Coco Grow Nutrients


When you use CANNA A+B (3ML PER LITRE) is that everyday? So, 1.5 gallon pot = 5.6 liters around 18 ml of nutrients into around 6 liters of water daily? Seems like it can get pricey, would yields make up for it?


Active Member
No, do you have a ec/ppm meter? you top it up when needed to raise ppm to desired level your plant requires for which stage its at. So if you use your canna grow guide it will say week 1-2 veg needs 900ppm so top it up to 900 makes sense? and btw the levels canna tell you to use are wayyyyyyy to high and will nute burn your plans so dial it down abit


Well-Known Member
I don't know much about hydro as I'm a soil grower but I think you should get some sort of fox farms? (not sure)


No, do you have a ec/ppm meter? you top it up when needed to raise ppm to desired level your plant requires for which stage its at. So if you use your canna grow guide it will say week 1-2 veg needs 900ppm so top it up to 900 makes sense? and btw the levels canna tell you to use are wayyyyyyy to high and will nute burn your plans so dial it down abit
Thanks, are there any guides to coco growing and the whole ec/ph/ppm reading? I have a 24x24x60 tent and feel this while maximize space and yields. I plan on growing autos and following something similar to this:

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
When you use CANNA A+B (3ML PER LITRE) is that everyday? So, 1.5 gallon pot = 5.6 liters around 18 ml of nutrients into around 6 liters of water daily? Seems like it can get pricey, would yields make up for it?
in coco i feed every day. but early on, i may let a couple days pass before i feed again. you can tell if the plants are drinking by the weight of the containers. feed until you get some good run-off, 10-15%. and no, you wouldn't feed 6 liters daily. also, i rarely get above 800 ppm in coco. coco doesn't require the high feed strengths, like soil....


in coco i feed every day. but early on, i may let a couple days pass before i feed again. you can tell if the plants are drinking by the weight of the containers. feed until you get some good run-off, 10-15%. and no, you wouldn't feed 6 liters daily. also, i rarely get above 800 ppm in coco. coco doesn't require the high feed strengths, like soil....

Newb questions but how do you measure run off percentages and how do you collect run off in a tent?

Trying to get a good grasp of everything before starting.


Active Member
here you go pal as i said they are way to high for the nute strength though. They do this so you use more and buy more.
this grow guide is good for just a basic feeding idea for a newb and you will tinker with it till you find the ideal strength for your particular strain as they are all different.

The way i learnt about ppm reading (btw ppm and ec are the same thing just different ways of reading it) was if you put 5 litres of water in a bucket and set the ppm to 500, if the water level goes down and the nutes go up that means they are drinking more water than nutes so lower the nutes.
If the water stays the same but the nutes go down they want more nutes.
If the water goes down and the nutes stay the same they are having the ideal amount so keep the nutes at that level untill they want more hope that makes sense

and sorry i have no experience with autos

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i mean 10-15% of the total of what you feed, should be your run-off amount. i just double bucket. top bucket drips into bottom bucket. there are any number of ways to accomplish this.


i mean 10-15% of the total of what you feed, should be your run-off amount. i just double bucket. top bucket drips into bottom bucket. there are any number of ways to accomplish this.

I am still a bit confused so, please bare with me.

1) If you are watering until you get 10-15 % run off how do you know how much water/nuts to mix before watering? If it is 1.5 gallon pot = 5.6 liters around 18 ml of nutrients into around 6 liters of water but, you only needed 3 liters how can you accurately measure 10-15 %. In other words if the amount of watering will vary daily how can you measure 10-15 % run off?

2) Using a double bucket or something to catch the water do you just eyeball the amount of runoff or measure out everyday?

I am probably over looking something small which is confusing me.

EDIT: First read about coco here:

But it just mentions ml of nutes per liter of water. Any idea how he may have watered?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
no, you're not missing anything. you're just over-thinking it. depending on how many plants i run, i mix 5-10 gallons at a time. i water/feed, till i hear dripping. for me, that usually ends up being what i'm looking for. it doesn't have to be perfect. you'll get the hang of it, just takes a few times. you'll become familiar with a routine/amount.


