• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Cocaine Stories - The White Devil


I used to take a lot of the powder up the nose. I have good and bad stories and lots of each. I think i overdosed once though and that is the story I will tell.

I was only 17 when i was into it and basically was a driver for the local dealer since we grew up in the suburbs there's no street corner johnny it was all delivery. So one day we made a pretty big sale and ended up with about an ounce of coke and a wad of cash so we decided to get fucked up good. We bought an ounce of some decent bud and started doing lines and smoking blunts. I did a little over an 8 ball fairly quickly but I had a decent tolerance at the time so that wasn't out of hand and smoked a few blunts. Then this girl I used to bang from time to time called and said she wanted to hang out so I headed off.

I'm driving to her house and all of a sudden my hand starts tingling like that feeling when your leg falls asleep pins and needles type deal. Then the hand goes entirely numb so I look at it and realize i have no control over that hand and I feel the lack of control moving into my feet and my other hand so i pull over the car. Then right as I get to the side of the road a big flash like an old school camera bulb goes off and all I hear is a ringing in my ears. My hands are clinched whie knuckle on the steering wheel and I can't get them open, my whole body feels locked up so I thrust myself back in my seat as hard as I can to get my hands off the wheel. My hands are still clinched tight and pinned to my chest like those retarded people with the wrists bent down and all mangled looking. I am freaking out thinking i just made myself retarded or something so I squirm my way into the backseat and lay there and start forcing my fingers open and closed one at a time with my teeth. As I did this I started regaining control of my fingers and slowly over the next half hour from fetal position curled up in the backseat I regained my motor skills. I was shaking like fucking Muhammed Ali the rest of the day and just drove to the girls house and passed out in her bed for like three hours.

gives me shivers... od'ing is not fun at all... never on powder, but i've went too far on the rock several times... just blacked the fuck out... come to sweatin and shaking, ears ringing... horrible feeling...


Well-Known Member
Since everyone else has stories about being shot at, I'll share mine. Where I live there's no hood or gangs, but for some reason people like to play like there are. A lot gangster wannabes I guess you would call them.

So we were driving across town, me in the passenger seat with my friend driving, and this car pulls up next to us at this red light and rolls down the window. The passenger commences to try to get us to buy something, what I don't know. We decline and pull off when the light turns green. This car keeps following us, riding our bumper, backing off, and just generally being a jacka**.

Next thing I know the car pulls up even with us and a guy hangs out the window holding a cell phone in his hand like a gun. My friend reaches under his seat a pulls out a .45, cocks it, and points it at the guy. (He still had it under his seat since the last time we went to Memphis) The other car freaks out and floors it.

I guess it isn't really a story about being shot at, it just has a gun in it.

I don't think they expected us to have a piece on us. Kinda funny. We wouldn't have actually shot or anything, but it was fun to put that little punk in his place. I hate people playing at being gangster, we don't need that crap around here.


Green Thumb of God
gives me shivers... od'ing is not fun at all... never on powder, but i've went too far on the rock several times... just blacked the fuck out... come to sweatin and shaking, ears ringing... horrible feeling...

Yeah it isn't easy to do on powder generally. I think it was the upper/downer weed coke mix. I had combined the two before but not in those quantities.

Just to be an even bigger downer on this thread. I had a friend die while out picking up coke for a party we were at. He went and picked up 3 8 balls and was driving home when the cops pulled up behind him and flipped on the lights. He swallowed the three bags of coke because he got crazy paranoid. The cops just gave him a ticket and left standard stop. He then called us at the party and said " I just swallowed all of it what do I do" We told him to call 911 go to the ER make himself puke and get that shit the fuck out of his system. He said he couldn't make himself puke and he wouldn't go to the ER because his parents would find out. As we were talking he started getting really slurred and mumbling and became incoherent and then went silent with the phone still on. We called 911 but didn't know exactly where he was at. They searched the area we thought he was in and found nothing. The next morning a kid walking to school found his body underneath his car...someone had stolen his wallet..


Active Member
Thats crazy, he should have known that would kill him.

I've blacked out playing video games and woken up hours later with blisters on my thumbs. HUGE blisters covering the entire end of both my thumbs. My hands were locked onto the controllers. I had to pry them off.

Thats why I quit, If I had an 8ball I would do the whole fucking bag.


