Coco Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, i use 6ml micro and 9ml bloom of GH in veg and bloom for all my plants so ill drop it down to 3ml and 4.5ml for the first couple waterings on the seedlings.


Active Member
8 days since they popped thru. So far so good. Loving the coco and canna! Fed them yesterday and today they have signs of new growth. Looks like they may have a little stretch to them. I gave them 5ml of the rhizo 3ml of coco a&b mixed with a half gallon of water. Only mixing a half gallon at a time don't want to waste nutes while upping the nutes each time. I think I'm on the right track. Wondering when to transplant from the 4" pot to 3 gallon pots. So I have the coco a&b rhizotonic cannazyme hammerhead pk and atami bloombastic. I've been reading about shooting powder and also budxl here on RIU. anyone know if I can use those two in conjunction with the nutes I already have? Or is it too much? Are the shooting powder and the budxl the same as the bloombastic and the hammerhead I have? Any suggestion on adding anything else to the mix? Or am i good to go with what I have? Also wondering if anyone has any experience using the bubbleator or the bubblenow hash making machines? Anyone have any experience using a dry sift like the bubble box or the tumble now, easy kief, or any dry sifting machine like these and the pollinator? Was Really looking at the bubbleator machine until i seen the bubblebox and the easy kief dry sifters. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

I got a question I will be growing in 5 gallon buckets with saucers at the bottom using Botanicare CocoGro Loose...anyways would i have to empty each individual saucer with the waste water? or do you just leave the water sitting in the bottom of the saucer?


Active Member
I got a question I will be growing in 5 gallon buckets with saucers at the bottom using Botanicare CocoGro Loose...anyways would i have to empty each individual saucer with the waste water? or do you just leave the water sitting in the bottom of the saucer?
Does not really matter, but will raise humidity and possibly attract bugs so it's cleaner to empty them.


Well-Known Member
I always empty mine after about 20 min mate i read some where if you let your roots at the bottom of the pot sit in it can coarse you probs!


Active Member
I got a question I will be growing in 5 gallon buckets with saucers at the bottom using Botanicare CocoGro Loose...anyways would i have to empty each individual saucer with the waste water? or do you just leave the water sitting in the bottom of the saucer?
Use a shop vac to take out the excess water....or just put them in a tray a do a recirculating system.....I've done this with coco.....worked great.....Peace
Thanks all for the advice I was actually thinking of using one of those tube squirt guns where you have to put the tip in water and suck water in...but a shop vac seems more efficent!


Hey everyone, we really need our own forum. I germed a few seeds. 2 blueberry gum and 2 ak47. I used the paper towl method and within 48 hours the blueberry gum had over inch long tap root and folding out of it's seed. The ak tho only had like 4mm taproots. I brought these coco discs that you sprayer water on and the puff up. The blue berry popped and is doing well but the ak never did. Should I have left it for a bit longer before I planted it? Or is it better straight into coco?
I'll try and get some pics of my bbg, I think I need to up her nutes she's looking a little light green.
Anyone got links to some good coco grows?


@ emerald buhddah..take a look at my post bout my system called water saves backaches and is simple once done and has alot of advantages...peace..



went and checked on them and they seem to look ok, maybe could go a little darker. i upped the nutes aswell. im using nf canna coco, i started with 15m/10L and up up to about 23-24m/10L. also using a muilty vitamin not sure what its called but its 1m/1L

anyone see any problem and the cube things are the coco pallets once fuffed up. should i just put seed straight in that?

Cloner X

I got a question I will be growing in 5 gallon buckets with saucers at the bottom using Botanicare CocoGro Loose...anyways would i have to empty each individual saucer with the waste water? or do you just leave the water sitting in the bottom of the saucer?
Once i got the watering volume per pot dialed in i simply don't water to much runoff. I am running 100% coco in 3 gallon smart pots. Right now the 12 flowering girls are on week 4 and drinking about 3 cups/ea. This leaves just enough water in the saucers that - so long as they are watered within a couple hours of lights on - will burnt off well before the lights go out. It also leaves enough for testing pH/EC, if need be. Just my $.02, FWIW.

Peace, pot and prudence! :leaf:


Active Member
I'm currently 40 days into vegg using coco in 3gal pots. Last sat I flushed with 3gal/each pot w/ 9mL/gal each of Heavy 16 Veg A&B and .5mL/gal of Calmag. Ppm was around 900 and pHed to 5.8. Run-off was 6.5!
I let them dry out and fed today with .5mL/gal of Calmag, 1mL/gal of Floralicious plus,1mL/gal of Roots excel, and 10mL/gal each of Heavy 16 Veg A&B. I feed with 1.5gal of water each pot. Ppm is around 1100 pHed to 5.8. Run-off was 7.0!
I automatically started flushing with 2.5mL/gal each of Heavy 16 Veg A&B. 3 gal each pot pHed to 5.0 ppm is around 300. Run-off was 6.5. I ran out of RO water. Will re-up tom. But do I continue to flush with 300ppm water pHed to 5.0 until pH reaches 5.8?
Or do I just flush with 6gal/each of plain RO water pHed to 5.8?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
just flush with 6gal/each of plain RO water pHed to 5.8
That's the ticket, but you want to add 1-2ml per gallon of your coco nutrients to the solution to get the right element ratios. Coco flushes out different elements at different rates. If you have to flush the media then you always want some nutrition in the solution. Less than 400ppm total, I like to use a solution that is between .6ec and .7ec.


Active Member
Oh ok. Ya that is why I flushed with 300ppm. Is that ok? I will try to use only 2mL/gal of veg A&B. And see how that goes

Cloner X

Last sat I flushed with 3gal/each pot w/ 9mL/gal each of Heavy 16 Veg A&B and .5mL/gal of Calmag.
Ppm was around 900 and pHed to 5.8. Run-off was 6.5!
I let them dry out and fed today with .5mL/gal of Calmag, 1mL/gal of Floralicious plus,1mL/gal of Roots excel, and 10mL/gal each of Heavy 16 Veg A&B. I feed with 1.5gal of water each pot. Ppm is around 1100 pHed to 5.8. Run-off was 7.0!
I automatically started flushing with 2.5mL/gal each of Heavy 16 Veg A&B. 3 gal each pot pHed to 5.0 ppm is around 300. Run-off was 6.5. I ran out of RO water. Will re-up tom. But do I continue to flush with 300ppm water pHed to 5.0 until pH reaches 5.8?
Or do I just flush with 6gal/each of plain RO water pHed to 5.8?
In my experience it's pretty typical for the pH to be a bit more alkaline in the runoff. I water at 5.8-5.9 and typical runoff is 6.1-6.3. I believe it's a cation exchange issue and is totally normal. Unless that plants look like they're having pH issues, there's no need to worry about the pH of the runoff.

On a side note, coco is better off watered on a regular schedule and not allowed to dry more than a day, especially in a 3 gallon pot scenario.

Snow Crash gives sound advice about flushing with low nuted water. I learned that the hard way myself. :wall: I was trying to flush with straight water and couldn't get the pH under control until mixing 1/4 strength nutes. Again, a cation exchange issue.

Oh ok. Ya that is why I flushed with 300ppm. Is that ok? I will try to use only 2mL/gal of veg A&B. And see how that goes
5.8 @ 200-300ppm (hanna) should do the trick.

Good luck!

Peace, pot and prudence. :leaf: