• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Co2 controller for sealed room { help needed }


Mr I Can Do That For Half
On a sealed grow room for co2 a window ac will not work as it will vent the entire room and defeat the co2.If you need an ac it needs to be the kind that is portable on wheels around $300-600 at homedpot as it sits in the room with just and can cool without exahusting out. For a simple coi2 tank setup there are a few options. You can do an estimated fill to start with til you have a little more money. Use the co2 calculator and punch in your room size. It will tell you how long a co2 fill needs to be at a set bubble measure ement. So for this you need a co2 tank, electronic solenoid control valve, co2 hose , and a timer that is 7 day capable with 1 minute intervals fromhardware store about $20 fo the timer,$75-$200 for the valve, $50-150 for the tankl, $15 for the co2 hose. Now for venting I use 2 inline fans with flex ducting and a timer and 2 line dampers which allow the room to auto close off after exhaust and intake cycle. This type of setup I use in some of my grow tents as I have it pretty well figured so no need for a co2 controller module like green air or telaire. So I use the co2 only at lights on so my calculations say i need a 3 minute fill for my tent. I set my lights to come on at lets say 10 pm so my first co2 fill comes on at 9:55. Then I have it set to come on every 2 hours for roughly 3 minutes up to 5 minutes so that about 6 times per lights on cycle. I have my fans for exhaust and intake with the dampers set tco come on 10 minutes before the co2 fil so they can clear the room air and refill with fresh then they turn off just as the timer on the co2 tank comes on so if the co2 is set to come on at lets say 11:57 pm then the fans come on at 11:47 pm. The intake fans come on and the damper swings open letting fresh air in up high. The outvent fan kicks on and the damper swings open sucking the air out of the tent helping make a good fresh air movement. Now both those fan turn off right at 11:57 and the dampers swing close sealing the room and then the co2 tank kicks on for 3-5 minutes flooding the new room air with a fresh co2 fill. Keep temps around 80-85 F and your all good...otherwsie buy a co2 monitorcontroller and set the ppm to 1500 while lights on and set venting every 2-3 hours


Well-Known Member
you may also get a green air controller and co2 tank regulated but its hard going in and out of a house with co2 tanks lol unless u can convince everyone ur a diver
Or a welder, or brewing beer or have a kegorator, or make a LOT of balloon animals :) refill your own paint ball cans, etc.
From the garage into the house no one ever sees anything I bring in.

Mocha Rocha

Active Member
I have a sealed room setup with a Gen 2 Natural Gas Co2 burner. I previously had trouble with tempts so I purchased a 24,000 BTU AC split system. the compressor is outside and the coils ect are inside. I have my venting system go on about 10 min every hour is this ok? Also what temps should I be running for productive use of Co2 I'm runing about 74 now should it be about 80? Also the Co2 burner seams to go on for 5 minutes then off for about 10 minutes is this normal? Oh yeah and i think ppm of 2000 is not harmful to humans i have had it that high and been in there for about 40 minutes easy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stoppin by Mocha
How many watts you using? are you using hoods? if so what kind and if a.c. hoods how do you have that configured?

I read 85 is great for co2,but have friends that push those limits low 9o's and have great yields.I believe i read @ 91 deg the plant is most productive,but 85 seems safer to me.
cheers HBR

Mocha Rocha

Active Member
No problem headband. Im using four thousand watt lights in a 12x11 area. Im using Sun System Yield Master II 8" air cooled vents. I have the intake for the cooling of the light splt off into two rows. Each row has 2 lights. It then converges after passing through both rows and gets exhausted into the attic. Im growing some purple kush and headband in coco. Ill have a grow journal up soon.


Well-Known Member
anything above the 2000 ppm can kill you even at 1500ppm you don not to be enclosed very long
bwahahahahahahhahahahhahahah this is the stupidest answer evaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

canadain standars are 5000ppm inside a home at 10000 ppm being toxic and 30000 deadly not because of co2 poisoning but because themore co2 the less o2 there is in the room. My buddys townhouse is 1600 ppm and 800 ppm in bedroom, they are just sealed so tight and thats with no grow op. Outside ppm is around 350 ppm and inside a home should be around 600 to 800 ppm. Peek co2 is 1200 to 1800 ppm for plant growing depending on their stage of bloom and size.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
At 5000 ppm of co2 you will die no place will allow that high of a a co2 ppm for safe living. Show me this somewhere online and remember we are talking co2 ppm not just total air contaminate ppm 1500 is optimoal co2 for plants. Standard air in most areas is 300-500 ppm co2


Well-Known Member
At 5000 ppm of co2 you will die no place will allow that high of a a co2 ppm for safe living. Show me this somewhere online and remember we are talking co2 ppm not just total air contaminate ppm 1500 is optimoal co2 for plants. Standard air in most areas is 300-500 ppm co2
bwahahahahhahahahhaha http://www.inspect-ny.com/hazmat/CO2gashaz.htm

at 10000ppm u will get drowsy bwahahahahahhahahah u obviusly never run a perfect room or have had a co2 burner or a co2 controller cause you would know what ppm levels are safe and arent so dont post here if you are uneducated in the matter, u confuse and scare people for no reason