Active Member
IT depends on how you water. I think people earlier are talking about coco with a rez or following a more hydro approach with drip lines.

I use coco and water it just like you would a soil plant. 5gal pots with all my runoff being drained and dumped every watering.

as an example first week of flower: 14ml/4gal

etc etc, these numbers are made up but each time you mix up water (for me its every other day) you would use 14ml,16ml,18ml, whatever.

In hydro you can stick your ec meter in a rez and see what the plants have done with the water (consumed 300ppms of food, 2 liters of water) and "top it off" to bring it to the numbers your plants need for that given week. In such, you could add back 2 liters of water and only 7ml of food to bring the entire rez back to where it needs to be.


no, you're not missing anything. you're just over-thinking it. depending on how many plants i run, i mix 5-10 gallons at a time. i water/feed, till i hear dripping. for me, that usually ends up being what i'm looking for. it doesn't have to be perfect. you'll get the hang of it, just takes a few times. you'll become familiar with a routine/amount.

Ah ok. So, even if you under-water or over-water a bit you can easily fix it by adjusting the following day?

Another question do you water multiple times a day? If so, how do you go about gauging run-off?

Would you recommend having some type of catch for run off or can I just use pots/smart pots. If so would I have to underwater a little to make sure I don't mask a mess?


IT depends on how you water. I think people earlier are talking about coco with a rez or following a more hydro approach with drip lines.

I use coco and water it just like you would a soil plant. 5gal pots with all my runoff being drained and dumped every watering.

as an example first week of flower: 14ml/4gal

etc etc, these numbers are made up but each time you mix up water (for me its every other day) you would use 14ml,16ml,18ml, whatever.

In hydro you can stick your ec meter in a rez and see what the plants have done with the water (consumed 300ppms of food, 2 liters of water) and "top it off" to bring it to the numbers your plants need for that given week. In such, you could add back 2 liters of water and only 7ml of food to bring the entire rez back to where it needs to be.

Thanks, Yeah I may get auto pots but, most likely would like to water like regular pots by hand.

Can you give me an example of how you watering may be in week 1? So, Monday you mix 14 ml/4 gallons, tuesday do you use it all or gauge run off... etc.

Do you water multiple times a day?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i hand feed like ibex. but he's right. a lot oof folks do the drip thing. i have a system ready, just haven't hooked it up. one thing, i don't like recirculating. i suggest run to waste with coco. you'll see much better results. topping off can be a bit of a guessing game. if you run to waste, when your plants decide to feed, they're getting the real deal "every," time. coco actually prefers several small feeds daily. now setting that up correctly to get your run-off can be tricky. once you get the amounts correct you'll really be rocking....

very difficult to over feed in coco, but it can be done if you're really lame... coco will only hold onto so much liquid, then it just lets go of it. that's the reason for some sort of way to deal with the run-off. you don't want the coco, wicking the already drained feed back up...


i hand feed like ibex. but he's right. a lot oof folks do the drip thing. i have a system ready, just haven't hooked it up. one thing, i don't like recirculating. i suggest run to waste with coco. you'll see much better results. topping off can be a bit of a guessing game. if you run to waste, when your plants decide to feed, they're getting the real deal "every," time. coco actually prefers several small feeds daily. now setting that up correctly to get your run-off can be tricky. once you get the amounts correct you'll really be rocking....

very difficult to over feed in coco, but it can be done if you're really lame... coco will only hold onto so much liquid, then it just lets go of it. that's the reason for some sort of way to deal with the run-off. you don't want the coco, wicking the already drained feed back up...
When running an autopot system do the plants take care of the chance of uptake of run-off since they take only what they need? In contrast watering by hand definitely needs some type of catch and pot elevation to prevent this?

Since, they prefer multiple small feedings how would you go about doing that when watering by hand considering the whole run-off thing.

EDIT: From reading it seems that just one feeding a day is good enough.
