Cocaine Stories - The White Devil


Well-Known Member
Yeah...I'm back in my mind frame of more organic methods of getting high i.e. weed and shrooms, and feel the need to keep away for the harder chemicals. I think my body deserves a break from them. Hell, I drink beer and that's enough for the synthesized chemicals...I don't even drink sodas anymore

Right on. The 'naturally occuring' drugs are for me... weed, shrooms, wine, coffee. I don't even think of alcohol as "synthesized" since I've seen deer stumbling drunk in the woods from eating wild grapes that fermented on the vine. That's about as natural as it gets. I do try to stay away from liquor though... its too strong for my blood. That's the same reason I stay away from coke. I'd chew on a coca leaf (how it originally was used), but I don't go near the chemically "concentrated" powder form.

Don't get me wrong! I'm not judging people who drink liquor or do coke... its just not for me b/c I get carried away with shit too easily. I suppose my position is a little ridiculous since if I did a tiny line of coke it would be the equivalent of what would be in a leaf "tea" infusion or from chewing the leaves. But like I said... the potential for me to fuck up with the strong stuff is just too great. Everyone's got to draw their line somewhere I guess.


Well-Known Member
never ever tried cocaine. all you guys and your stories are making me even more grateful for my decision


Well-Known Member
JSN, no amount of coca tea will make you feel like cocaine, although it has a nice buzz to it


Well-Known Member
i once had a connect named Greselda Blanco...but that dried up when she tried to kidnap JFK jr. (c) Cocaine Cowboys 2


Well-Known Member
JSN, no amount of coca tea will make you feel like cocaine, although it has a nice buzz to it
But, on the other hand, there *is* an amount of cocaine that will make you feel like coca tea.... a very small amount. Especially if you put the cocaine in a tincture mixture and absorbed it through your mouth. It's the same chemical substance, right?


Well-Known Member
Crazy all night party,
No sleep.
My friends want to go for breakfast.
I'm not sure if we did e,
I know my friend did,
All I know is I took my friend with me into the bathroom at my place,
and started railing hollywoods,
We went for breakfast,
more lines,
we ended up at the mall,
more lines,
Some shit went down and we ended up getting escorted out of the mall by two security guards.
I'm so fucked up at this point,
just flying on coke,
I just did a line in the bathroom.
Now when I'm being escorted out for a bullshit reason,
I am losing my edge,
my cool,
I need a smoke.
I light one up,
I'm still in the fucking mall,
The one security guard starts charging at me from about 20 feet away.
I'm in the mall smoking,
all coked out,
he's coming at me,
I'm fucking coked out,
coked out,
I'm fucking angry,
he's like 6 foot 4,
he starts trying to tackle me,
I fend him off,
I'm going around in circles,
There's a crowd growing,
some cheering me,
more cheering me on,
I'm being spun around and i'm laughing my ass off,
it's so enjoyable,
he's been taking swings at my stomach and face,
He grabs me and my rat is in my sleeve,
I heard her squeak,
from pain,
I snap,
Clack to the jaw,
Drops him,
lucky shot I guess,
the other guard is pissed,
trying to get me too,
here goes the spinning,
why aren't my friends jumping in,
the crowds getting bigger,
more people are cheering me on,
I'm spinning and laughing,
another lucky shot to the jaw,
Some old guy is on the phone,
the cops are coming,
two security guards are on the ground,
4 cops are coming in,
this old guys trying to grab me but I'm swinging like crazy,
the cops get there,
4 of them,
clubs out,
I just dropped to my knees and put my hands on my head.

The charges for assault get dropped.
Because he hit me first and I defended myself.
half ounce of pot,
6 grams of coke.
jailtime :)


Well-Known Member
never ever tried cocaine. all you guys and your stories are making me even more grateful for my decision
dont start !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVER !!!!!!!!! ITS TO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!

:shock: got to stop now.... got loads of cash and well could lead to some shit evening, and next morning i wake up and think rofl ! 300 bucks for 3g's for nothing ! I could of brought 300 bucks worth of the best weed that lasts me for 1 week or more, and i am feeling great... not like cocain..

ahhh now i dont feel like taking it ! bad drug !


Well-Known Member
last year i tried it. kept awake for awhile, but it wasnt anything amazing to me. i thought i'd rather take Ex than sniff coke.

then a couple months later i tried it again. snorted half the bag, and 10mins later i was throwing up. it sucked.

ended up selling the rest to some dumbass who overpayed.


Well-Known Member
Crazy all night party,
No sleep.
My friends want to go for breakfast.
I'm not sure if we did e,
I know my friend did,
All I know is I took my friend with me into the bathroom at my place,
and started railing hollywoods,
We went for breakfast,
more lines,
we ended up at the mall,
more lines,
Some shit went down and we ended up getting escorted out of the mall by two security guards.
I'm so fucked up at this point,
just flying on coke,
I just did a line in the bathroom.
Now when I'm being escorted out for a bullshit reason,
I am losing my edge,
my cool,
I need a smoke.
I light one up,
I'm still in the fucking mall,
The one security guard starts charging at me from about 20 feet away.
I'm in the mall smoking,
all coked out,
he's coming at me,
I'm fucking coked out,
coked out,
I'm fucking angry,
he's like 6 foot 4,
he starts trying to tackle me,
I fend him off,
I'm going around in circles,
There's a crowd growing,
some cheering me,
more cheering me on,
I'm being spun around and i'm laughing my ass off,
it's so enjoyable,
he's been taking swings at my stomach and face,
He grabs me and my rat is in my sleeve,
I heard her squeak,
from pain,
I snap,
Clack to the jaw,
Drops him,
lucky shot I guess,
the other guard is pissed,
trying to get me too,
here goes the spinning,
why aren't my friends jumping in,
the crowds getting bigger,
more people are cheering me on,
I'm spinning and laughing,
another lucky shot to the jaw,
Some old guy is on the phone,
the cops are coming,
two security guards are on the ground,
4 cops are coming in,
this old guys trying to grab me but I'm swinging like crazy,
the cops get there,
4 of them,
clubs out,
I just dropped to my knees and put my hands on my head.

The charges for assault get dropped.
Because he hit me first and I defended myself.
half ounce of pot,
6 grams of coke.
jailtime :)

awsome... was that your first time?


Well-Known Member
I used to be hardcore into drugs,
I was dealing and popping e's,coke,ketamine,weed,speed,crack and acid.
I have alot of coke stories if you want to hear more.
That was my awakening of how fucked up I had become.


Well-Known Member
I was wearing a pair of sport breifs that had a little pocket in them infront of my balls too.
I had about 8 grams of K and 20 pills in there.
When I got strip searched I had to pull them down but they never found them,
So I was in the court holding cell,
and I was talking to some thugs,
who were trying to run me up,
and I was like man,
your fucking with a cool guy,
and I gave them some k and e,
and they thought I was bomb shit.
I ended up with protection from that moment in jail though.
which is sick as balls.

When I was there though, I was wearing this Black Flag Tshirt with a picture of a cop with a gun in his mouth with a caption that said "MAKE ME CUM FAGGOT."

I dunno, I didn't have a bad time in jail,
I was laughing at everything because I was high.
The cops just wanted to fuck with me and by laughing with them because I couldn't help it,
they gained respect for me and I got super good treatment.

Lifes fucked up.


Well-Known Member
I also ended up making out with some really got intern or something.
She was testing me for T.B
before I was in the cell,
but we were alone and she just kept looking at me and blushing,
and I was like,
I only fucked up a little ;)
Sweet talked her hahaha.

yeaaaaaah I'm cool.


Well-Known Member
I use to roll with a gold plated glock,
telling everybody to suck my cock,
I had so much cash I didn't know what to do with it,
I used to hand out hundreds to homeless people for fun,
and run around toronto giving out free e to people when I was messed,
like anybody I met,
just throwing out pills into peoples hands.
I'm such a fucked up person.
I met this guy in a coffee shop,
and I felt like I needed to be his friend,
because he was in an accident and didn't remember anything,
and I was on e everyday,
and I used to just want to make everything better for him.
I'd take him out shopping and get him what he wanted.
I hate remembering this shit.


Well-Known Member
I like to think I was a force of good in the world though,
I used to take street kids out for dinner,
take them shopping,
get them booze,
give them drugs,
buy them new clothes,
I don't know.
I thought I was some kind of happy diplomat.
I crashed hardcore and I didn't touch drugs not even pot for a year and a half.
Now I'm doing e and shrooms again.
Failing school because it's too easy.
I'm fucked up.