting washed away by the water and going in the pumps and system you got going. for nutes it really depends on what company your looking at. i use General Hydroponics which is fairly cheap and only use two parts, bloom and micro, so its easy for the user as well.

anyone know where i can get Canna Coco Coir to the east coast usa?? only place iv found is whose shipping is $35. i find that ridiculous. thats like buying another bag and a half. i can go to my local hydro shop and buy Roots Organic coco for $20 a bag but i hear so much good things about canna i gotta try it. anyone?
ill look into finding some for you matatan, two heads are always better than one.


Active Member
Nice Puka! How much A & B do you use with those? I just grew a Blue Cheese and found it couldn't take much nutes, compared to some of my other strains. Plants look wonderful Bro!


Well-Known Member
Nice Puka! How much A & B do you use with those? I just grew a Blue Cheese and found it couldn't take much nutes, compared to some of my other strains. Plants look wonderful Bro!
Cheers mate, the highest i went was 12ml/4L and the same with the g13, ive found that i never go over that cos by the time ive raised to that its time for the pk so i lower it back down!
Did you grow big bhuddas mate?


Well-Known Member
anyone know where i can get Canna Coco Coir to the east coast usa?? only place iv found is whose shipping is $35. i find that ridiculous. thats like buying another bag and a half. i can go to my local hydro shop and buy Roots Organic coco for $20 a bag but i hear so much good things about canna i gotta try it. anyone?
Coco is coco where ever it comes from it's inert there's nothing added the only difference is that the Canna is cleaner than the others so for the price you've been quoted i wouldn't worry to much about it


Well-Known Member
anyone know where i can get Canna Coco Coir to the east coast usa?? only place iv found is whose shipping is $35. i find that ridiculous. thats like buying another bag and a half. i can go to my local hydro shop and buy Roots Organic coco for $20 a bag but i hear so much good things about canna i gotta try it. anyone?
The Canna website has a dealer locator by zipcode. Here is the link.

hi all growing big bang 2 in coco in airpots and i have transferred 4 from 1 litre to 3 litre and found it a problem handling them to place inside the 3 litre pots any ideas should the coco be moist or dry as i will have to then go from 3 litre to 10 or 15 not sure yet peace :)


Well-Known Member
hi all growing big bang 2 in coco in airpots and i have transferred 4 from 1 litre to 3 litre and found it a problem handling them to place inside the 3 litre pots any ideas should the coco be moist or dry as i will have to then go from 3 litre to 10 or 15 not sure yet peace :)
The coco shoulld be moist. I have best results about an hour after a moderate watering. The root ball must be big enough to hold the mass together or it will be hard to keep in one piece.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
Whats up guys? I havent been on RIU in months but I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing these days? I see some old familiar faces and some new regulars as well.... Nice!
I probably wont be on everyday like I used to be, but I just wanted to stay in touch and see how some of my old RIU friends are doing... Hope your all good! I will try to check back over the next day or so and I hope to long in and help once every week or two.
-Peace... -J.B


Well-Known Member
Coco is coco where ever it comes from it's inert there's nothing added the only difference is that the Canna is cleaner than the others so for the price you've been quoted i wouldn't worry to much about it
i bought roots organic coco from my local hydro shop and it had perlite (i believe its perlite little white rocks) and visually it looks different from the pics iv seen of canna coco which has no white rocks. i just transfered my seedlings 2in rockwool cubes into 3 gallon pots with that RO coco. just about everything i pour into the pot comes out. alot of drainage, is this normal because the roots havent spread out in the pot yet? also when i water the top layer of coco shifts around, im worried of i pad the coco down firmly it will restrict roots from growing.. school me pls :-?

The Canna website has a dealer locator by zipcode. Here is the link.

thanx dude, but i used that already, the nearest dealer is like a 5 hour drive


Well-Known Member
matatan- yeah you have a large pot with no root growth so you wont be needing to water all the time. just mainly wait until it drys out. you got to let the roots grow out a bit. coco with perlite does have extreme drainage which i dont see why people would need it when coco is already a very good draining system. the top layer will pretty much always move and it doesnt effect anything poorly.

james gordon

Active Member
hey all this is my buddah syrup or deimos i cant member lol my badness...should be ready fairly soon



Well-Known Member
I friggin love Coco now. The growth rates are similar to my old flood/drain tables, even mild dosing them.

Never heard of it before coming to RIU, then just tried it, using Miracle Gro and General Hydroponics. Despite some rather severe yellowing which I can't keep under control, I love how my plants have come out.

Just gotta get the next batch dialed in, and change my nutes I think.

Check out my thread in my sig for pics.


Well.... Had a house fire. central air caught fire. We wernt home when it happened. FD kicked in door and found grow room. Police came and took everything. Im a registered marijuana caregiver. I lost all 12 of my girls. Its been a sad week.


Active Member
Cheers mate, the highest i went was 12ml/4L and the same with the g13, ive found that i never go over that cos by the time ive raised to that its time for the pk so i lower it back down!
Did you grow big bhuddas mate?[/QUOTE
Yeah when I grew the first one, along with Sour D, I gave them like 20/gallon. It was too much. Now with the Blue Cheese and Sour D I stick at 10 and they do wonderful. I haven't grown Big Bhuddas. Haven't heard of that one. I do have a bunch of others. Like the Sour D, Tundra/Blueberry, Black Domina, Juicy Fruit, BC God Bud, Blue Cheese, Maui, and Cheesel.
Have a good one bro! Keep up the good job!


Whats up guys? I havent been on RIU in months but I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing these days? I see some old familiar faces and some new regulars as well.... Nice!
I probably wont be on everyday like I used to be, but I just wanted to stay in touch and see how some of my old RIU friends are doing... Hope your all good! I will try to check back over the next day or so and I hope to long in and help once every week or two.
-Peace... -J.B
Hey nice to see you again, found this tread a few weeks ago and just finished reading it. was starting to miss you but here you are, you have helped me more than you know in my first of many coco grows to come so thanx.!preparing for my second coco grow now and i have a question about cloning in Rockwool cubes 2" by 2" and then go to coco since i dont like the coco starters wery mutch. they work but they dont handle as easy as rockwool cubes i think. So is there any probs with this at all? btw i think i read about this somewhere but itshard to remember it all:-)