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ok here is a link to break down the percentage of co2 and the affects it has and when it will for sure kill you. Elevated co2 cuts off your o2 and you die... http://www.docstoc.com/docs/6064386/CO2 and for fun here is some reading for you
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless gas that is found in small quantities in the air, and is essential for plant life, without it plants could not survive.
Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the plants and during photosynthesis the CO2 is is split into it's basic elements, carbon and oxygen. Small amounts of oxygen are used by the plant but most of the oxygen are released back into the atmosphere.The carbon is combined with water (H2O) in the presence of light to form a sugar molecule. The plants then convert the sugar into carbohydrates. When the plant absorbs nutrients (primarily nitrogen from the roots) they are combined with the carbohydrates to form new plant tissue. This process is called photosynthesis. The entire process is only as good as its weakest link. If any of the required ingredients (light, CO2, water and nutrients) are at a level below that which the plant can use for maximum efficiency, the plant will not perform at it's full potential.In other words, if you inject CO2 into a system that is not receiving enough light or nutrients the results will be disappointing. We here at Hydro-U recommend that CO2 injection should only be done by experienced gardeners with a good working knowledge of their gardening system. Once a gardener is comfortable with the workings of their system and plant growth, CO2 can be a great benefit, however there are a lot of variables involved with using CO2 and beginners can really have their hands full, increasing the likelihood of a disaster (like total death of the entire crop).
There are several conditions that must be met for the plants to be able to use the increased CO2 levels properly. The most important is lighting. Light levels must be very high (more than 20 watts per square foot) or there will be little or no increase in plant growth rates. The plants will like slightly higher temperatures than normal (approx. 3 - 5 degrees higher). The plants will also metabolize water and nutrients faster, so reservoirs may need a little more attention.
Plants can absorb and process very large amounts of CO2. There is usually about 300 to 600 p.p.m. (parts per million) of CO2 in the atmosphere. Most plants can use 1500 p.p.m. in optimum growing conditions. When using elevated levels of CO2 the growth rate can be increased by as much as 100% to 200%. Most studies report increases in the 40% to 50% range.
The ideal situation would be to keep the CO2 levels at optimum at all times. This would require constant injection of low levels of gas (constantly replacing what the plants are using). This is not practical in most situations as venting of the growing environment is often needed to control heat build up. In these cases CO2 injection should be done immediately following venting.
The biggest problem that people encounter when using CO2 is that they get carried away, they think that a little is good so a lot is better....NOT! When CO2 levels approach 2000 p.p.m. most plants will die. High levels of CO2 are also toxic to humans, primarily due to oxygen deficiency. Before injecting CO2 the room should be vented to remove excess CO2 that might be left over from the previous injection, this prevents the build up of CO2 that could harm the plants.
There are several ways to get extra CO2, the two most common are using bottled CO2 and using CO2 generators. These are the automated ways to add CO2 to the growing environment. Getting precise control of the CO2 levels in your growing environment can be rather expensive, CO2 monitors are the best method, these monitors keep a constant reading of the C levels and automatically adds gas when needed. These monitors are fairly expensive so most people opt for a more inexpensive method (like timers).
for direct link to this article its at http://www.simplyhydroponics.com/using_co2.htm
so if canada is saying its ok for a home co2 ppm to be at 5000 ppm that would be nuts...I suggest you look again


Mr I Can Do That For Half
hector learn to read and know the fact dummy as what you say is completely wrong at a 7-10% co2 level you will die. A perfect co2 room is at 1500 ppm co2 and you do not stay long periods of time in those levels.10000 is a 10% level of co2 and dealy at least have a clue if you want to try and pretend you know what your talking about. I posted up plenty of scientific data above for you to get a clue where is this magical ok 10000 co2 ppm level thats ok for a canadian home to be in..dummy..please excuse him as he must like to make up stuff and try to pass it off like he had a clue get a life and an education if you want to make false posts without any scientific data. at 2000 ppm plants will die and 1800 they begin to wilt and sufficate which is why 1500 is the standard of max optimol go read little boy and come back when you learned something thats true


Well-Known Member
youe so stones 1000000 is 100 percent 10 percent is 100000 1 percent is 10000 ppm bwahahahhahahahahhahah im gona take a pic of me smoking weed at 2000ppm laughing at you bwahahahahahhahahahah bwahahahahhahahhahahhahhahahhahahahhahahahahhhahahahhahahahhahahah ur so stupid


Well-Known Member
10000ppm is 1 percent helloooooooooooooooooooooo bwahahahhahaha ur a stoner stop giving bad advise lol i iz from the land of 3 plus the new 2 plus bwahahahhahahhahahahhahahhaha


Mr I Can Do That For Half
well if your sitting in a 2000 ppm room with dead plants then we will know it is you guess you dont know much about co2 and growing as you can plainly see from just 2 quick references the optimol and even states the common knowledge at 2000 ppm plants die and nausa and light headed kicks in.. what a dummy lol you should read and learn and get a new ppm meter as yours must be broken lol


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Im still waiting for you to show me 1 fact to support 2000 ppm of co2 is safe to stay in and good for plants and that in canada its acceptable for a home to be at 5000 ppm co2??? what you have nothing to back your ignorant lies? not one piece of data? Not one backer? what a noob bet you grew 4 nice plants in you styro foam cups giving them great co2 from yeast and 5 huge 100watt cfls lol


Well-Known Member

10 000 ppmor 1 percent is toxic to humans like i said before 1200 to 1800 ppm depending of stage of growth for optimum growth and temps of 90f when using co2 80 to 85 if not also some strains react a little bit differently and not for young plants lol bwahahahhahahahha idiot


Mr I Can Do That For Half
to better simplify it this way. The average human breath is 5000ppm of co2 on exhale. Now put a plastic bag over your head and continue breathing and let me know how you feel in oh say 5 minutes. a constant 5000 ppm co2 ratio means no o2 intake pretty simple