Green Thumb of God
We were young and stupid. Though I've lost my closest friend and two really good ones to overdoses in the last two years now that we are "grown ups". I haven't done anything but smoke weed in over five years and I think my life is that much better for it.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt sya i'm easily addicted.. but I take things to an extreme.. like, fuck it I paid for a kilo today, so i'mma fuckin snort a kilo tonight...[/quote]

haha hell yea thats how you do it


Well-Known Member
Just to be an even bigger downer on this thread. I had a friend die while out picking up coke for a party we were at. He went and picked up 3 8 balls and was driving home when the cops pulled up behind him and flipped on the lights. He swallowed the three bags of coke because he got crazy paranoid. The cops just gave him a ticket and left standard stop. He then called us at the party and said " I just swallowed all of it what do I do" We told him to call 911 go to the ER make himself puke and get that shit the fuck out of his system. He said he couldn't make himself puke and he wouldn't go to the ER because his parents would find out. As we were talking he started getting really slurred and mumbling and became incoherent and then went silent with the phone still on. We called 911 but didn't know exactly where he was at. They searched the area we thought he was in and found nothing. The next morning a kid walking to school found his body underneath his car...someone had stolen his wallet..[/quote]

wow man thats really fucked up.


Well-Known Member
i dont have any coke stories.

i did only amphetamine and extazy. this was kind a fucked up. i overdosed with amphetamine - i took about 1.3 grams - and this was my first time. i didnt ate for 4 days and later my stomick was hard like rock. i felt like dying. my mother made me ate something and after some days i started to feel better. from this party 3 days later i was driving home and i was like - "i dont understand anything. who am i?? what the fuck is this? why do i feel soo bad? what am i doing?" later i came back..

after fief weeks i tried extazy with my 2 closest friends - a girl who was my best girl friend for 3.5 years and a guy who was my best guy friend for 2 years.

i was like - i love you guys. i dont want anything to kill our friendship and so on .. and after some hours i realised what a bunch of bitches and traitors are they.. i was cool but fief weeks later ended our friendship. only because of extazy. that was my second and last time i used shit like that. now i smoke only weed and sometimes drink some beers. i dont like to get drunk since i got good weed all the time :)


Well-Known Member
is an 8 ball a 1/8 oz?

i got caught dui when on coke, i drove through the town really fast and the cops came after me and i pulled over straight away, had hash in my pocket threw it in the ditch, all the coke in my brain, got banned from driving for 1 year..

id do some if i was out and someone offered me some but i dont buy my own anymore as ye said u have to do it all that night and go crazy.. its a nice feeling though, i done some in Argintina before and it was really strong stuff, i was wailking around the city at 6 am with big wide eyes.. good times


Well-Known Member
they went after me cause i was speeding through town at 2am..
i did nt see them the where back the rd that i turned onto..


stays relevant.
first time I did cocaine I ended up running into these two mexican dudes who were coked out too... i got in their car, and we drove down the street and started snorting more lines... uhm, and then they busted out and locked the doors and said "youre under arrest, we're undercover narcotics"

i totally shit my pants... thank god they were joking and then handed me some yayo... umm... if they were cops, they were the coolest cops ever. either way, pretty funny how cocaine always ends up with me goin through some messed up shit.

either way... it's been like 3 years since i've done it last... and while the high is probably my favorite high, i definitely do not miss the comedown.


Well-Known Member
i used to be a crackhead myself.... i supposedly "owed" one of the dealers about $100, it was my "friend's" debt, i was being held accountable cause he "put it in my hand".... after pullin a gun on me twice, i decided to give him a shotgun to squash the debt... a week later, he's acting like he doesnt know anything about it, wanting his money still; so i said "fuck em" and just kept dealing with the other guys i knew in the hood by my house... after seeing me over at the crackhouse for a few hours, and then tryin to block me in on the street (did some cool ass high speed reverse drivin for like a mile:mrgreen:) he went to my corner, bout 200ft from my house and waited, cause he knew i was goin home to smoke... pulled up at the stop sign and he turns, i saw the window go down, and then saw chrome.... i floored it and he ended up shooting about 4ft behind my door into my gas tank door, missed the tank (thank god), but the bullet ricocheted off the wheel well and ended up in my tire...

funniest thing is when i go to walmart to fix the tire (fix a flat can even stop up a bullet hole:mrgreen:), the guy was like "what happened, ran over somethin".. (as hes walking to the tire) then he sees the bullet hole, "holy shit bro, what kind of shit are you into??!" i just smiled and told him to give me a new tire:blsmoke:
I'll never forget your fucking face the morning after that night...Imagine how I would've looked riding around with ya on that night:shock: (compared to the night when we gave homeboy a lift and he was talking about killing that other dude...ahhhh, good times)



I'll never forget your fucking face the morning after that night...Imagine how I would've looked riding around with ya on that night:shock: (compared to the night when we gave homeboy a lift and he was talking about killing that other dude...ahhhh, good times)


"you wanna kill him???"

:shock::o"do wha?":confused:

"turn around.. we'll kill him:twisted:..."

"uh, no"


Well-Known Member
I've only done coke a few times..it was too expensive and didnt last long enough, never really got into it. Then I tried smoking meth, now thats some addicting shit. Cheaper, lasts longer, plus the crazy chemical clouds you blow are trippy. I was stuck on that shit for a while, did a bunch of fucked up shit,fucked over a lot of people and lost a lot of friends. Pretty fucked up, but it was fun for a while. Now I just do E at the occasional rave.