coco coir problem!


Hi guys, thanks for the help in advance. I am wanting to switch to coco coir and I am trying a test plant right now. The smaller one is in 100 percent coco coir and the other is in fox farm ocean soil. nutrients are fox farm big bloom and fox farm grow big. The one grown in coco coir is starting to look bad. the leaves are turning yellow and the new foliage is stunted, yellow, and curling under at the tips. The other one in soil is growing excellent with no problems. What can I do to correct this problem?



Not calcium or magnesium. Magnesium deficiency would show in the lower growth first. Calcium deficiency would cause dark green leaves with orange-tan necrotic patches along the leaf margins.

Coco coir is very close to neutral pH wise, (near 7). It isn't as nutritive as soil like Ocean Forest is, you really want to use a different feeding regimen for it. Basically more phosphorous, more calcium and more micronutrients.

This looks like an iron deficiency to me; chlorotic new growth with dark green veins. Hopefully someone can confirm this for you.


Well-Known Member
When you grow in coco you should ideally be using coco specific nutes otherwise you have to add cal/mag in order to compensate.

If you were going to run a test comparison you should use some Specific coco nutes.

Oh and dont forget that with coco you feed every time rather than water water feed.
