CO2 during last 2 weeks

Elevate CO2 allows the plant to photosynthesize more rapidly which, in turn, allows for an increase in the amount of glucose that the plant uses for metabolism. We know that you can cut back on certain nutrients because "construction" is over so they're no longer needed. On the other hand, I can't think of a reason how reducing the metabolic rate of the plant would improve the yield or quality of a crop.

In reading research literature, I don't recall any mention of tapering off CO2.

The best concise source of info are the videos that Mitch Westmoreland released on You Tube early this year. He shares some of the research that he did for this PhD thesis as a Bugbee student. There's no discussion of increasing or decreasing CO2 levels. He and Bugbee recommend 1200PPM.

Re dropping temp - absolutely. That's a big part of Westmoreland's research. Keep the temps at flower tops well under 78° in order to retain cannabinoids.