cocaine - help

raw is 98% your shit was cut 5 times before you got it ........ I used to deal that shit 15 yrs ago .. its bad news

Not really, coke heads don't rob stores for it, opiate addicts do, well may not be the same everywhere but in Canada it's pretty true, coke here is almost accepted socially the same as booze or pot, I can't find any other drugs for the life of me but a endless supply of coke.
I don't feel safe around drunk people or people on coke.

I have never been able to tolerate drunk people. I don't go out to public events I don't want to have to knock the shit out of a drunk guy and then get killed by the cop when he try's to put hand cuffs on me. seen a man raped in jail SO now I'm ride or die.
I have never been able to tolerate drunk people. I don't go out to public events I don't want to have to knock the shit out of a drunk guy and then get killed by the cop when he try's to put hand cuffs on me. seen a man raped in jail SO now I'm ride or die.
Anal Blades mate....all you have to do is clench.
alright awesome. You said the local head shops might carry it? I will do some more research... as i honestly can't find shit on the topic on google. literally nothing.
Hey bud here's some help. You're gunna want to get yourself some acetone. It's a clear substance. Don't buy any of that blue or yellow nail polish remover. Alright, grind up your coke and mix in what ever cut you want (the finer grounded up the better). Put a pan on the stove to light heat. Put your powder in the pan and controllably drip acetone on it using a dripper or even a straw. You'll want around 1.5 times the amount of acetone to product. Now as it evaporates use a butter knife pushing all of the coke towards the middle of the pan. Once completely evaporated the longer you leave it in the heat the harder it will become. You should end up with a cookie shaped rock. You can put it in the freezer to make it harder and more fresh. Good luck.
i beleave you can put it in a sealed plastic bag and pop it in a fridge for a bit

also you can heat over a water bath in another container so it melts bock together then pop in fridge it will go into a lump (dont get water in it ) or just leave in a cool place to cool down then you can beak up into rocks
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