Co2 Controller with humidity...Help Needed


Active Member
I have a homebox xtra small (4'x2'x2) and I'm running bottled co2 with a control wizard humidity co2 temp controller. I'm trying to figure out my best bet to work this out since I have my co2 injecting at .2cfm and at 1 min per 20 mins. How ever when my controller senses 60% humidity it switches my exhaust fan on and then injects more co2. Sometimes it could inject co2 6 times an hour. I don't want to waste co2. Any one have an idea how to solve this problem with out installing a dehumidifier which wouldn't fit into the tent. I'm running a 250 hps cool tube if it helps. Please help with suggestions. I don't want to have to refill my co2 tank more then 1-2 times per flowering. Thanks in advance!